U.S. sailors humiliated because of, well, what?

Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago to Government
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our nation is behaving so stupidly with respect to Iran
that this is nearly impossible to believe. . and what
could have caused two simultaneous boat failures --
Iran's fledgling EMP program, or a staged event
to prove how the president is doing things right,
according to the Iranians, And The Congress Is All Wrong??? -- j
SOURCE URL: http://www.dailywire.com/news/2571/iran-humiliates-american-sailors-obama-ben-shapiro

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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
    This whole story stinks. I was on an ancient diesel submarine in the 70s with a navigation system that could tell me within 50 yards of where I was. I was a sonar tech and could operate it. Either this means the Navy now makes Mchales Navy their standard of training and procedural operation, or something is just so wrong. Lots of reasoning running around: It is a plot to make Obama look good, it's a plot to make him look bad, it's a plot this that and the other thing. If this is the best the government can come up with, we are very very screwed.Lets see:
    Lt., take your 2 over-sized ski boats and go to Bahrain., so keep the shore on your right and don't go out too far.
    Yes sir.
    Get plenty of gas, and make sure you have a towline.
    Yes sir.
    And don't go gallivanting off to the Iranian island 150 KM off the coast, stay clear of it.
    Yes sir.
    Use your radar, GPS and double check each other.
    Yes sir.
    Call if you need help.
    Yes sir.
    There is much more to this story, there just has to be. They can not be that stupid and incompetent, even at night, GPS just works, there is not "punch buttons" as the idiot Sec Def says. They have radar, (note to Lt.: clue you are going the wrong way: the land isn't on your right anymore). They should easily have had every indication they were going off on the wrong course. It just doesn't make sense, and all the stupid things the Obamanation and his gang are just tossing out there, just adds to the perception that this is "throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks". No wonder everything has gone to crap.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years ago
      You're right. Something stinks big time.
      I'm also wondering what kind of Obamanable PC compliance orders those sailors may have been under.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 9 years ago
        To give you an idea as to just how bad it is, the newly appointed Admiral who is now head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just ordered the Commandant of the Marine corp to make every MOS not only available to women but to fully integrate all including combat areas for the corp.

        Needless to say, this is totally idiotic and in the case of the corp, will only demolish the morale and efficiency of the units. It will also (sorry if I am stepping on anyone's toes) require the lowering of standards significantly, especially in the RECON area.

        God bless that phone and pen that he wields so well! I'm sure with this edict, the Iranians (and everyone else) are laughing and planning their next military adventures now that they don't have to fear the US military.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          The armiy is already doing that. There answer was to keep strength levels up even with cutbacks the nation must add women to the draft roles ...and prepare to use it.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 9 years ago
      Unfortunately, the GPS that are used in our modern military is far more accurate than 50 yards and those boats are far more sophisticated than the Swifts and PBRs of the Vietnam era. Now, thanks to the doctrine of this president and his extreme errors in judgement (so what else is new?) and the lack of fear or even respect that we once commanded is now gone and we can expect other actions such as this going forward.

      Our current military with the leadership from the president on down is on the wrong trajectory and as such, making our place in the world that much more dangerous. This is what you get when you give a child a dangerous toy that he has no clue about. He, like Carter have given us a military that is rapidly losing its swagger and guts. Those boats should never have been deployed unless on a mission of extreme importance. That does not appear to be the case.

      It will take another Reagan to come in and fix the mess these last 14 years have given us. The military has been misused, abused and weakened by the leadership of both of these men, primarily Obama and in Obama's case with a certain amount of knowledge aforethought!
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  • Posted by ISank 9 years ago
    It was quite a site to see that develop yesterday, I had to wonder if this was the same military I spent a few years with. We went thru the Straights of Hormuz multiple times and it was a pay attention from the time you went in until the time you went out. Even drinking beers on a barge offshore Bahrain, you still knew where you were.
    So it's beyond me what happened, we traveled fully armed, extra 50 mm guns along both port and starboard.
    How did the guys put theirs guns down to the Persians? Well who's the CinC?
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    • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
      The apologizing lieutenant is my early suspect... How did he get lost? One broke down? (And they didn't have a rope to tow it with the other one? Not even a stupid cargo strap?) How did it come to be that he surrendered the vessels? The Articles state that an American soldier will never surrender so long as there is meaningful capability to resist... Those 50's on the decks looked just fine...

