What if Bernie Sanders Wins?

Posted by awebb 9 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Recent polls have shown that Bernie Sanders is actually leading over Hillary Clinton (source: http://bit.ly/1n5PTtB).

Since a real Galt's Gulch doesn't exist for us to retreat to, I'm curious... if Bernie Sanders wins the White House, what are you going to do?

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 1 month ago
    If Sanders wins, he will be a very frustrated President, for several reasons: first, he isn't as unscrupulous as Obama or Clinton, and will try to be more of a diplomat in dealing with Congress, which he will find a barrier to much of what he's promising; second, he greatly underestimates the power wielded behind the scenes by the financial community; third, he fails to understand how endemic much of government's problems are, made intractable by an entrenched incompetent civil service class.

    Bernie would probably set a record for the use of the veto, as a courteous but opposing Congress will inundate him with legislative action counter to everything he thinks he can accomplish.

    I think Bernie could win the Democrat nomination, especially as Hillary slips toward indictment, but I think he will flounder in the general election, unable to credibly explain how to pay for all the wonderful stuff he promises.
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    • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years, 1 month ago
      I am not so sanguine. There have been too many socialists (he says he is a Democratic Socialist) that seemed idealistic and caring that turned quite vicious once they had power. And the majority of the people in social media at least are strongly socialist in basic notions about what government is supposed to be.

      It is not going to be fun to have a contest between a socialist and a strongman type fascist this election.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 1 month ago
        As Hillary sinks, there will be more panic moves by the DNC to get someone else to run, as they have no faith in Sanders winning. It looks like Biden might jump in, and Jerry Brown is making noises. Bloomberg is considering an independent run in any event. The most bizarre combo I've heard is that the Libertarian party is trying to get Morgan Freeman to run, with Vin Diesel as his running mate! This could be an even bigger circus than it has been so far.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 1 month ago
    Hello awebb,
    It will be the siren call to strike. The day after the election... "Here lies my country. Born: 1776 - Died: yesterday." I just read an article that tabulated the cost of his proposed policies over the next decade... according to the article his increased spending is equivalent to the already massive national debt (18 Trillion!). http://freedomforce.com/8734/total-co...
    You might as well tell your kids and grand-kids to prepare for a life of diminishing opportunities. There will be no recovery.
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    • Posted by stargeezer 9 years, 1 month ago
      BO has nearly doubled the national debt in 7 years. I doubt anybody except us will notice anymore.

