Arctic blast coming to Eastern US - likely to be the coldest opening to calendar spring in at least 50 years.

Posted by WBD 10 years, 11 months ago to Science
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I know - weather isn't climate....unless it's a drought, heat wave, tornado or hurricane. Then it's our fault!!!

The colors on the maps are temperature anomalies, meaning above or below the norms for the date and location.

This is the kind of pattern that happened in Europe a couple years ago I believe.

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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 11 months ago
    Calling the creatives on here, add your own explanation and solution, I will start:

    1. This is not inconsistent with global warming, the heat is by-passing North America and heading into the ocean depths.
    2. All the CO2 pollution that these Americans are producing is reflecting heat back to the sun. To control it we need more carbon taxes.
    3. Research into carbon caused anthropomorphic climate change is about to hit a break-thru and more funding is urgently needed.
    4. Atmospheric record high temperatures from CO2 is disturbing the tropospheric regional insulating phase energy systems (TRIPES) thus driving snow over Washington.
    5. When the heat returns it will do so with a vengeance, you'll be sorry you mocked!
    6. This unprecedented blast proves climate change is really here and stringent carbon control measures must be implemented including higher gasoline taxes and severe restrictions on coal burning.
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