Predictions from Ray Kurzweil’s Future
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Philosophy
Within the next 15 years, the cell phone you are currently holding and think to be the pinnacle of technology will become a clunky, useless thing. The power of it will be the size of a human cell, and it will be able to do far more and will likely function from within your own body. Aging will become a thing of the past as nanobots will do the work that white blood cells currently do. Cancer, disease and all forms of illness will be dealt with at the molecular level. Surgical augmentation will no longer be relevant. These are things that will happen and as we speak massive computers connected to the World Wide Web are building the artificial intelligence that will drive most of the Twenty First Century. There is no stopping this now, it is happening as you read this. In fact, this article is part of the creation of that intelligence as is every smut driven gossip column—it will all be a part of our tomorrow—which most reading will experience, even my readers who are in their 80s. The failed health care system, Social Security bankruptcies, Medicare depletions and the like will drive us all into these mentioned systems as soon as they become cheap enough to receive in prescription form at a local pharmacy. How do I know? Well, Ray Kurzweil has been right about 70% of everything he has predicted over the last 20 years and was on with Glenn Beck talking about his new book How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed which is a non-fiction book about brains, both human and artificial. First published in hardcover on November 13, 2012 by Viking Press[1] it became a New York Times Best Seller.[2] It has received attention from The Washington Post, The New York Times and The New Yorker. Watch Beck talk to Kurzweil below and be sure to watch all the videos on this article for your own education. What Kurzweil is talking about cannot be stopped, but it can be controlled. These new technologies require humankind to embrace new philosophies and that is the struggle of our day.
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