      Seriously, if the money had been spent on infrastructure I might not have minded so much, but as near as I can determine, the money was all wasted on welfare bonuses (cell phones and such), environmental companies that could never raise funding any other way, and that turned belly up when the pork ran out. And as far as I could determine every interstate passing through Chicago has been rebuilt - while the interstate highways leading into the city are barely passable. Of course he took care of his buddies at GE with contracts for millions of those butt ugly windmills that are trashing out the beauty of our countryside. But who cares, right? Nobody lives there except a few farmers and some neanderthals clinging to their guns and bibles. gerrrrr! Liberals love the environment, but when one of their own says that a particular "exception" is to be made, that's just fine. It's not like they are lumber jacks or fishermen.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
        Over 18 trillion585 billion and climbing faster than you can snap shot and heading to 21 trillion by 2020.I'll still have about ten good years and ten shit years to live which means head to Oregon and see how much that pill costs. No sense living in a shitty diaper for five hopeless bedsore years of near insanity.. I'm of the opinion that keeping people alive at that point and especially against their cognizant wishes is a Major Cruel but not unfortunate punishment and I wish it upon those who force it upon the rest of us. I'm thinking of writing a story on surrogate avengers who fill in for those unable to pull a trigger in those years but are able to attend their trial in a mobile hospital bed. Might open up a whole new line of employment.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 1 month ago
    Hide my stuff...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 1 month ago
      Hide my guns.
      Maybe I'll break a window (from the outside) and report them stolen.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 1 month ago
        Actually, the gun issue is the only one I can think of where Bernie is preferable to Hillary.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 1 month ago
          I don't think that Bernie's approach to the 2nd Amendment, or any other part of the Constitution (or what's left of it) will be any different than Hilary's. "Democratic" socialist or a Fascist socialist is all exactly the same. Once a socialist gains and consolidates power, the result will always be the same. I would not be surprised if Bernie brings back some of the same methods that demised some of his relatives only a half century ago. It won't matter - once a socialist is in power, he firmly believes that he is better than others and that he is immune to demise, as did his predecessors. Humans are such a funny lot!
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
            Funny thing but not so funny. Many of the early socialist chief among them Marx, Engels, Trotsky and reportedly Lenin himself were Jewish fully or partly so (by ancestral lineage or by cultural preference) Jews became their primary targets for final solution elimination. Many Democrats are of the same socialist heritage compromising most of US Jewery. Their is something as twisted there as is twisted in the ranks of Islamic fundamental jihadists. I know some of the story. and in a truly convoluted twisted way it makes weird sense. But I can't help thinking of them and one other group of adherents as Lemmings awaiting their marching orders. The one valid excuse is their was politically no where else to go. But then seeing the Republicans as right wing of the left types makes even more sense in a weird twisted way. So....we have secular Progressives why not have the Lemming Faction. Bernie has already spoken of re-education centers along with that California twit for brains if I remember correctly.
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            • Posted by Steven-Wells 9 years, 1 month ago
              If Sanders were to be the Demorat [oops, not enough letters—I meant Demoncrat] candidate, I would rely on the myriad evils of American Anti-Semitism to provide one positive outcome: a Sanders defeat in the general election.

              Popular divisive noise attempts to reduce society to gender, racial, ethnic, and religious splinters. The lamestream media habitually glorifies the divisiveness politics with mantras about the first woman, black, Hispanic, etc, President. Why isn't Sanders being marketed as the possible First Jewish President? Is it fear of the Jew-haters, including intellectual denial among self-hating Jews in the media?
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            • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 1 month ago
              Although most of the early socialist leaders, and many of the followers, were in fact Jewish, it seems to me that most of the European Jews have to some degree been cured of socialism since. American Jews, on the other hand, seem to have some defect in their genes, as a great predominance of them is socialist through every cell of their bodies. They seem totally incurable. That does not include all, as some have somehow became immune to the disease, including those belonging to the Second Amendment Foundation and TTAG, but for the most part - it's a genetic defect.
              Full disclosure - I was cured, by an unknown force, after the age of 20; perhaps I simply grew up.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
                Two divisions with older and wealthier tend more to the Republicans or even beyond some are die hard Constitutionalists.. The younger and less affluent tend to veer to the Socialist Democrats.

                Same type of division in the black or african american or whatever today. Older and more religious tend to the Republicans or even the independents while younger with no religion to the left. Same with financial position. the moochers by day and looters by night group if they even participate and I'm told sell votes by the gangload tend to the Democrats.

                Two groups notably absent south of the border are Islamics and Blacks. Most the former are converts and most of the latter are immigrants from Africa near as I can make out..

                the reason for the party affiliation has to do with the idiotic Republicans turning their back on the blacks in the late 1800s and FDR roping them in in the 1920s 1930s. Didn't do much for them and still dont't. S

                So CLinton was the first Black President and Obama they first half black President which doesn't validate them as a group as one was a white bread and the other a failure. So they still need to elect a Black President or stay marginal.

                As I recall no one from the Jewish culture of raith has sat in the Oval Office. No women and it looks like that will be true four years from now. Who knows we may end up with a First Lady after all if WwotL gets the nod. Strange stories abound
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago
    I plan to go on strike.

    Over the past 4-5 years, I've worked hard to build a business. I've seen growth and increased revenue year over year without fail. With someone like Bernie Sanders in the mix, who thinks that 90% tax is fair, I don't see the point in continuing on that path.

