Who should play Dagny Taggart?

Posted by awebb 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
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Whenever I watch television or movies, there's a part of my brain that's trying to cast the Atlas Shrugged miniseries / TV series.

Politics aside, I think Robin Wright (from House of Cards) would make a great Dagny Taggart.

See a clip here: https://youtu.be/GBsV8IiQ0jw
WARNING: Video contains spoilers!

Who do you think would make a great Dagny Taggart?

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Side note, after watching House of Cards, I think Kevin Spacey would be a pretty darn good Head of State Thompson!

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  • Posted by Rex_Little 9 years, 1 month ago
    I thought Taylor Schilling (from the first AS movie) made a great Dagny, and I'd like to see her back in that role.

    Spacey as Mr. Thompson? Nah. Thompson and the other AS bad guys are supposed to be nonentities who don't really know what they're doing, and Spacey isn't going to project that. If they ever remake Fountainhead, Spacey would be my choice for Ellsworth Toohey.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
    They already had the best- the one that played Dagny in AS #1. She would be expensive now, after playing in Orange is the New Black however.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    I think that one primary consideration should be the ethics and political philosophy of anyone hired for such a project. Start the strike by not providing aid, comfort, and jobs to the enemy.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    Without any research into the political leanings of the actress, I think Jessica Chastain (The Martian, The Help, Interstellar, Zero Dark Thirty) would be a good choice. Of course, she is likely too busy to consider a small screen job. (She had to pass on a role in Iron Man 3 because she had schedule conflicts.)
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 1 month ago
    I think a lot of the actresses mentioned are too old for the role of Dagny. And too blond. Let's not forget that Dagny had brown hair.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
      Let's not forget that virtually all blonde actresses actually have dark hair.
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      • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 1 month ago
        To be honest, the actors' physical appearance is a lot less important to me than the personality and values they are able to project/embody in the role. But the ideal would be to have actors who match the characters in appearance and age as well.
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      • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 1 month ago
        Yes, I was thinking that, too. But very few who choose to dye their hair go back to using their natural color, even when the role calls for it. To wit, the previous Atlas Shrugged movies.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
          I must attribute that to the producers of those films.
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          • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years ago
            I wonder. I think when an actress is known for a certain look, she must be reluctant to change it. Though there are exceptions, like Charlize Theron drastically changing her appearance for Monster.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
              I know how they feel. I am about as blonde as you can get. I became a japanese noble for a production of the Mikado. So for several months I had black hair for 3 weeks of performances. Then I had a strange off blonde color for 6 months afterward as my hair grew and natural color returned. But if the next role had called for green hair I would have done so.
              Dedicated actors go through such changes regularly.
              For some reason the producers/director were satisfied with a blonde Dagny.
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    • Posted by ycandrea 9 years, 1 month ago
      Their hair color does not matter. That changes with the role they are playing.
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      • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 1 month ago
        Hair color should change with the role the actress is playing, but typically doesn't. We had three blond Dagnys in the three Atlas Shrugged movies so far.

        I'm not that hung up on the actors' appearances -- see my comments above -- but it seems to me that having them match the book in as many aspects as possible would be better than having them deviate.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 9 years, 1 month ago
    Showing my age, I have always thought that the actress who played Mrs. Peel (Diana Rigg) on the TV show, The Avengers, was a perfect Dagny.

    She is now dead, though Dagney will live forever.
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years ago
      We have the complete "Avenger" DVD set. Watched it live when it was on TV back when. Rigg played Emma Peel with class, intelligence and subdued sex appeal. She was a super role model for women who could do it all and still get along with men. My husband still has an Emma sweat shirt that draws compliments every time he wears it. Emma was not dependent or clingy, yet she was not brittle and bitchy, which is what we see today as choices.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 1 month ago
    Robyn Right would be a great Mrs. Rearden. She plays just the kind of cold, manipulative person in House of Cards that I see Reerdens wife as.

    Hard to see her as Dagny, to manipulative of others in House of cards to get past it for me.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years ago
    I used to think (a long time ago) that Ingrid Berg-
    man should play Dagny Taggart, Gregory Peck
    should play Hank Rearden, and Larry Linville
    should play James Taggart. But at least two of
    those individuals are dead now, and even if Ingrid
    Bergman is alive now, she'd be too old.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years ago
    Wait long enough and someone will suggest Kaitlyn Jenner. Ouch!!!

    I loved Taylor Schilling, in Part I, but I'm prejudiced. Besides, I don't watch enough TV to know who else is out there, anyway.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 1 month ago
    Someone who can act and pull the part off SO well it would catch a younger female leftist pinko moocher so far off guard it would literally and completely change her life. For the better. Someone who could bring Dagny to life, and - AND - make her feel like, yes, not only could I be that woman Dagny, I --WANT-- to be like her.

