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  • Posted by Susannah 10 years, 11 months ago
    If Putin wants to annex all of the Ukraine, are we really in any position to stop him? 0bama can posture and bluster all he wants to, but the fact of the matter is that we are in no position to stop him with our government and those of most of the west in the disarray they are currently experiencing. The US, behind the public ineptitude of 0bama, has shown such weakness that it has empowered Putin to the point that he may just decide the time is right to make his move to rebuilt the old USSR.
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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 11 months ago
    Its my opinion that Obama should back off. If 97% of the Crimean voters want to join Russia, its their business. They will probably become an autonomous state like Georgia. The rest of Ukrain's economy is in shambles anyway, so they have a ways to go if they want to join the EU. If Russian natural gas keeps flowing to Europe through Ukrainian pipe lines this posturing should die down pretty soon unless Russia tries the same tactic in eastern Ukraine and/or the baltic states, In which case all bets are off.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
      Question: where did you get that "97%"? Please don't tell me that you read that in the Pravda or the Izhvestia? Or did that number come right off the pre-printed and filled in ballot?
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      • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 11 months ago
        LA Times and several other US news sources.
        Several just said "over 90%". Lots of ethnic
        Russians in Crimea. Stalin even had a datcha
        there once.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
          My point was that the 95% or 97% (depending on the source) was pre-counted and preordained. About as believable as when Obama got 110% vote in Philadelphia and 140% in Ohio... At least the Russians know their arithmetic better than some of the morons in the US government schools and know to stop "counting" once they approach 100%.
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          • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
            Here is more proof that has had me baffled for some time - do others out there actually believe it when they are told Obooma got 110%-140% any where for what ever reason? Do they really believe that we Americans are that ignorant.
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            • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
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              • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
                This is very sad indeed. It is as if Americans have become so lethargic they will agree to anything so long as no one bothers them. The hard earned privileges have no meaning today. Sad really sad.
                We have our work cut out for us if this is ever going to change.
                When so many have become addicted to the freebees, once those things have been reduced or totally stopped, will result in out cry such as never been heard.
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                • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
                  Allow me to add more. I believe we are looming towards total disaster. Prices for basic food items are rising at an alarming rate. No one earning minimum wage can afford to buy a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread today. They have not been able to do so for some time now. It gets worse. I believe that this government has so indebted us that we are facing the collapse of the US dollar, which will lead to collapse of our economy. Banks will fail to open, grocery store shelves will be empty. I do not believe we have the time to make the changes necessary to hold on to our way of life. I believe the way of life we have had for the last 50 years will soon be gone.
                  I know I can kick, scream and talk until I am blue in the face only to be starred at with bewilderment, as if I am quoting from some horror story. Too many do not believe that the government will ever fail, that they can continue to take without recourse. Our government has allowed this to go on for so long they do not know how to stop it.
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                  • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
                    WE have allowed our government to do this. The fact that parasites are and always will be parasites cannot be changed. They are what they are. It is the working, responsible people, however, that have allowed the parasites to thrive. We are constantly being cowed by this human vermin and subjugated to their will. We have accepted that we owe something to them simply because they exist. They demand, we give. Why? Everywhere you go, from schools to supermarkets to churches - same push - give, donate, support, feed - to someone who is supposedly in need! Everyone is in need and the need business is very profitable for parasites at all levels. Yet, instead of rebuking them at every level and calling them what they are, we pull out our wallets and pay them off. If we were to stop this insanity at the lowest level, call the vermin what they are in their faces, we can stop this cycle. It takes a bit of guts, but the alternative is this gutless, vermin-ridden society that we have.
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                  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
                    We are balancing a bubble on the head of a pin. Eventually it will burst.
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                    • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
                      U.S. House of Representatives Bill “H.R. 2847”
                      What will happen this July?
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                      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 11 months ago
                        Let's see, we jack up the minimum wage forcing employers to let workers go. Then we pass a law that gives those employers a tax credit to hire workers who have been out of work a long time, effectively reducing the wage that the owner needs to pay them. Am I missing something here?