    While on strike, I will continue giving my best to Atlas Distribution. However, I will reduce my income to just what I need to live and will stop producing on all other levels. For example, I will shutter my business, and stop contributing to all the start-ups and networking groups I belong to.

    Unfortunately, seeing as I am not a doctor, inventor, engineer, etc., my efforts will not be missed nearly as much as those that went on strike in Atlas Shrugged.
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    • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 1 month ago
      I've been doing this for the last 7 years but I'm fortunate enough to have my business well established, now in my 19th year, so it was easier to go on strike back then. The people who suffered are the employees that I chose not to hire to continue the growth. I have not shuttered my business but if Bernie is elected that may be necessary. Let's hope it doesn't happen.

      I'm also not a doctor, etc so I'll not be missed but I know how to survive on little so I'll be good.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 1 month ago
      "Unfortunately, seeing as I am not a doctor, inventor, engineer, etc., my efforts will not be missed nearly as much as those that went on strike in Atlas Shrugged."
      People would miss your efforts if customers and early stage money seem to dry up for unclear reasons, i.e. because people like you don't feel any benefit to running networking and startup groups.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 1 month ago
    If Bernie wins the Presidency in Venezuela I won't be surprised. If he wins in the U.S. I may go full throttle revolutionary.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago
      A lot of mainstream media and conservative outlets are totally dismissing Bernie Sanders. Here's the thing... he really could win.

      His views are completely ridiculous to anyone with common sense but look around you... there's a lot of people with no common sense that are perfectly happy to cast their vote for him.

      I hope it doesn't happen. But it could.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 1 month ago
        He is making noise in Iowa and New Hampshire but he has a major uphill battle to win. Hillary supporters are bragging they have sewn up enough super delegates to win. If she is indicted rumors are starting now that Jerry Brown could run with Elizabeth Warren as VP. I don't think the Dems want him running any more than the Republicans want Trump. If he heads the Democratic ticket I hate to think it but he does have a chance.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
          Every one of those statements drips with the flavor of propagandism and wishful thinking. Plato and Lakoff to the core. The purpose is to divert attention. Who? Who paid for it and who wrote it. it is time for the professional liars and spinners to enter the fray. Lakoff and Mr. Mary Matelin and some idiot nobody ever heard of him before or since Clinton the pseudo economics expert. Ritch Ryches. something like that. Right on time right by the script ....It's street theater and means nothing but nothing. Only for those who willingly eat feces. Let them make noise. Iowa belongs - as theyhave proven - to those who pay the most money - they are not true Americans.
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          • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 1 month ago
            Huh? I didn't understand any of what you just said. Could you be more specific, please? Why don't you think Hillary will get the Demos nomination? How can Sanders win in the South? Not saying it's impossible, just unlikely.
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            • Posted by stargeezer 9 years, 1 month ago
              I've been spending a lot of my time in Iowa City, at the VA hospital. This entire city is plastered with signs, banners and thousands of brainwashed college kids passing out Sanders info to anybody who will pause for one second. I'm not kidding about thousands of kids. My truck has been plastered with bumper stickers three times, not just one or two - more like 10 each time. I had to pay a autobody shop to remove them the first time, but he didn't charge me the next times. He said he's tired of pulling them off.

              Least you think it's just that college town thing, all of Iowa is being pelted by these brainwashed kids.

              I have no idea if this will move more of the rather conservative populace of the state, but I do think it will and has appealed to the young brainless kids who are generally uneducated in history or government will vote for whoever will offer to give them the most, fulfilling Ben Franklins prophecy.
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              • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 1 month ago
                I do not doubt what you say about college kids in Iowa. Bernie's problem is not there. It is in South Carolina and the primaries that follow where 35-40% of the Democratic primary voters are minority voters who seemingly love the Clintons. Even should Bernie win in both Iowa and New Hampshire, a distinct possibility, he seems doomed in those later primary states. Of course, I could be wrong in which case we are all doomed.
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      • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 years, 1 month ago
        I agree; he could win, because there are enough moochers who'd vote for the Democrat simply because he/she isn't a Republican.

