Greetings from a Conservative Artist!
Posted by DebbiL 11 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I wanted to take a few moments to introduce myself as an oxymoron, a Conservative sculptor who favors the truest sense of the idea of Capitalism. I have Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged on DVD and the original Atlas Shrugged on an audio book 60 CDs! My husband and I listened to about 1/10 of them going back and forth to LA. Even though Ayn Rand was an Atheist, understanding the oppression she was raised under in Communist Russia, I appreciate her philosophy and agree with much of what she wrote and said. I think it is uncanny how closely she predicted the future that we are now living. I joined Galt's Gulch to express my opinions so AS III will be the best it can be and stay true to the message of Ayn Rand.