The Warmongers' Brawl

Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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I kind of agree with David Stockman on this. Why does the GOP think we need to be involved in war all the time?
SOURCE URL: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/the-warmongers-brawl-how-the-gop-is-deserting-free-markets-sound-money-and-fiscal-rectitude/

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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 11 months ago
    As the daughter of a 'cold warrior' the phrase "peace through strength" is forever drummed into my head. Not being the foreign policy expert my pop was, I'll take him at his word that military conflict arises from military weakness, not from military strength. I think current times are proof enough of that. So every admin that guts our military can be looked at as having caused a war, regardless of what political administration sends the go order.
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    • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 11 months ago
      BS. We pilfer away money setting up outposts all over the world and pounding sand for no real gain in the Middle East for years and years. We have the strongest military on earth by far and yet we claim to not be secure and need to spend more and more. The only legitimate reason to go to war is to defend freedom, our freedom. Any other reason is an initiation of unjustifiable force.
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      • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 11 months ago
        It depends upon how "defending our freedom" is defined. Strict isolationism is unrealistic any more given the interconnectedness of the world. Maintaining military posts on foreign soil does not necessarily mean the funds are wasted. If the posts are run correctly it can be money very well spent.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Strength is measured by support and lacking the will to victory support is lacking in purpose and justification. A good reason not to vote for left wing candidates. Be they named Cruz or Sanders.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 8 years, 11 months ago
      Exactly! It was put best in a cold war-era movie:

      “I'm suggesting, Senator, there hasn't been a single piece of paper written in the history of mankind that could serve as a deterrent to a Pearl Harbor. I sometimes wonder why we haven't learned that lesson by now. Every twenty years or so we have to pick ourselves up off the floor bleeding, and have to pay for that mistake. And I might add, Senator, those mistakes are delivered to us C.O.D. by peace-loving men. And bought and paid for with the lives of other men. Men in uniform.” General Scott, "Seven Days In May"
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      • Posted by $ splumb 8 years, 11 months ago
        Just switch "Soviet Union" with "Iran", and this line from the movie still works:

        "I think the signing of a nuclear disarmament pact with the Soviet Union is at best an act of naivete, and at worst an unsupportable negligence. We've stayed alive because we've built up an arsenal, and we've kept the peace because we've dealt with an enemy who knew we would use that arsenal. And now we're asked to believe that a piece of paper will take the place of missile sites and Polaris submarines, and that an enemy who hasn't honored one solemn treaty in the history of its existence will now, for our convenience, do precisely that. I have strong doubts, gentlemen." General Scott, "Seven Days In May"
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        • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 11 months ago
          The one advantage the negotiations with the Soviets have that the negotiations with the Iranians do not is that American and former Soviet leaders share a similiar cultural perspective about sanctitity of life. The chilling problem, imo, of dealing with muslim fundamentalist regimes is their lack of regard for life. Kind of makes it hard to negotiate if your adversary has that view.
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          • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 11 months ago
            The only lives the soviets held in sanctity was their own. Given that they slaughtered more Russians than the Nazis, they obviously didn't hold life sacred.
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            • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
              Not really even their own, they threw 10s of thousands of Red Army soldiers at Stalingrad, most without a weapon or ammunition to wear down the German defenses and Ammo supplies.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          last count they have 10,000 we have about the same but we have more subs that work and the drones with JSOWS or Joint Stand off weapons systems and those can be nukes or worse yet FAE fuel air explosives and guided by satellite or other drones way high overhead...FAE are the second most powerful explosive device after nukes known to exist. they use then to clear entire minefields for example I not to worried about the russians but I wish we would move to assist the anti ISIS even more and recognize Kurdistan. Turks will fall in line even if it means losing territory and I really don't give a rats ass about Iran and Iraq south of Kurdistan. They have nothing we need especially oil and we have enough to undersell them at present. Iran gets twitchy in their underground facility...like NK collapse the mountain on top of them let Allah sort them out and blame it on their own devices malfunctioning...goes for Pakistan too.first thing get rid of their in house agent in the white house. we keep this kind around we will have backs to the wall and nothing left to use. But I like the idea of the women having to sign up for the draft. Maybe that is what's needed to get rid of that atrocious fascist piece of socialist enabling (expletive deleted) and we can get down to protecting our own borders. and interior of our country. Until then I'm staying in FNA where it's safe.
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          • Posted by Knightdwf 8 years, 11 months ago
            Actually I think women in combat are is a horrible idea!

