Guns and red meat....great combination. I don't think that the terrorists will be bothering this place. Hope that many more restaurants like it will open across the country.
Terrorist? No, but liberals are a totally different pest, and in some ways worse. A terrorist might kill you, but a liberal will happily strip you of your means of defending yourself, try to convince you that defending yourself is somehow wrong AND strip you of your right to object to the murder on the grounds of compassion - because THEY care so much - for the terrorist, not you.
Agreed. I remember going to a TEA party meeting a few years ago. The guest speaker was from Gun Owners Against Violence. Half the room was carrying. It was pretty cool.
"An excellent concept. Hate to see someone try try to rob that place." In the very unlikely event they should be a victim of violent crime, we'd never hear the end of it because it bleeds and is man-bites-dog.
No so sure. Often times when it's a legitimate self defense case it gets buried. We have a local case where a woman defended herself against an intruder and yet I have had trouble finding any news about it.
I mean if by unlikely chance someone robs, hits, or murders in their restaurant and gets away, despite how prepared they are, the story would have morbid shadenfreude appeal.
If he doesn't franchise, I could think of a number of different names, logos and advertisements that could be used with a similar theme. The food has to be really good, solid home-style cooking, though.
It must be a great town to have a restaurant like that. Just looked it up on the map. It's around four hours from Colorado Springs. The next time I visit my family in C.S., I'm going.
I am not sure about the new restaurant. The one we always visited, the steaks were superb. but-I must qualify. I have never enjoyed a meal at Kathy's Crab House in Delaware City :)
Now that Illinois has gotten 'concealed carry' legal, about 10% of licensed gun owners also are licensed for CC. It is estimated that 10% of those would open carry if it were legal.
I'd count myself among them. I can open carry in my home and on my property legally, so I do, but it would be nice to not worry about somebody seeing my gun when I reach up for a can of beans in the store. Open carry in a restaurant that didn't mind would be a dream come true.
Love it! Right here in the communist state of NY and particularly in Ulster and Sullivan counties a place like this would be packed with every cop, Sheriff and Trooper on their breakfast, lunch or dinner hours. NY does not have open carry but does have concealed carry however in these parst of the state during hunting seasons you can see hunters eating all the time with holstered guns and no problems at all. Just not in Shooter's BAR and Grill.
Like the place in Philadelphia that asked people to order in English during rush hour so as to keep the speed of service up. The left objected to that request and that wit was on poster with a US Flag.
Sounds like a reasonable request. They could give each menu item a number to make it easier for English challenged patrons. I'd rather see the help packing heat.
I hope they are ready for the IRS audit and the BATF undercover entrapment schemes.
Some people do open carry around here and the reaction is 'nice gun'. In the big city it would be 'call the swat team'.
Now there's full stomach suicide by restaurant.
Dino just clowning here.
In the very unlikely event they should be a victim of violent crime, we'd never hear the end of it because it bleeds and is man-bites-dog.
I'd count myself among them. I can open carry in my home and on my property legally, so I do, but it would be nice to not worry about somebody seeing my gun when I reach up for a can of beans in the store. Open carry in a restaurant that didn't mind would be a dream come true.
the bad guys shop elsewhere! -- j