Will 2016 be the year you are a hero or a victim?

Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 3 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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As we pause to enter another new year, there are many reasons in our world to have stress, fear, and anxiety. Here in the USA we seem headed straight into a tipping point of societal and economic collapse.
But isn't this exactly when those of us who can accurately and honestly perceive reality, analyze it, honor it, and act heroically stand the best (and only) chance at getti through these challenging times with our lives and values and integrity intact?
I'm also worried by the resignation and cynicism that I often see here within the online Gulch. If we continue to see the world fall apart in 2016--regress into statism, irrationality, and injustice--are we going to turn this Gulch into a forum for victimhood and commiserating? Or a bastion of strength, support, and a heroic sense of life?
I know the vision and direction that I have chosen for myself. I refuse to surrender to the forces of evil in the world. What is your vision and decision for 2016?

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    There is talking and there is doing. Many of us have already accomplished the goal and continue to learn - and apply. 'Some spend some time with a toe in the water and go back to support the 'fundamental drift. They can't understand why some of us left what they think of as Paradise. I just smile. Lost is not spelled N O R T H. " Name a better place" soon follows. Certainly. You are standing in it right now, else why are you here for half the year? Gulp...Quizzical look.

    Good Post thank you.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      Thanks Michael. My literal brain is having a little trouble with your narrative...how does living in two places during the course of a year relate to the discussion please? I am a little L-O-S-T by your comment, even though I appreciate it. :-)
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
        I'm an expat I spend all total less than two days a year north of the border in the United States of A. I was referring to people who are down here in the other United States of M. for half the year. For many they go back north only for the cooler summer weather. There's about one million US Citizens that spend six months to full time in Mexico and more in Guatemala, Belize, Panama

        A. It's far less expensive especially medical
        B. Where we are i'ts far safer.
        C. With Amazon and the delivery service from a north of the border mail drop facility there's not much we can't acquire and truthfully not much I want.

        D. I can still vote in the primary and general although I don't vote for the two Federal offices trying to help pump up the numbers to over 50% who don't care to have their vote stolen and twisted and corrupted by the winner take all looters. We're 44 to 46 percent of eligible voters at present.

        That don't care to be restricted to voting for left wing candidate A or left wing candidate B. .

        I don't consider the USA to be a suit able candidate for those who comment 'name a better place.' Most have never been anywhere else. But our crime rate is far less than any major city in the USA. So....

        Granted that may all change but the rough part is up within 50 miles of the border and if it did worsen I live on a boat and can be gone within 12 hours mostly for stocking the larder and fueling.

        Down we have people who are Ayn Rand fanaticos meaning fans. Seven to fifteen political parties versus one in the US, two if you count LIbertarians. If we can get gun runners out of federal office the US that will halt a what's left of the problem...which every area has.

        Anyway those who dip their toe and go back north are usually just trying to retire and move south full time and figuring out how to protect what's left of their life savings after the DC government got down savaging the accounts. value. If they are done which isn't likely. The others are visitors who are trying to figure out why it's a better place to live.

        Once they get past that name a better place they start smiling and ask where the nearest real estate agency might be found.

        I'm not the only one in the Gulch who has learned to 'find a better place.' For me the USA priced it'self out of the market and I enjoy not living like a pauper. DB and KHalling a two more.

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        • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
          Ah, I get it now. Thanks MIchael! Very fascinating and enlightening. Jesse Ventura has brought more attention to this alternative too. I'm glad you have found it to be a good solution for yourself. It's very good to point out to others that a better life can be possible! We have to be willing to question our assumptions and premises--and go outside our traditional experiences, do you agree?
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        • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 2 months ago
          Okay Micheal, you got my attention now. Where can I learn more?
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
            Either of the Hallings and myself for starters we live south of the border and find, depending on where you locate, our money goes much further, exchange rate is excellent, needs such as food,fuel and health care far far cheaper than the USA, housing affordable....and the language is easy to learn....all the amenities and stuff you can't live without satellite tv and wifi and lots of folks from back home....who got here before you. Housing or boats to live on dock or at anchor.....and ....like I said depending on location just like anywhere....a lot safer than any larger city up north. Even the election seasons are bearable.
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            • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 2 months ago
              Thanks for the info. I think I have to survive 4 more years until the last child is out of high school to make a move but this sounds like something I need to check out. I may have to try a vacation south of the border one of these days.
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