Article in Christian Post explores Common Ground btw Ayn Rand and Christianity

Posted by Mark 11 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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While we tend to define ourselves by our differences, there ARE things that we agree on. Let's explore those.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
    when it comes down to voting, over and over again, those in office who are very upfront about their Christianity do not prioritize Freedom. For example, Santorum, in the last Presidential Race stressed "values" "family." The most important value is property rights. However, he rarely spoke to the ideas of economic freedom. Until candidates and legislators put this into perspective, we have oil and water, in my perspective.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      I agree. We need to bring these core values--economic freedom, capitalism, and limited government--to the forefront of our conversations. I'm for it. How would you design the platform to include that common ground?
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
        first, did you see DK's post about the the group who was targeted by the IRS. The head of the group gave a passionate speech about the responsible role of government and freedom. She referenced her faith several times in the speech, however, she stayed steadfast on some of these core issues. I was cheering!
        I'm not sure what the platform would be, but this site negotiates it pretty well. In fact, really well-I think unique to all Ayn Rand sites. Fundamental understanding of natural rights is a good place to start. If man's right to existence is "given" him, then you begin to see disagreement. there are several posts in here which you may explore, where you will see Christian perspectives sharply divide from Objectivist perspective and it comes down to that premise. I find it interesting on posts where you will see Christians and some Objectivists sharply divide against other Objectivists and more liberal perspectives-specifically when we talk about Islam and military issues. By grouping, I mean that loosely, and observing arguments after the fact. Each comment and response is very individualistic
        as one would expect on sites like this one.
        Second, reason and logic. These are the criteria for any consensus. When logic leaves the argument
        then all you're left with is force to persuade. An Objectivist will choose logic to persuade. However, there is a far right perspective that would legislate issues (force) that reduce freedoms.
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  • Posted by ShruginArgentina 11 years, 8 months ago
    "A Christian scholar and author has taken the experience of growing up under the influence of a stepfather who cherished the objectivism philosophy of Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged) and his biological father who became a follower of Jesus Christ, to write a book about two world views that he feels can come together for the good of society."

    I know number of Christians who agree 100% with the political philosophy of Ayn Rand. They cherish freedom and embrace the concept of individual rights, even though they may be motivated to place the interests of others above their own. The "Objectivists" I know who agree with the metaphysics (and subsequent Atheism) of Ayn Rand are motivated to act in their rational self interest (but never to the detriment of the interest of others). Christians I know advocate acting in the interest of the "good of society" but the actions they take to benefit their own interests (never to the detriment of the interest of others) may actually contribute more to the "good of society" than they realize...perhaps even more than their actions that are motivated for the "good" of others (society). Objectivists would say it's an example of Adam Smith's invisible hand at work. Christians would say it's the hand of The Lord.

    Having been a Christian turned Objectivist 45 years ago (and who still likes Christmas music as much as Mark Levin), I think the outcome is desirable, either way.

    I know that Ayn Rand wanted to be the greatest champion of Capitalism more than she wanted to be known as an enemy of religion. It's clear from her writings that she did not believe that it was possible to reconcile mysticism (all forms of religion)and faith with reason. She was vehemently opposed to anything anti-man and anti-life and this obviously included mysticism

    She certainly respected every individual's right to believe in any god they wanted. To paraphrase her answer about helping the handicapped in a free (Capitalist) society, "If you want to believe in God, no one is going to stop you."
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