It Came From Vermont

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 2 months ago to Humor
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To broaden my style a bit, I just started participating in a weekly poetry workshop online. The first workshop explored a Malayan folk poetry form known as the Pantoum. The Pantoum concentrates on lines repeated in a specific pattern.

While I probably won't consider my work for these workshops to be Papa Possum material, my submission for this particular workshop remained in the realm of political satire.

I've reposted it here for your questionable enjoyment: Papa Possum meets the Pantoum... or

It Came From Vermont

My name is Bernie Bern Sanders,
and I’m running for President
Those fat-cats are all going to pay!
A bread line for every pot!

And I’m running for President.
Has anyone seen my shoes?
A bread line for every pot!
I hope they bring bread with my soup.

Has anyone seen my shoes?
Did you know I really like soup?
I hope they bring bread with my soup.
That Hillary’s one aces dame.

Did you know I really like soup?
Hey, what the hell does ‘cankles’ mean?
That Hillary’s one aces dame.
I like how she dresses like Mao.

Hey, what the hell does ‘cankles’ mean?
How come all my fans give me combs?
I like how she dresses like Mao.
I like Socialists just like me.

How come all my fans give me combs?
Those fat-cats are all going to pay!
I like Socialists just like me.
My name is Bernie Bern Sanders.


Thank you. Tip your waitress.

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