How do you spot a successful person?

Posted by richrobinson 9 years ago to The Gulch: General
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My wife and I moved about 4 years ago to a nicer neighborhood. I like the house and the neighbors but I think of Atlas Shrugged when I talk to them. I have one neighbor who writes computer code for a company that does software for hospitals. A nice person but she makes $100,000.00 a year with 6 weeks vacation and great benefits. Why? The company could probably find 1,000 people in one day that could do the same quality job and accept half that. Another neighbor is retired from Bayer Corporation. A nice guy but the pharmaceutical companies have just about eliminated any meaningful competition and thus gouge beyond belief. Another neighbors husband retired from US Air. During their time as a hub in Pittsburgh they kept other airlines out and took advantage of travelers especially business travelers. When Southwest Airlines moved in to Pittsburgh US Air matched their fair from Pittsburgh to Phoenix. They dropped their price from $1200.00 to $99. I guess I shouldn't leave myself out. My wife works for Travelers Insurance Company. Once again the insurance companies have used their government connections to drastically limit competition. My wife works hard but I wonder what her job would pay if they had to deal with open and fair competition.While I like my neighbors I was just thinking---are they successful or just taking advantage of a stacked deck.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years ago
    My dispassionate answer is do not worry about others' corrupt sweetheart deals. Just be honest in your own dealings. That is very hard to do when you're in the midst of it though, esp if you're getting robbed on one hand by it and benefitting in someway on the other.

    I question your implication, though, that $50/hr to write hospital software is the result of corruption rather than the market price. I see companies pay four times that all the time. They do it because they trust that provider, and unexpected bugs or schedule slippage would cost them way more. The same thing may be true for Travelers Insurance. I know nothing of their business, but I wonder if you overstate the gov't sweet-heart deal aspect of it. Maybe they make their money by providing value to their customers in the current legal/regulatory/business environment. (Maybe they're truly crooked; I've hardly heard of them.) I have the same comment about pharamceutical gouging or airline "taking advantage" of people who need to travel. It's so easy to say people who are succeeding are just doing it by being crooked. I know sometimes they are, but most of the time the fact they're actually providing honest value. The apparent "gouging" and "taking advantage" is actually what causes supply and demand to be in equilibrium rather than having shortages (i.e. surplus demand) that exist where such gouging is outlawed.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      Excellent points. A friend of mine worked for Proctor and Gamble. She was a pharmaceutical rep and they decided to get into that market because of the high margins. Its a long story but they pulled out of the pharmaceutical business and she said they were "forced" out. It's easier to understand the USAiir situation if you are from Pittsburgh. I talked to a lot of business travelers who drove to Cleveland to fly because the rates were so much lower. Pittsburgh airline taxes are high but not high enough to justify what they were charging. My wife says all the time that Travelers offers better service but Government regulations make it hard for competitors to get into certain segments of their market. The neighbor who writes computer code and I do not get along. I am probably being harsh because I see how high health care costs are and she makes a lot of money for very few hours worked. When the health exchange website didn't work right a few college kids put one together in a few days. I'm guessing when they graduated they could do her job and would accept a lot less. It just see the labor market is tight and competition for jobs should lower some costs.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    Success is taking advantage of a stacked deck. That's the cultural model of the country. Either that or welfare. Success is if you managed to keep any of it. That cuts the list of successful people to the three digit column may four if you count politicians.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
      I agree. What's a person to do in this environment? You can start your own business (I have). But, it quickly becomes clear the regulators don't want you to own your own small business. I don't blame people for working at a place that has used unfair government connections. I do blame them when they are blind to it.
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      • Posted by 9 years ago
        I have wondered at times if Dagny should have quit. She knew what James was doing and despised it. Should people keep jobs like that? Not sure I know the answer to that. I guess if they at least are not blind to what is happening.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      I get a little frustrated at times. I think of all the added costs because of companies that have government leverage and it's worse (almost) than paying taxes.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
        that's because you are paying taxes - through them - all their Cost of Government columns totaled....each step of the way from tree to installed kitchen cabinet...they only collect and get paid for collecting. Anything not disposed of that way gets added on to the next level and is paid for by the only true taxpayer the end user. Out of their after tax dollars. That's the tax Paul and Cruz are supporting In addition To the current tax and it does nothing but shift the final payment into a more costly route. Does nothing to get rid of income tax. It's the camel nose for VAT Pelosi's been looking for....
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          A VAT tax would be a disaster. Funny how Shillary and others dump crap on large corporations. The Federal government is bigger than all of them but somehow always has the nobelest of intentions.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
            The one thing they do well is act.They aren't really politicians but out of work actors and actresses with some really bad script writers but excellent directors and producers. It's the macabre theatre of the absurd brought to life.

            It doesn't really exist and one day you will wake up as if from a bad dream to find out.

            It wasn't a dream.

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