D'Souza vs. Bernstein: Is Either Good for Mankind?
Posted by TheChristianEgoist 11 years, 8 months ago to Philosophy
The above is a review of the debate between Theist, Dinesh D'Souza and Atheist, Andrew Bernstein on whether or not Christianity is good for mankind. It was hosted by The Objective Standard at The University of Texas in Austin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy5OajO7...
It was an interesting review and I enjoyed the article.
The prime mover argument all comes from the theory that something cannot come from nothing. Conservation of matter and energy dispels the argument that there was nothing. Science shows us that there is no need for a prime mover, if matter and energy have always existed in the same amount. To suggest that, would be totally inconsistent with all of Physics and Chemistry.
The prime mover argument is not so much about accounting for existence (as you seem to imply), but for action / movement among existents. Even if matter and energy existed eternally, the laws of cause and effect regarding their interplay would still be true -- and therefore the prime mover argument would still be very relevant.
I would also remind you that your theory assumes that the physical universe (this "closed system") is the sum total of existence -- an assumption which 1) Begs the question, and 2) could hardly be justified by any rational epistemology.
"no evidence" - What do you mean by "evidence"? (Hint: this is why I've posted a lot about epistemology)
"Inconsistent with logic" - please tell me how so.
"Inconsistent with science" - the only "scientific" aspect to my argument is that there is currently action taking place. Are you saying that science would deny this? The rest of my argument is not scientific, but philosophic.
Where is my proof? Again, what do you mean by "proof"? What epistemological assumptions are you smuggling in by asserting that I have presented no "proof"?
The argument IS the proof.