9 Things That Show Mitt Romney Is Morally Bankrupt | Alternet

Posted by ssnyh 12 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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Someone I know posted this on my Facebook page, someone largely complicit to such points of view. I have to admit, after reading through this article, this is one of the most flimsy pieces of opposition against anyone that I have bothered to read.
To start, the leadup to the points spoke conceptually, often telling how whatever "seems" to be. To offer a concept of my own, I imagine the author of this wanted to hold context off until she got to her nine points.
Unfortunately, it lacked there as well. The points Miss Stan made were well-cited, but were couched in a mindset that some but not all independent thinkers might arrive at. Others rose genuine questions, but stopped there, almost as if to pre-suppose the response (That's my perception. I welcome yours, as well). So, please read this through, and tell me what you think.
SOURCE URL: http://www.alternet.org/election-2012/9-things-show-mitt-romney-morally-bankrupt?page=0%2C0

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  • Posted by Kralizac 12 years, 2 months ago
    That this is sort some of hit piece is obvious. Who cares? We need to look past the smokescreen and understand what is going on. I truly hope that you all understand that it doesn't really matter which one these two jokers wins. I don't see 5 cents worth of difference between the two. Both like the ndaa, the (un)patriot act, the bailouts, etc... Romney was the inspiration for obama care, the endless wars, etc..., etc..., ad nauseum. I can't in good conscience vote for either of these clowns. Oh well.....
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years, 2 months ago
    I made it to point two.

    I am so very tired of seeing someone selling something get blamed for the fact that people buy it and then use it in some stupid way.

    Drunk driving is not the fault of the drunk driver, its the fault of the alcohol producer.

    Someone smokes and its the fault of the cigarette producer.

    Someone kills another person with a knife and its the knife manufactures fault.

    the one that chaps me the most, someone kills with a gun and its the gun manufactures fault, or the persons who sold the gun fault.

    In all cases it is anyone's fault but the person who actually made the choice to commit the action.

    How is is Romneys fault (even if this article is accurate) that the Russians picked up smoking in droves? They choose to do it, whom else besides themselves is responsible for there actions.

    Then the Auto Bailout, which really should not be called the Auto Bailout at all, but the Auto Workers Union Bail out. Rick Wagner attempted to pull out a bankruptcy and restructure. he was blocked once that I know of by bush and once by Obama. Had he been able to do that the only looser would have been the Union. Now GM will move production to China. Romney was right, letting it take its course in the free market would have been better for everyone.

    I never went to the second page.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years, 2 months ago
    I got as far as the line below and x'd out of it. This is a ludicrous statement and I don't see the point in reading further. (Romney couldn't, and I don't even believe he would do this if he could. And it's irrelevant besides.) Frankly I'm exhausted by the abortion debate. We have bigger problems and it makes women look like ridiculous creatures.

    3. "Opposes abortion, but invested in company that disposes of aborted fetuses. Just because Mitt Romney would make it illegal to have an abortion ----" X
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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 2 months ago
    I only read the introduction, but these statements stick out:

    "To Romney, it seems, personal morality amounts to a roster of good personal habits (no smoking or drinking, a faithful marriage, generosity and compassion for ailing members of his faith community) that add up to a kind of personal exceptionalism that trumps whatever havoc his business behavior or political policies may wreak on the life of any poor schlub who should should cross his path."

    "Romney’s sense of morality seems to be based on a kind of fierce individualism, in which he apparently believes himself to be morally superior by dint of his own personal habits, and assumes no responsibility for the fate of those less rigorous in their personal code, should they find an appeal to their baser instincts in the words and actions of the beyond-reproach church leader, dutiful husband and father of five."

    The author is basically assuming relativism which leads to collectivism thus saying Romney is wrong for believing his moral code is correct. (Because if we accept relativism we have to understand that our morals are just what we believe but that doesn't make them correct...I know, I know, how do you believe something that isn't true?) It's the same trick the left has been playing for years "Our politicans can cheat on their wives because we don't think cheating is wrong, but if a Republican cheats, he's a jerk because he's going against his own morality."
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