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"Western intellectuals are abandoning the values of free speech and free thought (indeed, all Enlightenment values) and governments, not surprisingly, are following suit. Values like free speech and freedom of thought will remain common values only if they are treated as such. Part of treating them as values means having the moral courage to defend them."
'What kind of a people do they think we are?'
The question was answered.
Today, especially after the 2001 WTC attack (casualties 3,000) a very different answer would be given.
Claims would be made about how it is all our fault.
That is what the Sheldon Richman website ('left-wing' libertarian!) says as quoted on this site with approval, and there is approval for a deal with the Islamist extremists who now control Iran.
Capitalism and racism are to blame, they say, we must move faster to destroy our economies to save the world.
There is a war going on. It started 1,400 years ago. Massive frontal battles- Tours, Lepanto, Vienna .. have delayed the aggressor, but the enemy is relentless, it does not care about casualties even its own. They are winning. Fellow traveling or submission will not save you against a creed that values only violence.