Scott johnston
Posted by ScottJohnston1978 9 years ago to Movies
For the movie I like Hathaway for dagnwy or Keira knightly but hath is better with her short hair subtly strong and a little bit secretly sexual which dag was. I like Jude law for Francisco the playboy he's my only choice for him and for dag brother the arrogant looking guy from lost who was also on American tv show don't know his name. Reardon could be tom seleck if he doesn't look too old already 😜 Seymour Hoffman would be great for something may he rest in peace. Find a part for Julia Roberts, Tim hanks or spacey could also play reardon. I'm going to have to read the wiki plot summary before I can talk more on the sybject。 Galt has to be a nobody that either hasn't acted before or who's only been in plays theater. He needs to be 5'7-5'9 blond flowing hair with a Scandinavian Roman Greek god look with natural bright green or blue eyes. Muscular like I'll have to think on this. Roberts could also be dagney but maybe too old. Galt has to have a wholesome Midwest accent but not a Fargo one. Denzel wash needs to be in the gulch perhaps he was a clothing designers that got sick of being pigeonholed like the guy on blackish. Spacey seleck, Hank's need to be involved regardless in various roles in gulch. Need more minorities and women in gulch let me think. Aziz from parks and rec as well as the boss of office tom I think, Tina fey , Amy poehler, some foreign ones that moved to us to join movement, will arnett, Jason Bateman , Michael jay fox who has Parkinson's but has something very special to offer with his brain, parks and rec guy could be the carpenter who builds stuff and gen gulch handyman, cumbersnach needs to be in the gulch perhaps he was a character from his movie that was gay and invented a machine to help Galt shut down or save the world not sure yet. Only directors I could accept are the Cohen brothers or I'm not joining you in the gulch 😜 More later after I read char descriptions
Let us know how that goes, we eagerly await.