Project Veritas exposes Common Core sham - the future of investigative reporting?

Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 2 months ago to Education
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This story is groundbreaking for two reasons--one is it's specific target this time: common core and the crony "capitalism" with government, school systems, and text book corporations. But bigger than that, this is at least the 3rd major sting operation we have seen from Project Veritas. Others were with Planned Parenthood, lax border security, and
Why don't we have more people like us here in the Gulch creating our own independent outlets for news, reporting, and commentary? Or we can join Project Veritas. This online Gulch is fantastic. But in large part we already know the answer to "Who is John Galt?" Imagine the positive and exciting impact we each could make if more of us created our own platform or outlet for values we hold dear. Like this one I helped start:

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
    Some decades ago i helped a friend, a programmer, run a booth at a convention of school district business managers. At the time I was doing custom built hardware etc. Trying to get a foot in the door were the fore runners of tablets. Their line? Books Are Dead.

    We all laughed for without books or at least the authors the tablets would have nothing to say. Another gentleman commented printed books will enjoy an explosion followed by digital books. if those guys were half smart though they would realize you can't lead school districts to water and expect them to drink. He explained ...they sniff around for a year or decade then ask for bids on two generation old equipment and want to pay for six months later.

    Just for the fun of it I put in a bid in two school districts. They asked for 286's, 486's were hitting the market. We offered upgradeable mother board 386's for half the price of the 286's. Why? Couldn't find them to buy. We also put out a payment system. On delivery X dollars, Delivery plus one week, one month, three months and six months. Each time the price rose. The other sellers just did 286's the only one's really left to acquire... bid their cost at six months plus cost of tying up capital that long. and one of them go the bid. True to form the next yhear the school budget was asking for new computers. 486? No 386's they never learn and neither do the tax paying voters.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      Thanks for the story Michael. It's quite effective at exposing the flaws of the system. I shouldn't be so naive to think the hidden video here will be the tipping point or magic bullet to expose and bring down the government school system. But wouldn't you agree that it's an effective example? A video of someone's first hand uncensored testimony that goes viral is a powerful thing nowadays.
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