Where are all the captured ISIS fighters?

Posted by GaryL 8 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Anyone else wonder what they are doing with all the captured fighters who surrendered when over powered?
We have no room at the GITMO hotel and with little or no "American Boots" on the ground these fighters would not be our prisoners. I highly doubt the Muslim countries and opposition soldiers follow any form of a Geneva Convention so is it safe to assume ISIS fighters are provided a one way ticket to go meet 72 virgins who are out of this world?

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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 11 months ago
    like General Pershing in WW1, in his first battle in northern Africa with muslim military fighting with the Axis powers, he captured a few dozen fighters...he formed them up and had two prisoners watch as he brought pigs forward...he killed the pigs and saved their blood...he executed the remaining muslim prisoners and then smeared them with pig's blood...the two prisoners her released...they went back to their lines and told their fellow muslim fighters, who then dropped their weapons and fled...

    i trained muslim military pilots here in the u.s. while i was an instructor pilot in the Air Force...they commented they would do the same thing...pigs blood prevents them from going to paradise, having sex with 14 yr old virgins, and being served by us infidels for all eternity...

    fight smarter not harder....
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 11 months ago
      Your Pershing story is a little mixed up. The incident actually happened in the Philippines, pre-WW I, and the enemy were the Huks, an Islamic terrorist group (still operating, BTW). Nonetheless, a good example.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
    The way to make those who are thinking about becoming radicalized and joining ISIS might be to show what happens to these warriors when they do get captured. BHO would certainly say "That is just not who we are" but he just might be very wrong about that. We have plenty of pigs blood here so if they really do believe in such voodoo then I say use it wisely. They have to be running short on virgins any way.
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  • Posted by KCLiberty 8 years, 11 months ago
    Wait..... You still believe we are fighting ISIS??

    They are our mercenaries. We supply them, we give them free passage, etc... We hired them to take out Gaddafi, and now Assad. Why would we capture "our guys"?

    Did you miss the whole oil tanker fiasco? After Russia called US out, we bombed a small convoy, giving the drivers ample warning to run away of course. And, why didn't we bomb any before Russia started doing so? Well, the answer from the State Department was we didn't want to cause "environmental damage". Right.....

    That is why the high-up military brass went behind Obama's back and fed intelligence to Russia and Assad - they are sick of this crap.
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  • Posted by JoleneMartens1982 8 years, 11 months ago
    I say there is very little room for any radical religious terrorist groups in this world and there should be a swift humane execution for any of them that engage in such atrocities as we have seen. And by humane I mean, firing squad, I have always thought that was the best way to die. Quick, relatively painless, no chance for survival, and no one person to feel guilty.
    I know this is a terrible thing to consider, but I can just imagine the people in Paris thinking the attack on the concert was all part of the show. Can you imagine the jihad walks in guns drawn, how many people thought, wow that looks very real. How many of us would wonder if a jihad extremist was real if we were to actually be approached by one, not to mention how would we know, many of them look like people we see everyday.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      The part that I don't get and never will is taking these guys prisoner and calling them Enemy Combatants and then jailing them for some period of time in some prison. Does anyone truly believe these warriors can be rehabilitated? I think not and capital punishment is the only real answer.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 11 months ago
    Shaking my head over the diametric opposition that has never rectified itself with the advent of conscious awareness over the past 5000 years.
    It's a complicated issue with many causes and effects but I still wonder exactly how much of this is pure, or impure, genetics.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 11 months ago
    I imagine they are standing in the line of Syrian refugees, waiting their turn to relocate to the U.S.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Did you notice that part where the State Department approved the non-Muslim refugees in disproportionate numbers - five years of civil war has made it possible for 97 Christian, Druze, Yezmedi, Bahai, Jewish and others to gain entry. That number is popping up in any number of google-able resources. Meanwhile The administration is still pushing for various numbers the latest being 10,000 of Islamics from that area in just 2016. Indications are and I say again 'indications' Sunni Kurds are also being disproportionately discriminated against.. IF that is also true does it Make Kerry and Obama Shia's? Just a thought. Many of the articles feed off each other but unlike some statements the figures are available and backed up by more than "I'm sure there must be......from non internet sources" statements. We shall have to wait to see if those non-internet sources materialize or like the Ayn Rand Immigration story are ......will o' the wisps.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
    Given the sympathies of our current Administration as Mulsim apologists and the lack of ground-based soldiers, I don't think the US is directly involved in activities that would lead to many captures, but I could be mistaken.
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    • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 11 months ago
      Agree: Obama has simply wanted the Iraqis to handle the whole ground operation themselves. Of course, that will probably mean that those captured will eventually escape and re-join ISIS!
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 11 months ago
    We don't have boots on the ground...other than "advisers" so any captured ISIS fighters would be in the custody of Iraqi troops or Peshmerga or Syrian resistance fighters......SOOOOOO I really don't think they will get the nice orange suits and culturally sensitive meals like at Git-mo. I am thinking they will all be getting just one step less than being impaled on a pole like Vlad the impaler or Shaka the king of the Zulus used to do.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 11 months ago
    So, if jihadist terrorists are rewarded with 72 virgins in the afterlife, What did Tashfeen get?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      She got what she deserved, DEAD! I hope the buried or cremated her wrapped in BACON!
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Which means by their standards she won....and by our standards you lost. How many times will that happen before it's a house on your street? Or just a simple robbery and the police say...no need to risk our lives for someone who cares so little for his own. Take our time wait for backup ...

