Oil price drop
Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 1 month ago to Politics
The headline on this article is "Drop in oil prices rocks producer states, triggers historic tax hike plan in Alaska"
How I wish that it had read "Drop in oil prices rocks producer states, triggers historic government slash in spending plan in Alaska"
How I wish that it had read "Drop in oil prices rocks producer states, triggers historic government slash in spending plan in Alaska"
We will see $100 a barrel, sooner than you think...
(Note: I'm trying to recall this off the top of my head, so if there are some inaccuracies I apologize. Fact check me!)
Kind of rough on the energy investments in the U.S. drilling but capitalism involves risk and the risk of lower prices was certainly one that could be seen. I suspect that there will now be efforts made to have the government bail out the energy sector so they don't lose profits.
Speaking of corn and wheat with Ethanol shut down that saves the government subsidy and the gallon of petro it takes to produce a gallon of ethanol maybe we should be shipping that grain to China. They have plenty of shipping space going that way.