            There is a psychology to fighting a war, and men have a certain way of thinking separate from that of women. The Israelis found out the hard way that when women are introduced as war fighters, wars became even MORE brutal than they already are! Men are ingrained to protect women, when "their women" get injured or killed, the Israeli soldiers would lose their minds!

            Women in a war zone A: Have to worry about getting raped, and not necessarily just by the enemy... and B: Have to worry about getting pregnant! Both are a problem in the modern era! When I was in Kuwait, an incoming unit that was reliving a unit that was already there came into theater with both STDs and like half of the females in the unit had positive results for being pregnant!

            The problem is people again want to be politically correct rather than confront warfare on the terms of what true reality is! Humanism and "progressivism" minded people try to fight wars using idealism and social engineering, rather than just going with what has worked for thousands of years! Men do the fighting, women do the worrying and keep the home fires lit!
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
              One reason is the ability to opt out by being pregnant. That stems back to the days of the Womens Army Corps or WACs and I witnessed it myself on multiple occasions. Girl wanted out she got pregnant. Back then it wasn't as easy to get an abortion but that seemed the usual route...after the discharge papers were in hand. A secondary route was marriage and then discharge because of pregnancy. That kept them under the military system as a dependent.
              I would be surprised to find the same thing to one degree or another is not still occurring.

              Other women are just the opposite. But given the Israel experience which was a back against the wall driven policy I'm wondering if an all woman Amazon Corps might not be suitable. Women over the year have a records of bearing up in combat conditions and worse. I'll remind you of the Jedburgh teams that dropped into Europe and worked with the underground.

              Women have to fight against the role of baby factories just as men should be fighting against the role of simple cannon fodder. Being treated like one or the other should be a court martial offense. Sexism, racism and bigotry in any form should not be tolerated in any form. That statement starts with the government being the foremost proponent of sexism, racism, and bigotry and that is where the change needs to be made initially. So long as the government is in a do what I say not as I do mode we are stuck with the isms. I'm wondering how many of the higher brass that exist today are guilty of covering up such activities. If it's still the same.
              I rather think so when I hear terms such as ethnic exception meaning some fat asses are more equal than other fat asses.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
      Well said. Though I am not a fan of Theodore Roosevelt for his environmental activism, his foreign policy of "Speak softly and carry a big stick." is spot on.

      We must recognize that there are many who have no problems coercing others into doing what they want - both foreign and domestic. The only way to resist tyranny is to be willing and able to defend freedom.
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  • Posted by davidmcnab 8 years, 11 months ago
    The GOP is war-addicted because of all its friends and cronies in the weapons business. Follow the money!
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    • -2
      Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Iit leads straight to the DNC and all your left wing excuses are not going to change that. Now you prove me wrong. Just another shill for the left with that comment. I'm calling your bluff.
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      • Posted by davidmcnab 8 years, 11 months ago
        Michael, I expected better of you, as a Gulch member. Why does criticism of a right-wing entity automatically render the critic a leftie? I'm just as critical of socialism!
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        • Posted by davidmcnab 8 years, 11 months ago
          And to elaborate, I'm totally over this whole left-versus-right binary BS!
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
            One more point however you did say GOP. A way out of your dilemma is say Citizens and Government. Solves everything

            'The Government and it's cronies are war addicted' is much better ditches the left right BS and places the onus squarely where it belongs. DNC whoops Socialist Party HQ.

            Since both of the halves voted for cronyism this time with a huge majority and the RINOs work for the DINOs. Thanks I like your idea. It's sounds familiar..
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          You didn't criticize the right wing you specifically said GOP that is the RINO controlled right wing OF the left. One must assume because the sentence was structured that way and in that fashion. Was I supposed to think otherwise? After all your sentence was being critical of one part of socialism so I suppose I could have got confused.

          Left = Government OVER people and citizens and the GOP is nothing of not Republican In Name Only and that is DNC controlled territory.

          But it's an acceptable apology in a round about way. So I'll provide a point.

          Hard to tell the players without a score card...

          In fact two points up. -:)
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 11 months ago
    I have been saying for awhile that the military is the GOPs welfare. Our foreign policy is out of wack, our military is way too big and spread over far too many countries (those who defend everything defend nothing), and our military tactics and weapons have not been updated for todays technology. For instance, we do not need an F-22 or a F-35. Piloted fighters, where the pilot is the limiting factor, are absurd.