                        Oh, yeah. The government gets a big slice of the money taken from the owner before a paltry sum is returned in the form of a tax credit. And fewer workers are hired overall.
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                • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
                  I have heard some theories that the "glitch" last year to the EBT cards was planned. It was done to see what would happen if the cards didn't work properly. Not sure if it was intentional but mayhem ensued. When the freebies stop, it won't be pretty.
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                  • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
                    I do not know anyone directly connected to accurately respond but I do know from economics in general that we are headed for serious trouble. Too many have the mind set of a thing being owed them by our government.
                    Ever heard of the 7 P's. proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance. Someone slept through economics class.
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                    • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
                      I must correct my statement. A friend just popped by and told me she is now on assistance. So I do know someone directly connected. she lost her job because she had to have emergency surgery. Here comes the reason behind the 7 p's.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 11 months ago
        Crimea has traditionally been ethnic Russian, and Putin has been encouraging emigration there over the past several years. It is not surprising that they would favor Russian affiliation vs. Ukraine. Heck, the Ukraine has such bad financial problems that I hope Russia tries to take them over as well. They will assume a huge mess if they do, and we'll not have to worry about them for a decade or more, they'll be so busy trying to get out of the mess they brought themselves.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
          We have absolutely no idea whether the people in Crimea prefer to be on the Russian or the Ukrainian side. Those votes were as fake as the ones that were used in the Soviet Union and now being used for Obama support. Probably came off the same press. With the Russian army occupying the Crimea, one has to be suicidal to voice anything outside of the permitted responses.
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  • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
    Oh my and Obooma thought he was someone others had to contend with. Remember he went on the apology tour. That was his intelligent idea as to foreign policy. Now he wonders why the leader of the one nation we always stood up against is making him a laughing stock!
    The next time you meet one of those whom voted for him, ask them how proud they are of the fact that Russia now laughs at their president, which means he is laughing at us all. Good time for another bumper sticker. Shall we all send an open invitation to every nation out there to come take what they want? With this man at the helm for the next two years we will be lucky if we have a country left to reclaim.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
      Sorry, that won't work. Most of the sheeple that voted for him don't know what is Russia. It's not required for an EBT application.
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      • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
        There are many things I could have said but trying to be nice about this ridiculous person. As for those who saw him as the change we needed, well, what can one say other they wanted more for nothing.
        What really gets me is this, do any of them actually watch the news, do they understand economics, do they know who pays for them have free cell phones, housing and food. Oh yes I almost forgot they can even have their utilities paid for. All of this is paid for by they rest of us and lets face there are fewer of us now since they voted him in. Two more years is too long.
        Do those in Washington actually believe that man should ever be allowed to speak for the rest of us? Come on. My dog could do better.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
          First, every nation has the government it deserves. Too many of us have tolerated the encroachment of socialism into our society and lives for decades. In the name of compassion and fairness we accepted stupidity, waste, abuse and erosion of our liberties. We allowed our education system to be turned into a socialist indoctrination camp. We have allowed proclamations of altruism, "for the community," "for the children" to replace common sense. We have empowered parasites to the point that they are now dictating the terms. In short, there's no need for me to recite Atlas Shrugged - it is available for anyone who wants to read it. (Surprised that it hasn't been published yet in an abridged 3 page version, suitable for the new generation...) As to your specific question, the parasites in power understand everything; but, as long as they're in power, what difference does the future of the country make to them? As to the parasites on welfare, they have been taught from birth that they are victims and the world owes them everything; they cannot possibly ask for enough to payback for what was stolen from. But they're trying...
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          • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
            I actually listened while a person argued about all the good he has done since they elected him. Yes this person actually said they because the one they were arguing with was someone who was complaining about how far down he has brought our country. That did not go over well, that person actually held up a cell phone stating; He gave me this here cell phone for free. The other person replied; so that is where my paycheck went, gosh I had been searching for it all this time and you had it. Just thought some of you might find that tid bit interesting. It was at that point when my listening was discovered, I was laughing too hard.
            While I realize that many people have sat back and allowed this to happen, I am not one of them. I mentioned early on that it had taken a long time to find a group of like minded people such as here in the gulch. I appreciate the privilege of being a member of the gulch. I pray this site continues after the release of ASlll. I believe we all need to reach as many as we can, to attempt to keep in touch, to work together to take back our country.
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            • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 11 months ago
              Appreciate the compliments to the group; thank you, and I feel the same.
              Myself not being of the politically correct type, I would make another comment, for when I read "that person actually held up a cell phone stating; He gave me this here cell phone for free", I thought that your big error was in calling a parasite a "person." We really do need to call them for what they are - social and physical parasites.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 11 months ago
    I hope the Space Station doesn’t become a political football. This situation has probably already affected the private space companies that rely on their product satellites to be launched from Kyrgyzstan.