        But how much fun would it be to see the media meltdown if a) Trump gets the R nomination, and b) their beloved Hildabeast doesn't get the D nomination?
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 1 month ago
        It almost makes me want to contribute to Hillary in the primary, on the grounds that she would lose the general election. But that will make no difference if the winner is Trump.
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      • Posted by ChuckyBob 9 years, 1 month ago
        I would not dismiss his chances. I have had some discussions with some younger adults (chronilogicly, not cognitively adults) and they think Bernie is great. Also, our public ejakashon system does not teach deductive reasoning very well. Those who do not have enough life experience will have trouble thinking a year out to understand that his feel good for today policies will not feel good down the road. If he can get the youth out to vote, he could win.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
      That would be one place where you couldn't go counter-revolutionary unless the Constituional set asides we have under the dictator are continued. In that case the only legal way is a counter-revolution and only the military has that duty and responsibility and can act in defense of the constitution as I said legally . Will they? 50 50 so far they show few signs but then the people at the top are appointees by the dictator and careerists so I'm sure the oath means crap to them. The rest is 50 50 they will or they won't

      That not working...the USA is over anyway so anything goes....and nothing is legal except by the dictates of a dictator.

      I prefer the legal route .....that's up to the military but if hey don't they too are no longer legal it's just a huge gang of brown shirts, black shirts and whatever color uniform they are wearing these days.

      I'm a cynical realist but I don't see any other big time movement from the couch potato public.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 1 month ago
    Bernie Sanders understanding of fundamental economic principals is slightly less than my dog's understanding how his food gets in cans. Furthermore, trying to teach economics to a liberal is about as likely to succeed as trying to teach an oyster to play the violin. The liberal view of economics can charitably be called "mystical". By this I mean they view economics as a form of magic that is subject to incantations and wishful thinking. In reality fundamental economic principals are just as real as fundamental physical principals like gravitation and thermodynamics and they are just as difficult to avoid. This is why liberal concepts such including socialism and communism cannot succeed. Eventually the energy stored in the momentum of the system runs out leading to inevitable collapse. As Margaret Thatcher so wisely observed "Socialism works until it runs out of other peoples money." This concept does not enter into Sanders thinking.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 9 years, 1 month ago
    We survived 8 years of Dubya, and I think we'll make it past another year of BO without sinking beneath the waves. What's Sanders going to do that's worse than they've already done?
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    • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 1 month ago
      I understand your sentiment, but the 1st year of Lenin was not as bad as the 10th year, even if the policies did not change much after the first year.

      Things can get much worse. The police state can be applied with full force, the IRS can be more arbitrary, the EPA can stop the use of all fossil fuels, etc.
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      • Posted by hattrup 9 years, 1 month ago
        True - but only as long as our Congress continues its' spineless approach to the executive branch
        (perhaps a 50 year+ trend so your comments should probably be heeded )