    And yes, I speak from very personal experience here. (Same with both the Hank Rearden and John Galt characters - one that a man can put himself into those shoes and silently think to himself... "Yes - that's me."...)

    It would be nice if their personal philosophy matched Rands... but honestly, if it's a choice betweeh a rock hard dedicated objectivist that can somewhat act, a middle of the roader who can do the part justice, or someone on the left like Wright who is such a good and professional actress she could play Dagny not only well, but right (regardless of her personal politics) ... who would likely NAIL the part and bring Dagny to life... to a crowd who may well also be lefty-leany... As an investor and someone who wants the MOST bang for the buck...

    Well, let me throw this out there as well. You are an investor, you have $15 million to throw at a project as an investment like this to see it through... You will want the best return for your money you can get (and if not, why are you here?? --grins--)... YOU would want the absolute BEST acting talent across the board, both for the "Heroes" and the "Villains" regardless of their personal politics... you want PROFESSIONALS.

    If you as a producer came to me as an investor and said we're doing Atlas, and we have slated Jane Blatzenspier, who is a dedicated Objectivist with some small screen experience, and decided against a better actress because she's not an avowed and dedicated objectivist... Well, as an investor and businesswoman, I would send you packing. Because as an investor, my first philosophy is turning my investment in your project into a huge return If your philosophy as the manager of the project or producer does not come up to my goals, you're saying I should give you money to make bad choices for my investment.

    Honestly... George Clooney as Mr. Thompson. Spacey as Wesley Mouch - or maybe even Hank Rearden. NOT because of their personal beliefs, but because they can bring those parts to life - and beyond. You're hiring their TALENT and PROFESSIONALISM as an EMPLOYEE< not interviewing them to be your best friend.

    my 2ยข...
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
      I'd be very surprised if there isn't a thinking actor who can nail the role.
      Spacey would turn my stomach; He is a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton.
      Don't give aid and comfort to the enemy.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years ago
        So... who then? Taylor Schilling for Dagny, she was a natural oin the part then, so she is now. Spacey as Mouch? If Wesley Mouch isn't someone you want to both exude that certain sliminess and be dynamic, then there ya go. Give me a set of A list box office draws who are outstanding actors AND are, as you say, thinking... People who both can breathe life into a script and when you see their name, you can think of a handful (or more) of films that were box office successes that you went at least "WOW" about, and meet your criteria of "thinking man" (or person).

        Because unless you can floor people - NOT the people on this list, but John and Jane Sheeple, and keep them coming back over and over for at least 4 (and hopefully more) seasons - Or have that person who nails it SO completely they see him on a poster and think "HE is John Galt", you're not getting the message OUT THERE, you're singing to the choir in a corner concrete church. And investors are going to look at this series with AMAZING potential, say "Meh", shake their head, and fund something that will make them TONS of money with great writing, big name stars, and amazing directing, regardless of who they voted for...

        If you want to build a statue - a monument - to sit in a courtyard, that's one thing, people will look at it and say "that's nice" and move on... What this story needs is someone who will build a Petronas tower, have it occupied at 98%, and have people look at it and remember it... and tell their friends, grandkids, and coworkers not just how flipping AMAZING it is, but get them wanting to live there, work there, and be a part of it.

        You may not like Spacey or Wright, but they made HoC a memorable franchise that, for a while, wasn't about to die.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
          Maybe we are not looking at this the same way. This is a tv show, so it doesn't need "A list box office draws" to get a good viewership. (The case where "A" list actors make financial sense is if they are so totally sold on Rand's philosophy that they want to do it as a financial partner, e.g., Charleton Heston's history of committment to conservative causes in the past.) I think of it being bought by new media streaming source like Netflix or Amazon, not any traditional tv or cable network. It does need convincing actors and professional production crew and writing. I think the crew and writers are at least as important as the actors. Badly written or poorly produced can't be saved by good acting, or by actors' popularity. There is a wealth of talent available, more today than ever before, and imo more of them are awake to the betrayal of both government and corporate powers than are the republican voters, for example. The screenplay should be updated using modern examples to emphasize the corruption aspect. Rand based on her experience with Russia emphasized corruption from government, but she didn't play up government-business axis of corruption to the extent it exists today and that should be more effectively contrasted with free markets and their benefits. Jim Taggart is not evil enough in comparison to today's banking cartel. imo there are many writers who would embrace Atlas Shrugged with a more updated depiction of the corruption of markets by centralized power in both government and business.

          Spacey is a looting parasite and I would not want to dirty my project with him or his kind because he could wreck the production too easily. Its a large scale production that can't survive sabotage from within.
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