Casting ASIII From Members Only
Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 9 months ago to Movies
I hate copycatting someone else's post but Jbrenner sparked an idea viz. If we had to cast ASIII with just the members of galtsgulchonline and realizing that most of us know each other solely by our posts, whom would you choose for each part?
khalling as Hank Rearden
ObjectiveAnalyst as Francisco
Rockymountainpirate as Ragnar
Non_mooching_artist as Dagny Taggart
sdesapio as Midas Mulligan
Eudaimonia as Hugh Akston
MarR as Ellis Wyatt (I had to cast myself as someone)
Maphesdus as Ken Danagger
jbrenner as The Wet Nurse
And the people who caused all of the voting crisis recently will be the moochers/looters (a.k.a Jim Taggart, Lillian Rearden, Wesley Mouch etc.)
I have an interesting background. I am a materials scientist like Hank Rearden. I once worked with coal like Ken Danagger and oil like Ellis Wyatt. In my primary role as a chemical engineer and materials scientist, I could teach Francisco d'Anconia a thing or two about purifying copper, too.
I would say that MarR otherwise pretty much nailed it on our casting.
Wow, I'm honored.
Thank you.
Thank you, MarR
I see myself, maybe, as Dan Conway, of the Phoenix-Durango RR, who retired with the passage of the Anti-dog-eat-dog Rule. Only if it happened today, I would outfit myself to withstand siege, almost as Midas Mulligan did. Eventually I would expect to cooperate with the local sheriff: none other than Joseph Arpaio, the present Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona--the seat of which happens to be the city of Phoenix. And so when Eddie Willers gets stranded on the broken-down Comet, I might be part of the "posse" that rides out to meet the abandoned train (just out of Flagstaff, if I recall correctly). So now you know what would happen to Eddie: he gets picked up and taken to Dan Conway's ranch, and eventually is put to work rebuilding the Phoenix-Durango RR and its extension into Galt's Gulch when John Galt opens it up again.
Or I might appear as Richard McNamara, the utility contractor at the Gulch, who runs what becomes the Atlantis Light, Water, and Telephone Company. Only in my version, it will be Atlantis FiOS.
I just remembered: I could play the role of Thomas Hendrix, M.D., neurosurgeon, the town physician in Atlantis. I have medical training anyway. And Dr. Thomas Hendrix has a lot of imitators in America today. They have almost said explicitly, "Let them see the kind of doctors their system will now produce."
But I could also see myself as any of a number of extras. For example:
Pat Logan, who drives the first train on the John Galt Line, and eventually "freezes" the Comet, leading his crew to walk out into the wilderness.
Jeff Allen, who confesses to Dagny Taggart that he is responsible for starting everybody asking Who is John Galt?
It is not "who is John Galt" It is creating a cast from the members in the gulch for ASlll. An imaginary character list from all of us. Though I admit many here should be chosen to replace the idiots we have in Washington.
given DrZarkov99's experience as a pioneer with ARPA-NET, perhaps he would be cast as Richard McNamara.