Just for fun, someone could probably figure this out
Posted by GaryL 9 years, 2 months ago to Technology
If I win the power ball now at $1,500,000,000, How big of a truck will I need to deliver it in $100 dollar bills? I already calculated the weight and it looks about 16.5 Tons but I can't do the math on the volume size like it was on pallets.
one hundred make a packet so one hunded times one hundred is ten thousand dollars and 100 grams
.43 " tall 6.14 " long and 2.61" wide. 100 grams
A stack is ten packs at 4.3" tall, 6.14" long and 2.61" wide worth $100,000. or 1000 grams or one kilo or 2.2 pounds.
Ten stacks makes one million at one kilo or 2.2 pounds per stack or 22 pounds.
Twenty stacks fit's in a standard attache case for two million. 44 pounds. 4.3" tall 26.1" wide and 12.28 " the other way in two rows of five.
1 billion 500 miillion divided by two million
or the inside space of 750 standard attache cases or 325 of those big kind like piilots use to carry Jeppson charts.
Since that was inside dimensions go for cubic space of 4.5 x 26.5 by 13 or 1580 cu. inches or .9 cubic feet x 750 or 675 cubic feet and 15.5 long tons or metric tons near enough
Ten F350 long bed pickups with each handling 67.5 cubic feet should do nicely. Make that 12 and add for the weight of the attache cases.
but don't worrry after the various state and operator bites, the taxes 39% federal and any state or local income tax. That will rapidly reduce to 750 then 325 give or take attache cases. Fair boggles the mind.....
To see it in pictures
COMPOSITION: Bills are composed of 25% linen and 75% cotton; red and blue synthetic fibers are distributed throughout the paper. they last about 18-24 months...
Stupid is as Stupid Does AKA Mamagumpitis
How do you spell stupid - Progressively
"good cause". They are not part of the proper func-
tion of government (which is : to protect man from
force, including fraud, and violence, and to punish
same). Also, education teaches thought proces-
ses, and government should definitely not be
in charge of that.
I know several First Baptist Church ladies who will pile into a car and drive halfway across Alabama to reach Georgia or Florida whenever there is a bloated lottery prize to buy several tickets. This has gone on for many years and they have never scored a jackpot..
They also like to spend an occasional weekend gambling in Mississippi. Even if it means missing church.
Oh, yeah, they all smoke. Another First Baptist Church no-no.
I know what I'm talking about. One of them is my ex.
(Pssst! She can also dance in night clubs. Oh, how shocking!)
33,040 pounds of $100 bills.
598 cubic feet of volume.
However more agencies are involved. If you are caught with $10,000 or more dollars on your person it's immediate arrest and you get to prove you aren't a drug dealer.
All Hail Obeyme.
but I quit buying tickets after they said they were
going to give all the money to the public schools.
Today, I think some folks are discovering that the odds of winning the PowerBall Lotto's are so low as to be counterproductive. I've heard recently that they're considering or implementing 'rules changes' as a result. D'oh!
And as math shows, too, buying one ticket improves your 'chances of winning' infinitely above your chances if you don't buy any tickets at all.
But buying the Next Ticket(s) is such a marginally small improvement in odds as to make the second ticket purchase silly... at least by that 'logic.'
Good luck to all players, including me...
Many years ago, I did the math and concluded that any Jackpot that could NET me a sum of over about $5Million would maintain my comfortable style of living Forever.
Much beyond that, and you need to move, change your name and disappear from the 'real world.' And rip your phone off the wall! :)
It's pretty clear that jackpots of a Billion $ or more are too big. Just like in Nevada or other casinos, the mark has to win enough to keep them coming back, and when the house takes 95-98% or whatever, you can still have fun knowing you might get 2% back once in a while.
But, much like Publisher's Clearing House "games" when the odds of hitting the Big Prize get into the one-in-a-few-hundred-billion, ya gotta realize that if every person on this planet got a Letter From PCH, there still might not be One Grand Prize Winner.
Actually, PCH should game their own system to save money. I'd love the $5,000 per week "for life," and I'm 70 y/o! Big win for them!
Actually, some years back, the idea came to me that the US could increase voter turnout phenomenally by making ever voting card a potential Lotto Winner... and pretty cheap, too! Say, $50 Million Single Top Prize and One $1 Million prize to one person in each state!
It would be fun, too, as some morons would move to small or low-population states "to improve their chances," thus lowering those states' average IQ, but it could also stop or reverse the current trend of 'everyone moving to the big cities,' too!
But I think I could promise at least one thing: voter turnout would rarely drop below about 95%!
Dictatorships would be envious!
Remember: A trailer fire will ruin your day...
But beware checkpoints. Lots of cops would grab that cash just because it's there.
I would bank it and let the government have their share. But then I'd move somewhere nice overseas.