Why Europe Can't Play American Football
Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 12 months ago to Entertainment
The rest of the world cannot play American Football. Rugby is a pretty close adaption and the players are tough in that they don’t use padding, but the concept of the game is still a version of Europe’s addiction to collectivism instead of an individual quarterback standing behind a battle line and delivering the ball down the field to ultimately score. In American football the quarterback is the CEO of an offense. He is a celebrated hero from Atlas Shrugged in every circumstance and his job is to rally his team to victory as an “individual.” In rugby the closest thing they have is a “fly-half position.” So there is no coordinated effort to get the ball down the field to score a goal—but like soccer it is a kind of chaos where the ball bounces back and forth between offense and defense with no plan or formation on how to execute a task. Soccer and rugby are European games that reflect their cultures, and they cannot grasp the ideal of a Football playbook where offensive and defensive schemes drive the ball down the field toward the promised land of scoring.
Just realized as I am typing this that I am standing at my raised desk (had to limit my sitting due to spinal problems). I have a roller under my feet to alleviate pain. A year ago I had titanium and a dead guy's tendon installed in my knee (hence, I can't stand for too long). Yeah...
Oh, and overmanwarrior...I like your description.
There is on average between 15 and 20 minutes of actual play in a 3 hour game of NFL football.
The rest is a lot of talking by near-brainless idiots to entertain tv viewers with (mostly irrelevant) statistics, and to distract from the lack of action for 2 hours and 15 minutes of every 3 hours time elapsed in a game.
This is not to say that soccer is any better to watch, but at least there is something happening on the field.
Rugby and Aussie Rules are much more watchable and better entertainment for the fans.
No comment on your observations regarding capitalism vs socialism in the games except that NFL certainly does waste a lot of time on commercials for products, and for other idiotic cable programs that no rational person would want to watch unless brain-addled by their drugs of choice.
Bread and circuses in Amerika.