Venezuela 19 March

Posted by sender47 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
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I should start with a brief abstract of what has happened in the last week. In one word repression.

Sat 15th: The places in Caracas (capital city) were protest take place, were toked by assault by the armed forces and colectivos overnight, of course a lot of people were detained and some jailed, but in most cases, as it has been for the last month, they were tortured. There are videos of abuses by the military and hundreds of torture claims. A young man violated in the anus with the rifles barrel, detainees forced to use in the head "miguelitos" as crown of thorns (hoses with nails, used to stop colectivos motorcycles when they attack), forced to eat shit, men are shot in the groin, and the forced to walk into the hospitals.

Sun 16th: Maduro expected and announced that he would give a speech since the stronghold of this protests in Caracas later that day. This place called Plaza Altamira, is on the east side of the city, and is where medium to high class people live, but as is the "most" secure zone in Caracas, and is far from where the colectivos are, is the main place of protests.

As cameras were prepared and the stage set, thousands of people started congregating in the plaza, and as journalists called by the government were there, they couldn't do a thing and had to call off the speech due to "technical problems", people congregate again and again each afternoon there. The place is militarized As calling out the military would be seen as an act of weakness. But now the lot of women (as most protesters were man), go with banners and start talking with the military that are there.

Still protests have continued, yesterday 18th 2 dead one in San Cristobal (Tachira state, and were the protests began ) and one in the west side of Caracas.

The national assembly (former congress), called to set a "truth table" to investigate who were the responsible of the situation. The "truth table" is conformed by 5 chavist representative and... 0 from the opposition as none would collaborate with them, as there are enough proofs (videos, photos and forensic evidence, of the tortures, assassinations and repression).

By the way, the chavist representative went to the state prosecutor so she could open a trial to one of the opposition representatives (they already have taken out of the national assembly 4 opposition representatives).

And today... today has been a full attack from the government.

Venezuela Central University was attacked by armed colectivos, and students from the architecture school badly injured (one of them the son of a die hard chavist, reading TL of him today has been, I have to admit a guilty pleasure; as he switched from wishing the protest were dissolved with sarin and mustard gas, to angrily protesting as why the colectivos were attacking and why the government doesn't stop the)

Like a week ago the supreme court ordered the opposition mayors to dissolve any manifestation, today 2 of this mayors were jailed and removed from their office.

The situation in San Cristobal is each time worse, as in many places outside of Caracas, even tanks firing. Caracas is in tense Calmed-violence if such thing exist .-.

Remember the representative that is going to trial? Is called maria Corina Machado, and Panama is gonna give its chair for she to speak at the OAS (Organization of American States), not that we expect much, but is a place where, as usual only the governments have word and what the government says is the truth.

If you ask yourselves, why Panama is doing this?, probably, because the representatives from there asked to discuss Venezuela in the OAS, Maduro entered in on of his rage moments, and cut away tie with Panama (By the way, as we have a controlled economy and only the government has dollars... well the government own around 1500 million USD to companies in Panama. And also accused the Panama government of conspiring with the companies in that country of robbing Venezuela .-. ... And of course of being a puppet of USA ).

In a side note In Güiria (Sucre state), another armed gang took the city... as it seems, the truck with their cocaine was stopped by the police...and... well... they just took the entire city, and of course recuperated their truck.

P.S: In my post 12 of March I said Sean Penn was the one who made the movie about Chavez, no, it was Oliver Stone the film is called “My Friend Hugo”. Sean Penn was here just doing lobby for the government with Danny Glover.

I will leave this here, is from Tachira

Good night Gulch

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 11 months ago
    It is not covered here probably for the same reason Pol Pot was never mentioned here - the involvement of Communism. That's just my theory, though.
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  • Posted by $ TimCutler 10 years, 11 months ago
    Thanks for the update - I read that a two planeloads of Cuban doctors have returned to Castro's paradise, and that they have been replaced with soldiers. Ya estoy listo ayudarte.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 11 months ago
    How is this not being mentioned on the news???? Stay safe sender.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      15 years of lobbying, more than 1,000,000 million dollars (product of the oil,as at the moment, al productivity in other industries has been completely destroyed) that have been given to "friend countries" or simply robbed, not to be mistaken with normal businesses, thos 1,000,000 million are just in robbery. I should make a post about this cases.

      Of course many business have been done with companies in the USA. So they have a lot of companions in their robbery all around the world

      By the way, our reserves are around 20,000 million dollars .-. . 50 times less what have been steal.

      So a lot of people has received a lot of money to talk well or at least shut up about Venezuela.
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