      He needs to be court-martialed. The last time an American soldier or sailor was surrendered and on their knees like that was Vietnam.... (and another Democrat President)..
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      • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years ago
        Absolutely, see my above comment.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
          I wouldn't argue that when you are somewhere you shouldn't be and the enemy rolls up on all sides that the instant answer is gun-blaze..

          But they should have never been there.

          I go walking through 20 square miles of unfamiliar wooded area when I go hunting, and the trusty iPhone always gets me back to my truck by dark.

          20 millennials on the boat, someone had to have had something to keep them away from Farsi Island.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
            Exactly! The smelly part of the fish. If they are that incompetent, we need a new Navy. But overall, performance benchmarked against our current government, meaning it was probably ok, and they will all get Navy Achievement medals for not pissing the Iranians off.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      we have apologized all over the planet, and for one
      I am tired of it. . we are able to do more with our
      society than any other country, and share more real
      value than any others, so let's quit apologizing and
      DO IT ! -- j
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      • Posted by lrshultis 9 years ago
        So the sailors did not act as the collective that you would have them do so that they could stay captives. Even in the military there should, in some contexts, be a freedom to act in self defense by lying, cheating, fighting, and killing. Just keep your integrity as an individual and get out of the situation. I am tired of the 'we" this and that of the collective minds that have taken over in the USA. An individual, whether a civilian or in the military, does not speak for the big 'WE' of the desired collective. Remember at the point of a gun, niceness and honesty do not apply.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
          Unfortunately, they excercise complete control over their victims, er, members. You get an incompetent idiot who will get you killed, and you have 2 choices: die, or get hung out to dry for telling them they are an idiot. Glad I retired in 1996, the stupidity factor was rising even then with officers who graduated party schools being able to tell 15 year chiefs "we are doing this my way". Several times I had to risk my career to protect my guys from stupid ideas like going topside in a submarine in heavy seas to deploy a towed array, when it was patently dangerous. You pay a price for such obstanince, but it is the right thing to do. With the sheeple we produce today, these results are not surprising. What is surprising is no one can explain with even a small shred of credibility, just how the hell they got where they were. That is the really smelly part of this mess.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          The military is the biggest collective in existence. If it was any other way it wouldn't be the military. There are certain things that are allowed and encouraged if captured The rule is hold out for 24 hours or longer. Gives the home team time to change comunications codes and operating instrutions and battle plans to be changed depending on how much you know. It's a given everyone with zero exceptions can be broken. That's why some of our units go through training inludiing SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. One technique which was a killer in efficiency could be stopped by slapping your hand either one on the table. The weak sisters now are up in arms meaning the ones attached they are too weak for real weapons called these days water boarding. In POW camps we went through a modified regime of sleep deprivation and other fun stuff liked being chained to tree growing in the middle of the Peoples Pool. May have been Florida but it was also winter. Our leadership in camp got people out by digging a tunnel from the two holder pit another was a diversion where some went over the wire and made the tree line. My job was to feign stealing a vehicle and busting out through the outer perimeter gates. How realistic? By the time we got to those activities I was in for a mandatory shrink visit. He ended up tied up and gagged for real..I had his car keys - a pickup - and when the main effort occured I drove out the gate to a rally point. the reward was 24 hours of sleep with showers etc. and then back inside. The shrink that I had gone round the bend. That was one of the first SERE exercises put to gether by real live POWs. Thing is even or more especially nside we became a whole. Last night about 4AM was a formation for hea count. Instead we were lined behind bags of our real clothes the lights went on tables of food and then the flag went up. No one moves but one guy muttereed. Another fucking commie trick. No one moved a muscle. They had to convince us the training was over. The big diversion was capturing some inside the fence guards and that was answered by mock machine gunning everyone. including the guards. Good soldiers are never wasted on POW camps they are expendable. Trouble was I forgot where I parked the pick up.