        Or when it's not domestic but foreign. Well let's wait for back up and UN approval and no need risking soldiers lives for people who don't care about their own.

        I'm all in favor of your position. In the military and in the police I viewed as one less problem to interrupt my coffee and one less risk to interrupt my life.

        Your choice. that's objectivism.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
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      • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 11 months ago
        Snort! To service the latest jihadi?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          Actiually oldbomba had an answer for that one too. It's called Extended Captivity or Incarceration ostensibly for those 'truly dangerous and long term incorrigible terrorist types."

          But his new law didn't limit it to a group certain just as it didn't limit arrest based on suspicion of supporting terrorism with no civil rights.

          Thus sarcastic humor which I'm known for became something far more deadly than anything Tashfeen could accomplish on her own.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    Where have all the fighters gone
    Gone to Gitmo everyone
    When will they be returned
    When will they....be returned.

    Where have all the Gitmos's Gone
    We've found a place and they are gone
    Syria Is where they've gone
    Christ's Militia took them everyone!

    Now over here is our version of the Chicago Stockyards and down the haul our outfitting room with high fashion jumpsuits and cutlery by CHAIN SAW CITEEEEEEEEEEEI!

    "why buy a chainsaw anywhere else" A sponsored Ad.

    Yes it's a fundamental change but the pieces all fit together so well....well....they used to fit together. We're working on that....We use the Microsoft business model.

    With thanks to Mattress City of Seattle and Spatula City for the idea. Also PP&M
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  • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
    I heard a particular Tale that says ISIS was created by the US of NA as an excuse to continue the conflict in the Middle East, with the pinned "Terror" and all depicted on Muslims and the "need for democracy" and all that horse crap, when we all know that the real reason is it´s strategic global point and the massive oil reserves amidst those deserts.

    Most ISIS members are prisoners from Saudi Arabia that were let go, being SA an ally of the States. So, come to think of it; it´s not as simple as it seems over there. There´s another Tale about the 9/11 "Terrorist" attack that´s just sinister, but probable too. And that whole Bin Laden-Bush tandem, plus that most of these well known terrorists were trainned by the CIA and other US Military Like dependencies....

    ....as I say, "Tales". But if you wanna can me on the whole Democracy bit, let me just remind you of another similar expedition to this strategic part of the globe, or Atlas (to be more in vogue with the group). Anyone remember the Crusades? I find it rather interesting to view things with historical perspective, since it´s a bit too soon to do so with the particular issue at hand. Yet, and mind you I´m calling these "tales" and not hard cold facts (there are alot to back them up of course, but let´s not get into that); isn´t interesting how to some this may be all just a very sofisticated game?

