The LockDown of The West Continues.
Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 2 months ago to Government
On Friday, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced a 3 year moratorium on coal leases on "federal" lands. With her for the photo-op was Republican sellout rinos, Governor Sandoval of Nevada, and Governor Mead of Wyoming. Recall, these two governors in particular were responsible for the Trojan Horse "non-listing" of the Greater Sage Grouse last year. For which the Approved Resource Management Plans will devastate the rural Western economies. And now this.
The War on The West is now in all out conflagration leading into this "hopefully" final year of naked federal tyranny. That is, unless Rino's prevail.
I know well what this does to the Powder River Basin economy. I used to work directly for the mentioned Colin Marshall of Cloud Peak Energy while it was still Rio Tinto Energy. This will specifically decimate the economies from Douglas, Wyoming on up to Gillette. But the downstream effect to all the jobs in the transporting of coal, the power plants, the energy grid and right into the homes of America, will be catastrophic.
Colin Marshall is quoted: “The administration has chosen to pander to special interest groups and do their bidding.” Right on.
Check these guys out:
This has been an agenda for awhile. Brian Sandoval and Matt Mead may just have to dust off their constitutions after all.
The War on The West is now in all out conflagration leading into this "hopefully" final year of naked federal tyranny. That is, unless Rino's prevail.
I know well what this does to the Powder River Basin economy. I used to work directly for the mentioned Colin Marshall of Cloud Peak Energy while it was still Rio Tinto Energy. This will specifically decimate the economies from Douglas, Wyoming on up to Gillette. But the downstream effect to all the jobs in the transporting of coal, the power plants, the energy grid and right into the homes of America, will be catastrophic.
Colin Marshall is quoted: “The administration has chosen to pander to special interest groups and do their bidding.” Right on.
Check these guys out:
This has been an agenda for awhile. Brian Sandoval and Matt Mead may just have to dust off their constitutions after all.
It is astounding, what has happened in the last several decades with this environmental movement thing. It plumbs the depths of the evisceration of the meaning of words to the blanket brainwashed acceptance of concepts that have no basis in reality. Astounding.
We MUST take back federal lands...was a bad idea in the first place.
Robert J. Smith
I would add (to augment the article) that last year, the federal/State greenie-government complex has devised a way around the Endangered Species Act. With the huge Record of Decision on the Greater Sage Grouse they managed to set the precedent that by actually declaring the "non-listing" of the bird, they can actually impose far worse RMP's (Resource Management Plans) that actually have no definition of mitigations, and are subject to "review and revision" whenever they want.
Even renewables aren't free from attack. Here in Oklahoma, wind turbine construction is being challenged because it might disrupt the prairie chicken. We produce enough wind power to export it to other low wind states, but the power lines needed to transport the power have faced seven years of court challenges.
Now the dimwits are wailing about how low oil and gas prices will sabotage renewable projects. If they pulled their heads out, they'd see the reduced cost of transport and construction as a blessing to big renewables. Hopeless.
Sage grouse are also commonly called sage hens or sage chickens.
Not a Harley Davidson.
Wilderness is supposed to be a pristine "intact" ecosystem. There is no such thing. Wilderness starts just beyond the edge of the shoulder in the road. "The environment" is invoked to justify any socialist rip-off.
They are also an organization to model for grassroots viral activism - if it were used, for, let's say, Alex Epstein's Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, or his Energy Initiative.
I'm completely lost. Viral activism? Alex Epstein?
Please clarify.
At what point do those adversely affected by all of this join the ranks of those in Oregon?
If i weren't living through this period in America and was just told about it I wouldn't believe that a single man with the title president of the usa could get away with destroying what WAS the greatest country in the world ever. The separation of powers does not exist as was prescribed in the constitution. And those who were elected to be 1/3rd of that power structure from my perspective gave up their position a long time ago, so for someone like 0 stepping in to initiate these negative changes wasn't as far fetched as one would think. So the blame is not only 0 but every member of the congress, they are all in league.
As soon as the ability to heat homes, shortage of food develops then the revolution will more than likely start.
Back to the caves everyone, it is a bold new red errr green dawn coming!
I was based at one mine that averaged about 8000 BTU's on the northern end of the Basin and covered some of the mines in the southern end of the Basin that were a bit better at 9000-9500 BTU's. And also covered one in Colorado that was higher at 10,000+ BTU's. That was the Colowyo Mine near Craig, Colorado that the Wild Earth Guardians almost manage to shut down entirely last summer and fall. That mine directly feeds the Tri-State Plant just outside of Craig. Shut down the mine, you shut down the plant and thousands in a rural community are out of work. And electricity.
As usual, the coal industry is way more complex that one would think. Power plants are actually designed to handle certain types of coal, based upon metallurgical aspects. Some coals are higher in ash content than others, some are higher in sodium. The furnaces are setup at different plants to accommodate their source of coal. This interdependence of design, contracts, and customer relations can be complex. When a certain type of coal mines are forced to shut down, the downstream ramifications are like dominoes.
Regimes with lower governmental interference! What a concept.
Maybe you can generically describe who We are? Sounds like an R&D outfit?
I have been out of the coal business since 2008. No contacts anymore. After 7 years doing geotechnical work in the Powder River Basin, I returned to Nevada in the gold mining industry, where I had previously spent 15 years.
Al Gore had lots of tobacco stock. Bad for his imagte so he sold it and reinveseted in local coal mining stocks.. Eastern coal is much lower in BTU per ton and much higher in acid rain type pollutants. Thank you so much Mr. Gore.....So they solve with carbon tax credit. Price to consumer goes up but what about pollutants?
Then they shut down western coal high in BTUs alow in pollutants with manufactured add on requirements same as they did to the auto industry. VW does not need the US. they sell to the whole world. Gore gets rich off the backs of the lower economic classed who now pay more for less be it coal, polluted fuel with that ethanol crap added, cost off food etc and laugh at the fools that are still voting for them.
Oregon for one used to be a net exporter of electricity. They are now an importer and Boardman is going shut down soon. I hope they choke on it. But they are too stupid to know they just took int he shorts and didn't check the vaseline for sand.
The above video URL is a Constitutional Atty talking about why the federal govt is not suppose to own any land accept for the land in Washington, DC.
Divide and Conquer is what they do.
Vote VETERAN someone that puts America before ANY party we come from ALL back grounds.
No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your support and vote.Pass the word.
And what aspect of the coal issue is moot?