          Anyone could quit at any time. No problem. Next stop back to Bragg and reassignment to the 82nd . A fate worse than hillary getting elected.

          We lost five percent or a bit more of our unit. They were never allowed back.

          All to buy 24 hours. But you did it for your fellow soldiers not for God, Country, Americans, or the flag. We did for our equals.

          Only comment at the end. Why didyou wait until after Vienam to give the training?

          Answer. Didn't know what to train. But the planning started in the middle of that conflict.

          We built a better unit. and made ourselves into better soldiers and human beings. Our unit was different in that respect. Much different.

          i would rather doubt those sailors had any idea what they had gotten into. No one tells a snipe or deck hand nuttin from nuttin' They are in a word...expendable.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
            Exactly, Michael. There is a small group of very tough military trained for those situations and the other 99.99% have no idea what to do except the rudimentary "name rank serial number". We even had 4 members of the crew on an SSBN supposedly trained to place the explosives in small tubes in the missile tubes to light off the rocket motors and make a very bright spot in the ocean if the boat was disabled and in danger of capture. Never met anyone who would confess to it though, but the little tubes were there and no one had a better explanation of what they were for.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
              Employee Complaint and Suggestion forms? OR askinig for volunteers to stay and light the fuze?
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              • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
                Don't have a clue what the plan was. Just the story that that was the way they would make sure the boat did not survive. Probably no time for complaint forms. One would think a timed detonator, still would have made a hell of a mess, with 16 mult warheads and a reactor worth of contamination in the ocean..... Speaking of which, there is a you tube video about decommissioning a Typhoon where they were allowed to film the whole process, what a friggin awesome submarine. Should have just hollowed it out and either made a cruise liner of it or a cargo boat. Huge beastie...
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          I agree completely, and apologize for the "we" nature
          of my comment;;; I am just over the mistakes and apologies
          like this which occur as a direct result of mis-managed
          military actions. . I seriously suspect that this was a ploy
          to prove that Iran is nice to us because of the diplomatic
          actions attending the "Iran Deal." . it's disgusting. -- j
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      • Posted by fosterj717 9 years ago
        I guess after obama is out of office, the next president will have to spend the next four years apologizing for the idiocy of the previous 8. Just think, just like Obama spent 8 years blaming Bush, the next president can spend the next 8 blaming Obama.....
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      I transited in MSC and MSC contract ships both grey and black hull. The Iranians always pressed but our Captains had a pre-set answer for each of their points. international waterway, right of innocent passage, not permitted to discuss cargo, etc. etc. etc. we hugged the left side of the channel lane going in and always went in convoy with a navy frigate That was Hormuz/ Dubai and Bahrein and on to Kuwait no escort but on the ship was a squad size Marine or Navy unit who manned .50 calibers and we were an armed merchant vessel status. Then one day they sent the Puerto Rico National Guard on some jobs program. ....
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
      The Straits are a lot tighter than where these guys were, and those little boats don't have that much fuel. This is either complete and total stupidity, or we need a new Navy. This one is obviously broke. And they can take Mr. "I'm so sorry" LT and toss him as well.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 9 years ago
        Or, this moronic administration decided to "stage" this event just to make the Iranians look good (and of course, make America look bad). There are just too many areas that stink! Then again, with this administration everything thing it does stinks! Kind of smells like living in some third world, petty dictator's hellhole! Truth never flows with this Liar in Chief!
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years ago
    Question: is it standard procedure for a captured crew to face a court-martial on repatriation?
    The way I read it is, there may be good reasons for the capture,
    if so let such reasons (if any) come out at the trial.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      at least an investigation and perhaps an Article 32 investigation. Not necessarily Article 31 one is like a grand jury and the other a petit jury for you civilian types.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 9 years ago
    I'm not military, so here's my question to those who are/were:
    Why did those guys surrender without firing a shot?
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
      As a retired officer, the answer is simple. There are no hostilities ongoing, declared or otherwise, between the U.S. and Iran, so starting combat in this situation is a court martial offense. The Gulf is particularly contentious with the Iranians and Saudis at loggerheads, and the Iranians know we're a Saudi ally, so the least they might suspect an armed U.S. warship would be doing in their territorial waters is spying. Iran is nervous about the potential for war, so I would say their troops handled the situation well, as did ours. I would say the petty officer who issued a spontaneous apology should at least be given a verbal reprimand.
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      • Posted by edweaver 9 years ago
        I was wondering the same and had 1 more question that maybe you can answer.