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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 11 months ago
      So far, the Russian space agency appears to be just a capitalist whore, assuring NASA that the Soyuz taxi service will keep operating at $75M a seat (at least that's the price for now, but it might get a bit steeper, small bills in advance, please), despite the current Ukraine "inconvenience".
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 11 months ago
    This is outrageous! A local Russian conflict is punished internationally! What does the US and the European Community have to do with this problem, which actually is beneficial to both sides? I´ll tell you what this means: Russia is becomming more powerfull and the "international community" is passing statist actions to punish them. Since they don´t dare do it directly, they pressure the individuals in site as if a message where being sent to all: "you can´t do what you like unless we approve it".

    Don´t get me wrong, I don´t like war at all. This is why I condemn this hypocracy, since the US is the country that is common denominator in most of the conflicts ever since WWII. This "peacemaker" agenda hides the true intentions which are common to all empires: control. Anything that exceeds their grasp is deemed wrong, evil, etc. Pathetic really.
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  • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I am not speaking of fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember the Freedom of Information Act. This is where it gets sticky, this administration ignores it and have made us responsible to them. All figures go through them for approval before we are allowed to know anything.
    Mono crops are what we hear about and we sure do have a lot of it. A great deal of produce consumed in America comes from other countries. It is no longer as it once was. It began when they started paying farmers not to grow specific crops. That increased the cost not yield.
    I run into this a great deal, people not realizing the truth because they are not directly connected although they will soon be affected. That is one of the reason you have so many small farms opening up markets all over the country. Ask a reputable chef and they can tell you a great deal of what is going on in the real world not the one this administration has chosen to use smoke and mirrors to present us with. Ask the owner of a grocery store, they can tell you were their produce is coming from. Do you believe that there are enough beans grown in this country to fill the grocery shelves with week after week. No. Produce is shipped in to the food factories, they can it and send it on its way to the masses. Once the ability to pay these growers in other countries ceases, you will find out just how much is actually grown in America.
    Please be aware that I do not say this to create an argument of any kind, far be it, I say this because it needs saying.
    Sit in on a farmers meeting and you will hear a great deal more than you ever dreamed could be possible in America. Things are far worse than most Americans know. It is so bad that it will only take one month to end your ability to buy enough food to feed a family of four. That is not imaginary it is fact. A vicious circle that begins and ends in Washington. They are fully aware of this. The hard reality is when the US dollar is no longer excepted, what are we going to use to purchase food from those countries.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 11 months ago
      I've got my heritage seeds. Do you?
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      • Posted by monalisaturberville1957 10 years, 11 months ago
        Yes I do have my heritage seeds. Seeds that have been passed down for generations.
        Please understand that in no way would I ever put you on the spot. That is not my nature. I try my best to pass along what I know to anyone that will listen Robbie. The people of our country are in for some hard lessons that are soon to come. I have others out there that are setting up pick up locations and travel logs to make it here should it get real bad. While I do not have a large farm, I am well equipped and preparing more every season. This was once a community that could feed thousands and now hundreds would be pushing it close. Those of us teaching others to grow their own, raise their own, canning skills, herding and even fishing know fully well what is happening. The major supermarket owner in our area is making connections with those of us locally that grow in order to supply his stores when the day comes. The laws for reselling of home canned goods will be pretty much thrown out the window even though they will try to do as much damage as possible as they now do. Cheese making is on my list of things to learn this year. There is not much I cannot do to survive without outside help.
        thought I would lighten the conversation a bit.
        For the love of America, I will fight.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 11 months ago
    abc also gives us a demotion to current equality with russia as a "super power" -- yet russia may have the edge on us now (as contrasted with the cold war), since they have the will to use their power.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 11 months ago
    Bad for US world view (net negative), bad for Obama/socialists in next election (net positive). Which one has more sway for our lifestyle?

    I think the biggest supporter of Obama in the first election was the actions of the Bush administration prior...swing right...swing left. Are we just "swinging" again, or can we change the game by making credible arguments for stability?
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  • Posted by starguy 10 years, 11 months ago
    Putin better be careful, or Barry is going to shake his bony finger, and draw another red line.

    Vladimir is not taking our Buffoon-in-Chief seriously. At all.
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