"When one gets in bed with the government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul

Posted by GaltsGulch 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
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"When one gets in bed with the government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul

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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 1 month ago
    "If you crawl into bed with the government, you're laboring under a delusion as to who's doing the poking and who's getting poked."
    The character James Hill, based on the real life James Hill, in The Golden Pinnacle.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 1 month ago
    I had the opportunity to become a government supplier because a few of my customers wanted to do me the favor of making me very rich. I looked into it. Without going into specific details, I saw how it worked, that it was partly fraud, that I could get very rich, and that I would rather be poor than need to take a shower every hour for the rest of my life. Just a few hints of what you could do, and what had been done:
    You could easily charge 10 times the value of an item.
    You could collect the money before you delivered the product, and in some cases, IF you ever delivered it.
    I even saw cases in which an entirely different product was delivered that what the purchase order asked for and was accepted.
    I must admit, I was tempted.
    But anyone who thinks that the Washington Elites are any better than Bernie Madoff, that person is sadly mistaken.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
      one of my friend installed two computers. One monitored things the government wanted the other things the government sold. He is rich from this. His biggest score was to do with a USAF unit closing up for good. They had certain size milspec nuts and bolts. he bought at one price had a crew pick them up went off base to a motel dumped the contents in to a second box with new labels drove back on base and delivered them to a unit that was staying bought by the pound for pennies sold by the box of 100 for dollars. Check showed up about two months later so figure 100 nuts and bolts milspec for 100 cents a box sold for 50 dollars a box. the total distance from pick up point to drop off point was the length of a football field. His crew did a dozen or so of those deals all in one day. and went to the next military base. the total in different sizes was two thousand boxes. the bill for purchasing showed u AFTER the payment for selling....slice, dump seal . Actually took three days if I remember right but that nut and bolt deal was down in the space of am to pm. he charged extra for same day delivery.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 1 month ago
    Reminds me of the lecture I used to give my procurement team: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are well-paid pimps. The contractors are prostitutes, and our government customers are the Johns. That's why it's called procurement."

    That being said, I had a reputation from all involved as somewhat of a hardcase. I demanded full justification of the price for every proposal, and expected my team to expend serious effort in scrubbing the details before issuing a contract. I also refused to let the customer tweak the specifications endlessly (the biggest source of bloated contract cost). I also fought efforts to transfer funds from my projects to programs I knew were being run by incompetent managers. Unfortunately, I was among few program managers willing to resist the temptation to let things slide. My experience was with Pentagon procurement, but I have no doubt other agencies were equally wasteful of taxpayer money.
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  • Posted by jsw225 9 years, 1 month ago
    It's hypocrisy to insult those who get in bed with government when you put earmarks for your district in bills you KNOW are going to pass, and then vote against them.
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