        If the tables were turned and an Iranian boat drifted into US water, would the US military have responded similarly? Any idea?
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
          If I was in command of a military area, and a non-ally showed up unannounced in an armed vessel, I would definitely detain the vessel and crew. I might not put them on their knees "perp style," like the Iranians did, but I would definitely keep them under armed guard until we got a good explanation, and direction as to whether or not we should detain or release them.
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          • Posted by edweaver 9 years ago
            Thanks for the opinion.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
              More than opinion as long as it's withing the ROE etc. that's exactly how you put people if not face down but on the knees after a while makes it hard to move or move fast....easier to handcuff and control. the whole idea is control the situation using if you are police LEAST amount of force necessary. that includes whatever until the cuffs and zipties go on. then the least needed lowers. The most ridiculous statement you hear from someone is "don't touch me take your hands off me." Sure sign the doer is two slices short of a loaf. The neat thing is if they keep yammering on theyare digging their own grave. Invariably even with warnings given they will let something slip out of bravado. Recorders are a wonderful thing. Most good arrests involve a fair amount of stupidity. What I don't know about is facing a full size mob without a pepper fogger or triple chasers or inciters trained for it but the biggest mob I stopped was one infantry battalion but that's another story.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
        50 50 the military will look for a scapegoat who is a. not from a trade school and b. who has no rabbi. and c. what level they are trying to protect. A good chunk of the military is in 100% CYA mode to keep some upper levels from destroying their careers while expecting the lower ranks to lie, cheat, steal, and take the blame. Did all of the crew have a complete SOFA/ROE briefing? Really? Witnesses or just some piece of paper with a coerced signature? This same group of careerists will NOT uphold their oath of office. There is a reason we combat soldiers called them REMFs.

        Rear Echelon Mother Feathers.

        Which doesn't mean all are bad. But the public trusts the politicians who trust the REMFs in one big ass kissing CYA framework and that is one reason public has lost it's country and why combat soldiers wonder why? And wonder if they are worth the effort. The reminder is we never swore allegiance to citizens or country or Presidents. Only to the Constitution.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
        Doc, depends on what the Rules Of Engagement are. If they were not in territorial waters as recognized by the US, then they should have told them to go bit a rock and moved on. The problem is there is not enough details, and as usual with this administration, there never will be until some squid coughs something up when offered enough money in the future. Even then, you never know if it is the real facts or the facts they want you to know.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      Rules of engagement. Status of Forces agreement. and law of mass. Frigates out vote small boats. AKA Law of relative proportions. All sail boat sailors know it as why sail does NOT have right of way. The educated sail boat sailors know they are 8th sometimes ninth ont he list for priorities of right of way. These guys were out tonnaged and out gunned and hampered by whatever rules were in force. Then there is the question of the mission statement. Another bag of worms and snakes at times.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
        I never saw what captured them, the one picture looked like a small boat with a 20 mm strapped up front. Last I knew, all our boats had some form of radar to warn them of contacts, they couldn't have called for help and a few F15s fly overhead at Mach1? This still doesn't make any sense.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          Not to blame it all on millennials - though they are the end of the Gen X + Gen Y = Gen Zeroi equation - we had our own idiots in the old days (when it took more than one day to get bragging rights.) Shake'n'bake or Whip'n'Chills were instant Sergeants and Lieutenants.