    I am mixed on Stockman. He argued for raising taxes under Reagan. His analysis is usually no better than what I call the simple accountants mentality and ultimately he is not for freedom, he is a true conservative.
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    • Posted by Knightdwf 8 years, 11 months ago
      I think we should ALWAYS keep pilots in the pilot's seat whenever possible!

      What happens when a drone system gets hacked by the enemy and the drone is used against us? An autonomous drone, which is where the military is heading, would be a nightmare! Pilots, for the better or for the worst, can make moral decisions, like choosing not to hit a target because it's too close to a religious building! A mindless drone wouldn't care!

      "Not needing" a piloted fighter is NOT looking at the bigger broader picture! Just because we have the technology does NOT mean we should automatically use it! Should we be using depleted uranium shells? Should we be using MOABS or should we be using tactical nukes?
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      • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 11 months ago
        What is the pilot going to do if his plane gets hacked? - Crash into the ground. That is not a valid reason for keeping pilots in the airplane. In addition, you are ignoring the cost benefit analysis Pilots in fighter/bombers are absurd they increase the cost by a factor of at least 100 and decrease the performance by at least a factor 3.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Depleted uranium being painted as causing two headed monsters or radiation sickeess is an urban myth

        And if is downed and captured? That already happened.

        I'm wondering how much combat time you have. I just love chairborne rangers. The trouble is you 'think' and that's the fatal cop-out word. Had you said 'I believe and stated facts instead of conjecture it would sound a lot more convincing.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Not any more. they are cutting or being cut 50% have instituted all jobs opened to women and recruiting numbers are down. to take care of projected missions they asked for the draft to be reinstated and women included.

      that takes a few years....but it's on the right track sooooooooo whens the rest of the government going to follow the leaders?
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      • Posted by Knightdwf 8 years, 11 months ago
        Women in the military is, all together, a horrible idea! At the very least, women in combat roles, or any role where they are on the front lines, or any place where they are likely to engage in combat. See my posting above on women in the military.

        Don't get me wrong, I am professional with the ladies, or women, I've worked with and am subordinate to. I do not disagree that some women can be equal to the task, but it would be HORRIBLE to force ALL women to sign up and be eligible for the draft! Most women are not built for combat!

        Interestingly enough, the reason why we have so many food programs in this country was to ensure that we had enough strapping and healthy young men to fight wars! When we fought the Vietnamese and they looked at the bodies of the American soldiers they had killed, they were surprised at how big our people were!

        The problem is, "progressives", so called, have been in charge of the school system in a lot of ways demeaning or down playing the exceptionalism of this country. Why are we surprised then that we have a nation of wimps that more often than not grab a camera instead of a gun when they see a crime unfolding?

        As for the draft itself, is again, a horrible idea! Only about 1 or 2% of the population is really bent on killing their fellow man (for better or worse). Only about 1 to 3% of the population ever serves in the military. With an all volunteer military, you are likely to catch those willing to fight and kill (if the need arises) for their country! Those who are not willing to fight, to kill, or to die for their country, do not belong in the military!

        We already have troubles as it is with liberals picking up guns and going on killing sprees! (All these shooting sprees, if they are not inspired by Islam, are nut job democrats!) Why give them more training on killing people?

        Like it or not, most of the war fighters that have served (voluntarily) in the military have been conservatives or Republicans!
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          First of all let's destroy the propaganda myth in the last sentence. The reason most vote Republican is the death ratio of US Service personnel in wars started and conducted by Democrats.

          Secondly I dispute your one and two percent figure unless you are speaking of criminals where as it happens that number applies.

          Third ....hey dude it's the 21st century what makes women so special besides being baby factories which is what you are saying under the rest of verbiage. But if they cannot serve equal to men they deserve no equal rights such as student loan program.

          Fourth there is nothing in the Constitution to protect them from being drafted. Al it states is the age requirements for men. Nowhere does it say women are exempt. But a step further most of the draft system is not authorized either and the answer are found 9th and 10th Amendments. Useful if we still had a Constitution.

