Killed by Police-2015--1202 Citizens vs. 42 Police

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years ago to Government
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In the year that police and supporters throughout the country cried Wolf (Police Under Attack) repeatedly, we have the final body count in: Police killed at least 1,202 citizens while citizens only killed 42 police ( ( a 26% decrease since 2014 and 13 less than the previous 10yr average of 57) a ratio of 300%, . There were 17 states with 0 police killed while there were no states without citizens killed by police. Ambush killings of police during 2015 = 6 compared to 2014 = 15.

Keep in mind that deaths from police shootings only represent some +/- 30% of those they actually shoot at. The FBI statistics for the previous 10yrs only reported an average of 383 citizens/yr killed by police.
Personal opinion: All governmental immunity be eliminated. All crimes committed by police/governmental employee carry twice the penalty accorded a citizen's crime. A true Citizen's Grand Jury (excluding Attorneys) investigate all police/governmental employee misconduct and appoint a Special Prosecutor from outside that jurisdiction for each case. No Plea Agreements allowed.
All pay/benefits during the investigation of police/governmental employee misconduct be suspended and not back paid.
All legal representation for police/governmental employee misconduct be provided by 'Public Defender' only.
All police that draw their pistols/weapons be investigated for assault by Citizen's Grand Jury. No bail is allowed from indictment through trial. No video evidence from cruiser/body cam is an admission of guilt.
All police that fire their pistols/weapons be investigated for attempted murder by Citizen's Grand Jury. No bail is allowed from indictment through trial. No video evidence from cruiser/body cam is an admission of guilt.
All police that kill anyone for any reason be investigated for murder by Citizen's Grand Jury. No bail is allowed from indictment through trial. No video evidence from cruiser/body cam is an admission of guilt.

No, that's not fair, but I have no intent that it be fair or equal. The citizen has rights. The government/government employee has no rights.

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