        It is a shame the voters and congress have turned our President into an Emperor. Next they will want a Royal Family (I guess we already have a couple of those - Bush / Clinton).
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
          All left wingers yearn for an elitist separate class system of leaders with one paternal father figure. The myth of the nurturing mother is urban and nothing more. It's not a breast they wish to suckle.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 1 month ago
    I don't think that the Democrats will nominate Bernie Sanders. The Democrats are closet socialists, this we know. Bernie Sanders is a in-your-face avowed socialist. The Democrats know that they can't win with a socialist...at least not in this coming election. Hence, Kerry, Gore, or Biden or another candidate will come to the rescue if Hillary continues to go down in the polls. They won't be any better than Bernie, but they will appear to be.
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    • Posted by brkssb 9 years, 1 month ago
      "The Democrats know...can't win with a socialist." Hmm. Seems to me, the Dems "won" with Obama, not once, but twice. Seems to me that Bernie Sanders has some of the trappings of a gentleman, which are significantly lacking in candidates of in-your-face, sex, or charismatic nature, or at least the appearance of honesty and integrity, amongst the muddy pools of the bidders.
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      • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 1 month ago
        You know and I know that Obama is a socialist or worse. Unfortunately, to most to the people who voted for him, he was a blank slate. He was what his voters wanted him to be. Bernie Sanders is honest about who he is. The Democrat ruling class isn't ready to admit that they are a party of socialists to the American people. I don't think that they'll let Bernie get the nomination.
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        • Posted by hattrup 9 years, 1 month ago
          I agree - except even if Bernie wins the nomination AND gets elected I see no big change coming. Dems and Reps are both racing toward socialism, even if they put lipstick on it.

          Also - the only reason the executive branch has anywhere near the power it does is because our spineless congress gives it to them. There is no reason the person at the bully pulpit should be very significant. Given that he/she is - then wearing a socialism arm band may be a good wake up call for a few of the voters in this country that still think.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
        Why not they've done fine so far. It will either be a left wing of the left socialist from the former Democrat Party or a right wing of the left socialist from the former Republican Party and they will get, combined 95 plus percent of the vote - just like always. I don't see any other form of candidate being allowed in the quadrennial games and street theater production. Not only that you can't name one or even think of one without naming a National or International path socialist.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 1 month ago
    He does have a chance to win. Just with the medicaid expansion as of 1/1/16, millions more people are now sucking at the grubment teat and will do their best to make sure they can't be weened. I was counseled to watch my tone when making appointments for people to get their free glasses and eye exam (fortunately I don't usually have to answer the phone). At least the rest of the staff are now understanding that they are paying for those free glasses.

    To answer your question, I keep going back and forth between take as much as I can to collapse the system faster, or just work enough to meet my needs.
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 1 month ago
    I quit 11 years ago. I live a simple life for myself and no one else. However, I still fully support the Constitution. If BS wins then its full bore withdrawal, That's what I am preparing for anyway since the entire system is rotten to the core. I think the Republic is totally lost no matter what happens. I am not happy about that, but it certainly looks that way..
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    • Posted by hattrup 9 years, 1 month ago
      Hard to see any way to turn it around - most of history seems to point to continual failure. Best practical hope might be delaying the decline - maybe during that period a Margaret Thatcher type will gain some traction somehow.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
        Would they let her in the quadriennial games? That is called the Reagan Door and it was slammed shut after his administration. I can't imagine anyone but a dyed in the wool socalist left winger being allowed to become a candidate including Trump and especially including Rand and Cruz. I'm hoping one of the 50 States Attorney Generals who have direct head of the line access to the Supreme Court will file a request for a SCOTUS decision on his legitimacy. The obvious complaint is all those citizens who have been denied the right to run for President for 240 years. I'm one of them wondering if I have a case for a class action law suit? The pain, suffering and anguish for all these years ought to be worth some thing

        I picked the State AG route as they are traditionally the only ones with that privilege..And to compensate I want an amount equal to the last Power Ball WITHOUT deductions, penalties or taxes. So let's say 20% for the lawyers involved and make it a Two Billion dollar total.

        After all it's only money and the government can, as always, just write a check or issue one T BIll.