          So let's do as you say and keep women as second class citizens....come to think of it given the despicable response women showed during the Clinton years perhaps it's where they should be found.
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  • Posted by DavidRawe 8 years, 11 months ago
    It's not really a party issue per say. Rather it is a power and money issue as always...oh yeah and those pesky liquid carbons and other resources.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Totally agree, but right now it is the GOP who want war. Not the left. It will swing the other way when the powers that be want it to.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        tut tut tut....public consumption verbiage is only to fool people into voting one way or the other without realizing they are voting for the same thing. GOP are part of the left. Part of the left right BS David McNab referred to so I'm following his lead on that

        The rule is what they say is not what they are going to do. Was it ever different? No. Besides the Democrats hold first place when it comes to war mongering that stuff was just the Rinos supporting the Dinos.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
        Oh, the progressive left love a good war to distract from politics at home. Bill Clinton went to war in Bosnia to try to distract from Blue-Dress-Gate. Obama went to war in Egypt, Libya, and now Syria to try to distract from his ongoing scandals of Fast and Furious, Solyndra, IRS targeting, and many others. To say it is solely a left-right issue is nonsense.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        They just playing to the crowd for votes ALWAYS what they say in these phony debates has nothing to do with what they DO once in office. IF they see problems they will change that tune fast between primaries and general election at least five times and they still won't be telling the truth.

        rose is a rose is a rose and a politician is a skunk is a skunk is a skunk. Like reporters not to be trusted.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Why is it all of a sudden not a party issue You mean they are massive pork and supporting a cycle of economic repression against the citizens? You don't get them off the hook that easy. BOTH parties voted for that bill - that is to say both wings of the Government party did - and in no small quantities. It"s all about the parties and money and power. They aren't excused.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 11 months ago
    In the entire history of the US, the US has not been at war for only one five year period. So much for the US not being bellicose, imperilistic, and peace loving.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
      Hello, but that's the history of the world - not just the United States. It's just that as the most powerful country on the planet right now, we're going to get sucked into a lot of wars for that reason.

      And let's admit, but if all the other nations in the world adopted the principles of freedom and equality contained in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, there would be a lot more world-wide peace.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 11 months ago
        I am confused. Are you offering you explanation of the world as a justification for the U.S. to do the same? President Washington knew of the bellicose history when he admonished, in his farewell address, that the U.S. should trade with all and become involved with the internal politics of none. Perhaps, had we followed that advice, we would not have the history of constant war since the founding.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
          "Are you offering you explanation of the world as a justification for the U.S. to do the same?"

          No. I'm just observing that the world itself isn't exactly rainbows and unicorns. I would also point out that there is a difference between inciting war and getting pulled into a war as a result of alliances and allegiances. Bellicosity results in the instigation of conflict; many of the wars we have been involved in have been to protect interests and allies. Now I'm not trying to justify every involvement in conflict we've been associated with, but I do point out that to state that the United States has historically been instigating wars isn't justified IMHO. In the last twenty years or so? Perhaps one can make a stronger case for that.

          And I agree with George Washington. He was probably the best President we have ever had.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Eiseenhower actually sent the first contingent to evaluate and then only some limited advisers. JFK re-evaluated and had ordered them pulled out. LBJ fabricated the Tonkin Gulf incident and was the main warmonger in that one. For money nothing else.

      That phrase was started by soldiers. Hey Hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?"

      Let's hear it for the War Monger Party...now the Socialist Party previously Democrats. Barf!

      24 years Infantry. I earned the right.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      I am referring only to right now and the Presidential Debates.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Not good enough. The present war is Afghanistan II it is Obambas war just as Vietnam was LBJ's war and the debates are a joke. Left wing of the left and the right wing of the left. He pulled the troops out of Iraq and straight into Afghanistan. he gets this one on his legacy check list.

        As for the debates? What are you talking about They have less value than State of the Union or a Democrat voting for war. Five second life span. Less now the republicans aree a branch of the DNC.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
          Did you read the article?
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
            Sorryi I missed this one YES and it was as I suspected another wise choice in not having TV I found nothing in there except the explanation on that ten sailor incident worth more than the campaign bombast and having little to do with reality or what they are really going to do - if they even know.

            On schedule it marked the beginning of negative campaigning.

            Seven podiums? Each and their own stage. One stands on a podium or platform or stage and behind a lectern or similar Wish these reporters would invest in a dictionary.

