New Executive order against American productivity
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to News
Obama stated on March 13th as he signed a memorandum to this effect that, “Our businesses have created more than 8 million new jobs over the last four years. The unemployment rate is at the lowest it’s been in over five years, but, in many ways, the trend that have really battered middle-class families for decades have gotten worse, not better. So we’ve got to reverse those trends. We’ve got to build an economy that works for everybody, not just for a few.”
1) They'd use my party (Democratic) as their face to America.
2) They would, having failed to ideologically convince the USA, to turn socialist, collapse the economy so that a socialist system could be put in place.
More than half of our Democratic Congressional Senate representatives are in the Democratic Socialists of America (I have no data on our House). The list was published on the DSA's website for several days and people captured that data, still available but by demand.
Item one the Socialist Party has already succeeded at.
Item you have any doubt? You didn't believe them in the 1970s.
Perhaps you do now.
When the KGB records came out, it totally exonerated McCarthy (Check for yourself) on his suspicions (not his actions, which were atrocious). He was not only right about Socialist and Communist infiltration of our government and Hollywood - he had greatly UNDER-estimated the degree. The KGB was probably LAUGHING their heads off when we took down McCarthy, and didn't continue to investigate.
We gave them an open door.
Now we're paying for it.
It's all true.........the information is right there for anybody to look up on their own. Most people can't handle admiting that they've so openly scammed.
Facing "Do I leave?" and abandon the party to the Socialists like so many of my peers have, or do I stay and vote my ethics every time despite knowing they're going to lose almost every time (at least a Republican wins half the time, unlike a non-Socialist Democrat).
It's getting silly.
In 2007 I sat in the commencement ceremony of a Midwest university and listened to our state comptroller telling us how great his good buddy,BO was going to be for all of us, how America was about to be transformed into the vision of so many great philosophers. We didn't know is was Marx and Stalin he was talking about.
BTW, the state comptroller I mentioned is now in prison for several charges. Some of the charges that could not be proved to the Jury or the prosecution would be enlightening. As I said BO stands on a tall stack of bodies who are rotting in prison.
When are we going to hear from one student who had Obama as a teacher??? I mean, shouldn’t they be climbing out of the woodwork telling us how great he was? I haven’t seen or heard one former student praise or denounce him yet.
How on earth could you vote for anyone in the dem side for the past 30 years?? My lands, not ANYBODY on that side gives a crap about us serfs and they are doing everything they can to take the guns out of our hands, not for the children like they claim. It's because they know that the more they push, the closer they are getting to the day when good men and women are going to take up such arms as we have to take back our republic. That was why the 2nd Amendment is in the bill of rights. It's not about hunting or target practice, it's all about giving us the tools we need to defeat a tyrant.
You're sitting in your country, it's been taken over partially (PART is key), and it's getting worse.
Are you the man we see quit the USA and go elsewhere and make it easier? Abandon the fight and leave? Do you pull a Galt as soon as the fight begins? How long do you stay while the fight is still going on? There is still fighting going on in my party against it.
Are you really telling everyone here you'd run and let them have free reign?
It's what you suggest I do.
If you understand that, you understand my position.
If you don't, well, we'll depend on others against Socialism.
I suppose we'd still have succeeded against Germany if there had been no ethical Germans who spoke against it, no French underground, they'd all become members of the allied forces.
Might work. I doubt it.
Battles are not won by everyone abandoning their land on cue for a more comfortable fit.
I consider the Democrats who abandoned the party to these Socialists cowards, and have no interest in joining their example.
Because of their example, and the ideas you suggest, we have this problem to begin with.
Not me.
It isn't about quitting the fight, it's about switching sides when you know the side you used to vote for is actively trying to enslave you!
Because the JFK Democrats slowed it down.
It is quitting the fight and abandoning my party and my question/challenge still stands.
At what point would you, blarman, abandon our country to those you disagree with?
THAT is the question.
Unless you are under the impression that I vote only for those on the ballot, that having young Democrats hear what I have to say is meaningless and that they are mindless and incapable of seeing through socialism given the chance.
In that case, why don't we all just give up?
An all or nothing party approach is simplistic.
There are multiple ways to fight.
Why do you think Socialist Democrats try to drive me OUT of the party? I should give them what they want? Nonsense.
I admire the thought that you can resurrect the Democratic Party of decades past, but just like the Tea Party was started to challenge the Republican Party, you are going to have to start a similar grass roots action simply to differentiate yourself from the establishment Democrats(Progressives).
It has nothing to do with giving up, it has everything to do with realizing that the establishment parties are never going to be reformed. Just like the Whig Party disintegrated into the modern Republican party after its values changed, so too the current Democratic and Republican Parties need to dissolve.
2) There are a lot of JFK and Blue Dog Democrats left - you confuse the leadership for the rank and file.
3) Country/Party; it was an analogy, not meant to be taken literally.
4) It doesn't represent my values but it did. The Republican Party doesn't either, though their goals are good ones - they just aren't my priorities (Freedom, Equality, Constitution).
5) I said nothing of resurrecting the Democratic Party - just slowing it down. It's up the rest of you to wake up and do something about it.
6) Tried it: Midnight Ride - fell on it's face without a single nibble.
7) I get it, you don't understand why someone would stick with an organization and fight it's slide into corruption.
Let's leave it at that.
You have a strong voice, never cease to use it no matter how or what happens.
If they have one person who asks them to run for a office they don't want or don't think they will get 2 votes for - then they he won’t run, though Republicans sought him ought.
Nobody in the party thinks Patreaus would stand a chance except for maybe his wife.
Just do a search:
Obama+"The New Party"
Search this as well:
The Democratic Socialists of America boasted in a newsletter to insiders 70 of its members currently serve in Congress, but an independent survey by WND suggests the number of actual avowed or semi-secret socialists in the House and Senate is considerably higher – at least 82.
The DSA is a political action committee and bills itself as the heir to the defunct Socialist Party of America. It’s chief organizing objective is to work within the Democratic Party as the primary, but not sole, method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.
Go search other links as well and you may find the list, as I did. The list is gone, taken down by the DSA, but others captured it and I believe the members of a political party can be gained legally and openly by proper request.
Many of us comment on gee, "how can people be so dumb?" Their not but the dumb are being paid to vote against the wise.
This is so damned simple I can't believe it.