          Since they took over the promotion slots for those who had followed the system and were 'seasoned' combat leader there was no love lost. The attitude was let them hang themselves if it isn't materially threatening the mission or the lives. Some years later after the instant puddings departed we got our promotions but never said Thank you.. The worst enemy a combat soldier has is Army personnel at the Pentagon level. But it's not wonder things go wrong if that's the level of training today. The REMFs always win. Soldiers just die.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years ago
            I love Heinlein's structure analysis in Starship Troopers. 20 to 30% of the personnel fight, the rest support. The problem was the Navy did not have the resource of a Darwinian selection tool like combat. We kept our idiots and promoted them. There was even an E8/9 mafia, if you weren't in the clique your weren't getting selected. Good riddance to it all. very few fond memories of that mess.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years ago
    We should apologize. I think McAdams has it right in this article.

    The neocons are stamping their little feet.

    As McAdams quotes McCain (the SOB from my state of Arizona), “sovereign immune naval vessels are exempt from detention, boarding, or search. Their crews are not subject to detention or arrest.”

    Then McAdams points out: “Imagine the tune McCain would have been singing if a well-armed Iranian naval vessel had been spotted in US territorial waters off the coast of New York. Would he have so rigorously condemned any US interference in the actions of Iran’s sovereign naval vessels?”

    Even the Greta van Susteren, the grand Scientologist, said the GPS on her iPhone worked in Cambodia. One would think the US military would have at least one GPS on two boats that worked.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
      I don't think an apology is in order, but a statement of fact: we navigated poorly, and wound up in the wrong location; we understand the natural concern of Iranian military, seeing military craft crossing into their waters unannounced, and would have taken similar action, detaining the ships and crew until the situation was clarified to everyone's satisfaction. The Iranian military acted professionally, and we appreciate their prompt return of our crew. No apology needed, since no hostile intent caused the event.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 9 years ago
        Another possibility is they did not drift into Iranian waters by accident and this was some sort of intended intrusion for reasons we do not know. In any event, we did violate their national waters with an armed vessel — not a sport fisher — and for that I do think we owe them a “Gee, I’m sorry we did that.” This nothing more than basic civility one would extend to your next door neighbor if you went into their back yard.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
          There's a bit of a cultural disconnect here. If we were on the outs with the Brits or Canadians, a "Sorry 'bout that, old bean," would be appropriate, as we share a common vision of courtesy. The French would demand an abject apology, which of course, we would refuse, respecting each others' rudeness. The Middle Eastern view is that to offer a gratuitous apology is either a) an insult, since it's meaningless, or b) a sign of obsequious weakness. I suspect the Iranians will view it as the latter. A statement of the intrusion being an act of incompetence, and offering respect for the professionalism of their military strikes the proper balance to promote a better relationship.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
      I don't find fault with the Iranians stopping and boarding them at all, if in their territorial waters it was certainly within their rights to do so.

      My blame lies with whatever clown was in command of these things, that they both got lost.

      Here's the reality, this time of year - it is very pleasant in the Persian Gulf, probably 70's at night, not much urban light pollution so the stars are definitely out, they are away from the cruisers & whatever, young pup of an officer is in command for the first or one of the first times, they broke out some beers and were sitting there sipping on some cold ones relaxing on the ski boats and some guys with guns rolled up on them.

      I'm wondering if they were "guests" of the Iranians because they were too drunk to drive the boats.
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      • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years ago
        Call me cynical, but that is the most plausible and likely explanation I have heard to date.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 9 years ago
          That's because it happened to me... there were about 10 of us, just back from Rwanda and we had a night to kill in Frankfurt, Germany while the C-5 was getting a landing gear strut changed.

          Nothing serious happened... but after a few hours of German beer in the red light district, probably being a little louder than we should have been walking by the downtown train station.. and you should have seen the look on the unarmed German police officers faces that stopped to question us at 2 am in the morning with their little billy club things when 3 of the guys were OSI agents and had concealed firearms in shoulder holsters on them. It was classic.

          Then we loaded up a HumVee with a bunch of cases of German beer to smuggle into the C-5 cargo bay the next morning.

          That was back in the early 90s... the Germans were still pretty much our little lapdog.