            As for the verbiage ....worthless It will change five or six times as they play to whichever segment of the population is watching or listening or attending and in the end it's only a question of how far to the left they will move the center of the left this time.

            I am in agree ment with David McNab (posted further down the thread) of not using left and right but just Government and Citizens. Makes more sense as does dumping conservative and liberal Too many definitions by too many factions and too damn many illiterate reporters.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 11 months ago
    Its cronycapitalism! Boeing, General Dynamics, and all the other defense contractors need us to be at war so they can sell more stuff.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
      Not really, not with Native American, disabled Vet, small business preference, and disadvantaged/minority owned business preference on supplies and service contracts.

      Those guys get the research and dev stuff on ten and twenty year terms, they do fine war or peace, and we don't lose ships/planes/tanks to combat action, mostly to age or maintenance issues.

      Congress earmarks procurement to district areas to get a vote here and there, the Joint Strike Fighter seems to have pieces made in all 50 states for example.

      The downstream echo effect of defense spending is about the best thing we can do anyway, pave a road and you create a few jobs for a few months... Design a new fighter jet and you are talking 10s of thousands of jobs for decades, overseas sales, and technology spinoff and royalty revenue from the civilian sector.

      Those workers all spend money and pay taxes, the businesses in the towns they live in employ people and pay taxes.

      We also train a high tech and very capable future workforce through military service, I used to wonder where all the money for my paycheck came from when I was in the military, now I pretty much pay for a soldier every year on my own tax return, those skills and the income came from 6 years of service (and college).

      I'd be surprised if the government doesn't collect $2 in future taxes for every dollar it spends on defense.
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      • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 11 months ago
        Your argument roughly parallels the NFL owners arguments as to why cities should spend billions buying them new stadiums - which does not work out as they forecast.

        I am familiar with all the preferences given to special groups in federal contracts - I was a contracting officer for the USAF during a large part of my 25 years of service. In reality those small business/minority preferences make more money for the major defense contractors then they do for the 'disadvantaged' businesses they are supposed to help. For every gimmick the govmt dreams up, somebody figures a way to play it to his advantage.

        I agree that the Joint Strike Fighter is made of pieces from just about every state (maybe even every state) and that is to buy votes. You local congressman can tell his constituents that HE brought all those good jobs to the district.

        What needs to be considered is that if those bright people were not employed building weapons, what would they be building? I mean no sarcasm here - defense contractors employ a lot of highly skilled and intelligent people. Defense contractors like govmt work because profits are guaranteed! If they were in a competitive market they might have to fight for profits. In my opinion a lot of defense money is wasted and the opportunity cost of all the things not being done because efforts are being expended on bombs instead of more useful things is just plain tragic.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
          You find no argument from me. Depends on the agency though, defense, yes. Comes down to resources to perform though, something difficult for smaller businesses as well as past performance credentials on their own.

          I work in Solutions/BD for a larger company, we do a lot for the Dept of Energy (hydro), we have to partner on everything but the prime has to do 51% of the work,no they really do. Normally it's one cycle though, too big the second time so we find a new partner.

          I understand the thought, but it doesn't work in practice, once they are too big they usually struggle to find business to replace that govie customer. We were a $100 million company before we did business with the government so it doesn't affect us much, maybe 25% of our revenue.

          We have been transitioning from fed to local and education for the same reason though, no set asides.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Yep and for the infantry it's a worthless piece of cery expensive garbage. Which I thought Obomba hade cancelled about six iyears ago.He lied about that too?
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        • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
          Cancelled what, the set-asides? Oh no, he amplified the hell out of it. The ObamaCare website mess was awarded to an African female-owned business from Canada that didn't have much experience building websites, they just figured they would hire people that did. $500 million went down that rat hole until they cut bait and hired Accenture.

          Friend of mine works there, they had a new internal slogan for a while after that.. What does Accenture Do? A: We unfck your sht.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
            no the Joint All Purpose Fighter program.
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            • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
              No, Congress attached it to a budget or something, it replaces the F16, Harrier, and the F14s, all were practically Vietnam era.

