1 simple and practical action for those who care about the politics of energy
Something grassroots - worthwhile in the upcoming political season. Join the petition to increase the visibility of this campaign - if you are into this kind of stuff.
I am a huge fan/supporter of CIP (The Center For Industrial Progress - a pro free-market/energy thinktank) and its founder/leader Alex Epstein. If you have not yet read The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels or listened to his FANTASTIC podcast called PowerHour - there is an ally waiting for you to discover him. This is worth spreading.
America's Energy Opportunity is the political tool CIP is using to influence/shape the 2016 presidential debate around energy - talking points, diagrams, bottom-line. Brilliant stuff.
I am a huge fan/supporter of CIP (The Center For Industrial Progress - a pro free-market/energy thinktank) and its founder/leader Alex Epstein. If you have not yet read The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels or listened to his FANTASTIC podcast called PowerHour - there is an ally waiting for you to discover him. This is worth spreading.
America's Energy Opportunity is the political tool CIP is using to influence/shape the 2016 presidential debate around energy - talking points, diagrams, bottom-line. Brilliant stuff.
SOURCE URL: http://www.americasenergyopportunity.com/