What if Bernie Sanders Wins?
Recent polls have shown that Bernie Sanders is actually leading over Hillary Clinton (source: http://bit.ly/1n5PTtB).
Since a real Galt's Gulch doesn't exist for us to retreat to, I'm curious... if Bernie Sanders wins the White House, what are you going to do?
Since a real Galt's Gulch doesn't exist for us to retreat to, I'm curious... if Bernie Sanders wins the White House, what are you going to do?
Bernie would probably set a record for the use of the veto, as a courteous but opposing Congress will inundate him with legislative action counter to everything he thinks he can accomplish.
I think Bernie could win the Democrat nomination, especially as Hillary slips toward indictment, but I think he will flounder in the general election, unable to credibly explain how to pay for all the wonderful stuff he promises.
It is not going to be fun to have a contest between a socialist and a strongman type fascist this election.
It will be the siren call to strike. The day after the election... "Here lies my country. Born: 1776 - Died: yesterday." I just read an article that tabulated the cost of his proposed policies over the next decade... according to the article his increased spending is equivalent to the already massive national debt (18 Trillion!). http://freedomforce.com/8734/total-co...
You might as well tell your kids and grand-kids to prepare for a life of diminishing opportunities. There will be no recovery.
Seriously, if the money had been spent on infrastructure I might not have minded so much, but as near as I can determine, the money was all wasted on welfare bonuses (cell phones and such), environmental companies that could never raise funding any other way, and that turned belly up when the pork ran out. And as far as I could determine every interstate passing through Chicago has been rebuilt - while the interstate highways leading into the city are barely passable. Of course he took care of his buddies at GE with contracts for millions of those butt ugly windmills that are trashing out the beauty of our countryside. But who cares, right? Nobody lives there except a few farmers and some neanderthals clinging to their guns and bibles. gerrrrr! Liberals love the environment, but when one of their own says that a particular "exception" is to be made, that's just fine. It's not like they are lumber jacks or fishermen.
Always good to hear from you.
Maybe I'll break a window (from the outside) and report them stolen.
Popular divisive noise attempts to reduce society to gender, racial, ethnic, and religious splinters. The lamestream media habitually glorifies the divisiveness politics with mantras about the first woman, black, Hispanic, etc, President. Why isn't Sanders being marketed as the possible First Jewish President? Is it fear of the Jew-haters, including intellectual denial among self-hating Jews in the media?
Full disclosure - I was cured, by an unknown force, after the age of 20; perhaps I simply grew up.
Same type of division in the black or african american or whatever today. Older and more religious tend to the Republicans or even the independents while younger with no religion to the left. Same with financial position. the moochers by day and looters by night group if they even participate and I'm told sell votes by the gangload tend to the Democrats.
Two groups notably absent south of the border are Islamics and Blacks. Most the former are converts and most of the latter are immigrants from Africa near as I can make out..
the reason for the party affiliation has to do with the idiotic Republicans turning their back on the blacks in the late 1800s and FDR roping them in in the 1920s 1930s. Didn't do much for them and still dont't. S
So CLinton was the first Black President and Obama they first half black President which doesn't validate them as a group as one was a white bread and the other a failure. So they still need to elect a Black President or stay marginal.
As I recall no one from the Jewish culture of raith has sat in the Oval Office. No women and it looks like that will be true four years from now. Who knows we may end up with a First Lady after all if WwotL gets the nod. Strange stories abound
Nyah! Youse comes 'n gets 'em, tough guy!
Nyah! Nyah!
Just try!
Over the past 4-5 years, I've worked hard to build a business. I've seen growth and increased revenue year over year without fail. With someone like Bernie Sanders in the mix, who thinks that 90% tax is fair, I don't see the point in continuing on that path.
While on strike, I will continue giving my best to Atlas Distribution. However, I will reduce my income to just what I need to live and will stop producing on all other levels. For example, I will shutter my business, and stop contributing to all the start-ups and networking groups I belong to.
Unfortunately, seeing as I am not a doctor, inventor, engineer, etc., my efforts will not be missed nearly as much as those that went on strike in Atlas Shrugged.
I'm also not a doctor, etc so I'll not be missed but I know how to survive on little so I'll be good.
People would miss your efforts if customers and early stage money seem to dry up for unclear reasons, i.e. because people like you don't feel any benefit to running networking and startup groups.
His views are completely ridiculous to anyone with common sense but look around you... there's a lot of people with no common sense that are perfectly happy to cast their vote for him.
I hope it doesn't happen. But it could.
Least you think it's just that college town thing, all of Iowa is being pelted by these brainwashed kids.
I have no idea if this will move more of the rather conservative populace of the state, but I do think it will and has appealed to the young brainless kids who are generally uneducated in history or government will vote for whoever will offer to give them the most, fulfilling Ben Franklins prophecy.
But how much fun would it be to see the media meltdown if a) Trump gets the R nomination, and b) their beloved Hildabeast doesn't get the D nomination?
That not working...the USA is over anyway so anything goes....and nothing is legal except by the dictates of a dictator.
I prefer the legal route .....that's up to the military but if hey don't they too are no longer legal it's just a huge gang of brown shirts, black shirts and whatever color uniform they are wearing these days.
I'm a cynical realist but I don't see any other big time movement from the couch potato public.
Things can get much worse. The police state can be applied with full force, the IRS can be more arbitrary, the EPA can stop the use of all fossil fuels, etc.
(perhaps a 50 year+ trend so your comments should probably be heeded )
It is a shame the voters and congress have turned our President into an Emperor. Next they will want a Royal Family (I guess we already have a couple of those - Bush / Clinton).
Also - the only reason the executive branch has anywhere near the power it does is because our spineless congress gives it to them. There is no reason the person at the bully pulpit should be very significant. Given that he/she is - then wearing a socialism arm band may be a good wake up call for a few of the voters in this country that still think.
To answer your question, I keep going back and forth between take as much as I can to collapse the system faster, or just work enough to meet my needs.
You'll be able to attend a couple of Defensive Pistol competitions before the winter shut down also.
I picked the State AG route as they are traditionally the only ones with that privilege..And to compensate I want an amount equal to the last Power Ball WITHOUT deductions, penalties or taxes. So let's say 20% for the lawyers involved and make it a Two Billion dollar total.
After all it's only money and the government can, as always, just write a check or issue one T BIll.
Altruistic? Giving Back. Not one pre 1933 dime.
All other misspellings are mistakes most often edited After first post...hahhahahahhahahaaa
Respect is not a natural right.
You might alternate with hiplery...one side to the other side.....we call it a duck walk. hahhahah
If he and Trump won the nominations, it would be a circus and maybe a third-party candidate would gain a plurality because the parties nominated candidates with narrow appeals.
I was already getting tired of reading about how devastated she felt over losing that championship fight.
She's already Hollywood set for life.
Anyway, where was I... Oh yeah.. Bernie... He will not win unless he changes everything he currently stands for.... Since I am confident that will not happen, I would suggest we should be discussing one of the other corrupt politicians (Excluding Donald Trump who also will not win) in play...
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