              You don't use F22s to bounce off a carrier deck in 30 foot seas, or close air support for ground troops, you use something a lot cheaper, he had no idea what he was talking about with it.
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    • Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
      That is utter nonsense. We maintain our military forces even when we are not at war. Congress has a constitutional directive and duty to provide for the national defense and to maintain our military to secure that objective. Crony Capitalism is better applied to all the benefactors of government funding that have no such constitutional basis, like so-called green energy companies, especially all those that went bankrupt after plundering the public treasury.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    Strange you should say that. Most Wars are started by Democrats. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam just to name the biggies. The latest is Afghanistan II. Starting after the end of WWII with Greece the ratio of US Service personnel killed in wars started by Democrats is 154 to 1 unless you give a wink an nod to Nixons conduct of the LBJ's Vietnam War then it's 18 to one Killed by Democrats for every one killed in a war (conflict whatever) starteed by a Republican. Wars lost by Democrats. None if you remember the real purpose was always political or economic. Wars won and lost by Demcrats after the fact It's a long long list.

    You come down talking Republican vs democrats when it comes to wars make sure there are no soldiers and survivors of those belonging to the War Monger Party which now includes Republicans. We have very long memories. One of the reasons I doubt the military would follow it's oath of office. Most of us believe by bitter experience you weren't worth the effort. We have to remind ourselves our oath was to something worthwhile called the Constitution something the Democrats have long forgotten. Kilo Mike Alpha

    Objectively speaking we considered Democrats to be on the other side - where they invariably could be found . And still do.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
    Yes, with James Taggart like corporate greed and corrupt politicians and unearned wealth billionaires the only ones to make some money off of it all.
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  • Posted by Butched 8 years, 11 months ago
    I have read most of the comments. I believe the socialist live here. Anyone that believes the gop is a warmonger party needs to think again. The problem is the gop needs to step into a world created by the left and Obama. The democrats and lefties screw the world up and the gop is left to clean up the mess. The worlds situation is obamas fault. History has taught us that sitting out the fight is not an option. Sooner rather than later bad things will intensify in this country. The democrats and gang will all yell its bushes fault or Reagan did this or that . Have news for you, Obama made and is responsible for all the madness going on. Own the facts please.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 11 months ago
    Demoncraps start the wars with their stupidity and the repubs have to finish them.
    Remember; WW1 and WW2 we had progressives in the WH, however...we didn't have much choice in WW2. ever since...we were fighting communism...not realizing it was already here in our own country and government. Korea and V Nam were those kind of battles, however Korea...started via black flag. Demo's screwed a victory in Nam and we've been (you know what-"ed") ever since. islam? had always been a pain, Nix/Kiss never shoulda tolled them they had oil under their tents and camels.

    I think that up to 10/15 years ago, most republican representatives got pull into these things, these black flag/swan events just like the rest of us...these days there is not many that represent us nor the interests of the country.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
    We need to do what we do best, build and maintain a military that is 20 years ahead of all our adversaries, and restart science in America... We have pissed a lot of money away on medical, it's time to establish permanent colonies on the Moon, Mars, and mine the asteroid belt for precious resources.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
    As far as the 10 captives go, there is no doubt in my mind that it was a put up job. The question is, however, can the USA be an isolationist country in the world as it is made up of nations and technology today? With technology available to almost all nations, good, bad, or ugly, what happens anywhere in the world can and does affect us. Should we wait until it does, or should we act in the affairs of happenings all over the world in order to influence them from impinging on us negatively. Even though the conditions in America are deteriorating, we still want to keep ourselves safe. Is our perceptions via Washington so distorted that we can opt out of geopolitics and power moves and still remain safe? After all, when all is said and done, isn't protecting the citizens from danger, foreign and domestic, the chief reason for a government to exist at all?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      I am all for protecting us from danger. I am against fighting other countrys' wars. I think our military is big enough to protect our country.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
        Yes, we would win in the long run, but still, many would die. It would be better to prevent fights, especially at home, if a show of force overseas could prevent it.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 11 months ago
          Bullshit (neocon) irrational unethical argument that has been used for centuries to justify murder of innocent people in order to steal their resources.
          Herb, you might be able to do it if you could control everyone else, but you can't. Power corrupts and military power corrupts worse than most.
          Using the resources we have to improve technology would be a much better defense than invading other coutries, killing civilians, and enriching the "military industrial complex.).
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          • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
            Utopian thinking.
            But, I like it. If we could get the majority of the power brokers in Washington to think objectively you'd be completely right. The country is broken and while a vast minority of people think rationally most do not An old rusty broken down car that runs is still better than walking if you need to go a distance. You can wish it to be nice, new and shiny, but it's not. Not the best metaphor but I'm sure you get the point.
            And.....that's no bullshit.
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          • -1
            Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
            You are a damned liar, FFall. Whose resources did we steal? Iraq's oil? NOT. Kuwait's oil? NOT. Perhaps we should have at least worked out a deal for those countries to repay us in oil or other resources for liberating them. So tell us, exactly whose resources has America been "stealing for centuries"?
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            • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 11 months ago
              Relax, BuddyL. While this is a place for open discussion, we must keep it civil and rational discussion. Personal insults are not a form of civil, rational discussion.
              First, I didn't say "America has been stealing for centuries." I said this was an excuse to wage war that had been used for centuries to wage war, murder innocent people, and steal resources.
              The neocons are one group in the US that are using the excuse to wage war and kill innocent people. The current administration has continued using the excuse as well. Neither represents the best interests of the American people.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        You will be happy to know the fifty percent cut is well under way and the new plan is turn the draft switch back on and .....the girls get to sign up at 18 too.