          Rwanda was horrible... 90% AIDS infection rate, so you didn't want a local to even touch you, so for fun we mounted-up and went safari hunting. Peacekeeping can be incredibly boring.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 9 years ago
        Could be. But facts never stopped public opinion. Here in Arizona they renamed a mountain after a female solder who was driving a jeep, misread her GPS, turned into instead of away from enemy lines, and all got killed. They called her a hero. I'd call her something else.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years ago
    Having been sailor in the US military there is never an occasion to kneel before anyone, be blind folded or apologize for happenstance. A ship, boat or any craft that has mechanical failure drifts. A second ship, boat or craft, typically pulls alongside and lashed itself to the disabled craft and repairs are made. If determined unrepairable the disabled craft is towed. PROPER procedure when this happens, at least from what I've seen and took part in in US waters, is to approach the craft, perhaps board her to ensure nothing nefarious is going on, and then keep watch over it until its underway again OR help repair the craft.

    What we saw was blatantly hostile.

    Having lived on a ship for 2 years AND piloted small assault craft I can say without a doubt there was sabotage involved. Experienced mechanics, who do nothing but their vocation 24/7, conduct daily maintenance and overhaul routines on all boats. For total failure to occur, days or weeks of neglect, or complete incompetence, would have to have occurred - it just doesn't happen.

    Reports are coming in today that the Oministration informed the Iranians of the disabled crafts location.Why? If the disabled craft was that bad why did they not tow it into safer waters? Where was the ship these boats report to? Where was the air protection? Why wasn't a ship dispatched when the two craft had "issues"?

    Anyone surprised that Iran is releasing prisoners now? Anyone surprised that Kerry is saying Iran has met all conditions to have sanctions lifted?

    O is all about empowering and emboldening islam while tearing down this nation. He is a traitor and history will reveal him so even if today we PREFER to wear blinders.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years ago
    This is political collusion between BHO and the Iranians. He's trying to show Congress that the Iranians are not so bad so let's pass the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
    The other possibility of testing an EMP weapon as was mentioned. Their not dumb people, they have the brainpower their engineers and scientists which they maipulate at their
    discretion. It is a good hypothysis they know that our larger naval vessels are hardened against such attack. The Iranians with such weapons could control the Straits of Hormuz and reek havoc on all commercial vessels.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years ago
    This president's agenda is an absolute travesty! He has reduced the military to just another experiment in social engineering that is doomed to fail just like all of the other manifestations of this president's "extreme" liberalism.

    The Iranians are laughing at us because every day this president licks another boot. As for the Iranians, he has just done another totally idiotic thing. After all of the humiliations handed to him by the Iranians ever since the sham of a nuclear deal, they just added another whopper!

    Yesterday, Obama allowed the US to sell aircraft to his masters in Iran. Between Kerry and Obama, they should have the region on its knees in short order and the world will suffer accordingly!

    For what its worth!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
    Subversive politics, failed black swan events or just iran/islam showing it's slimy pagan bicameral barbarian head.
    I hate to see it expressed as "Our Nation", America or The United States. I'd rather put the blame right where it is...A corrupt, callus, ignorant government...otherwise known as a Kakistocracy...there's my favorite word again!...sorry.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years ago
    First, the story keeps changing from one boat breaking down to both of them. I'll wait a couple of days for the "right" story to come out.

    Secondly, serving in the military, during the Carter administration, it doesn't surprise me that a military vessel would break down, considering O"bomb"ya's budget cuts. Remember the failed attempt to rescue the American hostages, from Iran, in 1979? Having been "there", I still suspect those aircraft accidents were due to Carter's budget cuts...though, the press would never admit that.
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  • Posted by brkssb 9 years ago
    Rules of Engagement: Do Not. Do Not Fire Upon The Enemy. Do not invoke Montezuma or Tripoli. Do Not Fire Even If You See The Whites (oops) Of Their Eyes. Above All, Bow Down Low to Captors, Fop Kerry, and THE PRESS. Obama Has A Plan. There has to be more to this? The Facts Will Out in the next popular thriller...
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    As to pardoned always remember the timing. Presidential Pardons may not be used for impeachments and their subsequent trial. Presidents may not pardon themselves.....

    Then again that was Constitution not patriot act government.
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