        Altruistic? Giving Back. Not one pre 1933 dime.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 9 years, 1 month ago
    First and foremost, I don't believe Sanders has a chance at the presidency. He can win the democrat nomination. This is true in light of Hillary's propensity for lying, even under the shadow of an FBI investigation. However, the only thing I can imagine happening during a Sanders presidency is the younger generations waking up to the demise of America under a socialist/communist Sanders. Had the American Communist party not disbanded and join the ranks of the democrats about 50 years ago, Sanders would be a communist carrying card member. Check out his younger days slobbering over communist leaders and countries at the time.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
    Obama in white face to use an old minstrel term. more inflation more devaluation of the value of the dollar for retirees despair....
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  • Posted by rationalbill 9 years, 1 month ago
    Bernie hates liberty, and hopes to deprive me of mine, so there's a lot I'd need to do in the early months of a Sanders administration to protect myself. The most immediate need, for me, would be to preserve & protect my property (assets): I'd surely beef up my position in precious metals, and probably immediately liquidate those holdings (stocks, etc.) most likely to be the early targets of his attacks on corporate America, i.e., Capitalism. And a Smith & Wesson security system for my home might not be a bad idea, either.
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    • Posted by mmm2m8r 9 years ago
      I get that. I feel halfway like a prepper already. After reading the Keynesian economists' praise for Bernie today, I wonder about where to move assets. Or how to hide them. I don't think he will get anything past Congress, though. One thing I have feared is a tax on retirement investments. I'm soon to retire and have plenty to live on including social security. I also know how to grow my own food and have enough tillable land to survive. But it would just get stolen. Guns would be a protection till you are out gunned. Precious metals in a total apocalypse would not buy much. Bullets, weapons, fuel, and food top that list. Maybe some sort of protected community. Where to hide with a giant pile of commodities for a few years?
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  • Posted by fodhunter 9 years, 1 month ago
    Costa Rica on my mind!!!!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      it used to be Costa Rica now it's Panama you have to be prepared to move and when moving to take care of the constant problems with your retirement income or other income. The biggest problem will be the US Government. Every year I have to fight to get a tax return on my military retirement because they are too incompetent and lazy or just give a shit vindictive to post address changes. I know for a fact it didn't go to the current address nor the one before so they are two addresses behind and they do not care. This year will use turbo tax and for the first time a guesstimate on income from military retirement as they have flat refused to send me a end of the year tax form. The jihadis hit the wrong building that's for sure. I have for the first time turned the problem over to the Congressional but will file as close as possible on time...since no paper is required. I really really despise and hate government employees bureaurat humanoids is being kind.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 1 month ago
    I already took precautionary measures - the business that we have been running for eight years is now closed. We had enough. There's no point waiting 'till it gets worse. Will concentrate on the government's teat - less work, more cream and, the way I see it - better in the long run - the sooner the system collapses, the better!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 1 month ago
    The answer depends on what he actually would do. His issues are things like "free" education without more middle-classes taxes, reducing wealth disparity, reducing global warming without nuclear power or serious sacrifice. Since those things are impossible, I am not clear on what he would actually do.

    If he and Trump won the nominations, it would be a circus and maybe a third-party candidate would gain a plurality because the parties nominated candidates with narrow appeals.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 1 month ago
    When I learned Ronda Rousey, is a big time Bolshevik Bernie supporter, I was finally glad she got punched out in no time flat.
    I was already getting tired of reading about how devastated she felt over losing that championship fight.
    She's already Hollywood set for life.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
      One of the 'don't you wish you were rich enough to be a liberal' set?? Along with Rosie, Whoopsie, Barbra, Madonna, Penn, Michael Muckraker and Loonie Clooney?
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  • Posted by $ cz85b 9 years, 1 month ago
    If the Bern wins, it means that he has compromised on his principles to be the same corporate lapdog that all of the rest of the Preznits have been.... (With the exception of JFK who was shot dead, and Ronald Reagan who was shot but survived when he changed his mind, miraculously)

    Anyway, where was I... Oh yeah.. Bernie... He will not win unless he changes everything he currently stands for.... Since I am confident that will not happen, I would suggest we should be discussing one of the other corrupt politicians (Excluding Donald Trump who also will not win) in play...
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      I think you are wrong. Donald Trump WILL win. The country needs someone who speaks his mind and knows how to run business. People internally know thats what we need, and he is the ONLY electable one who can do that
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