        Cutbacks is anther word for get ready to spend a ton of money a few years later. As for large enough Arizona asked for 3,000 federal troops to protect NOT the border but the interior of the state where federal land has been ceded to the cartels. they were turned down but they also do not respond to call within federal property boundaries anymore.
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      • Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
        It is naive to assume America could just sit back and ignore world events until they crashed into us. Such a policy would keep us in reactionary mode and likely result in millions of deaths, including Americans. Rather than applying an ounce of prevention we would forever be forced to allow situations to foment out of all proportion so that when they finally did demand our involvement it would inevitably be far more costly, or unwinnable.

        Consider the outcome if FDR had waited a bit longer to enter WW-II, if Japan had held off on attacking Pearl Harbor until they and Germany had completed a jet airforce, long range bombers, better V2 rockets, and made more headway in their atomic bomb projects...
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  • Posted by Genghis 8 years, 11 months ago
    Some objective data on US Wars:
    WWI- Wilson (D)- 116k
    WWII- Roosevelt (D)- 405k
    Korea- Truman (D)- 36k
    Vietnam- Johnson (Kennedy) (D)- 59k
    About 620K- price of appeasement
    Obama/Dems starting in 2016?

    (R’s)- (I’m counting T Roosevelt as a (R) Phillipines, Guatamala/Honduras, Panama, Beruit, Grenada, Dominican, Iraq 1 and 2 and a few others

    About 14k-price of pre-emptive strategy
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  • Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
    It would help to begin with a premise that is not total crap! Historically wars have been initiated fairly equally under administrations of both Democrats and Republicans. No one party holds an exclusive in this matter, but far more people have died under the Dems' watch.

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    • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 11 months ago
      Which party does it the most can hardly lead us to a worthwhile starting premise. The starting premise needs to be about when military actions are justified and what the legitimate functions of a military are and are not.
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    • Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
      Obama has fired more Cruise missiles than all other Peace Prize winners combined. Note the surge in drone strikes after Obeyme's coronation, and increase in innocent deaths. All without Congressional approval or a Declaration of War. Obama is a murderer and his sycophantic supporters are his accomplices.

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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        A little bit of that is the previous dudes had not so many drones. They had friendly POWs and KIA's instead. The Congress hasn't declared war since WWII. Whose fault is that? Hey voters and citizens whose fault is that?????
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        • Posted by BuddyLama 8 years, 11 months ago
          True, that. (The above drone attack history video begins in 2004.) America declared war in WW-II only AFTER Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, AFTER Japan and Germany declared war on US, and a full year & more AFTER the Aussies and Canadians and others had already joined the war.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Wrong. What war you want to start with. WWI Democrat WWII Democrat Korea Democrat Vietnam Democrat Grenada, Panama and Kuwait Republican, Iraq Republican, Afghanistan Democrat. You got the last sentence right. Which is not to say the other party never voted for it. So fairly equally depends on who was in congress and who controlled the two houses Senators and Representatives. Now it matters not they all work for the DNC.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      The Dean Stockman article I am referencing clearly is referencing the current Presidential debates and what most of the Republican candidates are suggesting.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        what most of the right wing of the left are suggesting. Let's be honest about the two parts of a single party system and who controls it. Jusas the right wing of the left are Republicans In Name Only the left wingof the left are Democrats In Name Only and all of them are one form or another of Socialists.
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