    Don´t mean to ripple the pond here, just thoughts
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Mention of the Crusades does fit here to a degree. Christians back then were absolutely brutal but what must be remembered and brought to light here is the Christians were fighting the invading, barbaric Muslims who were raping and destroying everything in their path. They needed to get dead just the same as ISIS today.
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      • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
        I´m not sure about this, but I think the occupation of the Iberic Peninsula wasn´t by Muslims, but by Kurds. Arabs in general (Hebrews are Arabs as well, so to speak); Islam came about the 1500. And the occupation was that of about eight centuries, being basically all Arabs very advanced in many ways, until religion paused them for hundreds of years.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          Google and Wikpedia...

          See also: Protofeudalism
          See also: Military campaigns under Caliph Uthman

          Moors or Berbers...The rest is cloudy. However Saladin or Sa'lah Adin a Kurd kicked the europeans out of area now known as Lebanon, Israel, Jordan.

          Most accounts do not have the invaders speaking Kurdish but Arabic. I found nothing to indicate sunni nor shia listing mostly Apparently there is nothing written that survives. There are 82 or so different sects in Islamic religion. Far less than other religions. Some were more powerful than they are today.

          The primary group were Ummayad Caliphate.

          Precisely what happened in Iberia in the early 8th century is uncertain. There is one contemporary Christian source, the Chronicle of 754 (which ends on that date), regarded as reliable but often vague.[1] There are no contemporary Muslim accounts. What Muslim information there is comes from later compilations subject to contemporary ideological influence.[2] The most prominent such compilation is that of Al-Maqqari, which dates from the 17th century. This paucity of sources means that any specific or detailed claims need to be regarded with caution.[3]
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          • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
            I´m sure there´s more sufficient data if one were to research beyond the webb. My point is that Islam wasn´t involved, it came later. Religion helped pacify a very complex turmoil in one the most ancient regions on earth. In China, they use something a bit more contemporary called fascism (not to be mistaken with communism, which also should not be mistaken with Marxism). The problem with Marx is well explainned in many manifestos later on. Human beings aren´t celestial creatures. That´s why his concept of Society can never work, and it´s subdue to corruption and worst things yet. It´s all quite sad really, especially considering that Muslims are very peaceful in general, having a few radicals that use Islam as an excuse to control and operate. Real Sad indeed.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
              You really don't know jack do you. Everything yiou said is inaccurate crap. Communism is International Socialism Nazi-ism is NAtional Socialism. Fascism is gaining and mainting control by any means necessary and used by both the aforementioned or any religious or secular control group. Your description of Marx is pure illiterate socialist tape recorder mentality. The rest of it is 'really sad' Go back to Yoda....Your really poor attempt to reframe needs about two more years of concentrated study. Ole Yackoff is really scraping the leavings. Only thing I haven't figured out which kind of socialist are you. Now get your hand out of the cookie jar and go back to the sand box. One more bites the dust. Less Daily Worker and more daily work...
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      • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
        I hear you, but there´s one main difference here. They´re the ones being invaded, tortured, raped and pillaged nowadays. It´s hard to assume that we´re the wrong ones this time.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      You forgot AIDs and the World Trade Center and Benghazi and World War II and the Balanced Budget With a Suitcase


      There every where! There everywhere! sotto voce

      Call Chicken Man.... (off stage narrator with deep voice)

      "Mayor's Office! Oh hello wonderful white winged warrior. (cast)

      "WHAT! OMG The SKY is Faallllllllllllllllinnnnnnnnggggg!" (cast sotto voce chorale)

      "What do you mean wrong skit!?" Interrabang.

      "Where did you find this?"

      "It's all over the news."

      "What news?"

      "All and and and and it's common knowledge"

      "Trump it was Donald Trump."

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 11 months ago
    The Syrian Christian militia made a video, with the ISIS prisoners clad in black, being beheaded by Christians garbed in orange prison jumpsuits. It was kind of a revenge propaganda, and presents what is probably happening to any ISIS captured.
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  • Posted by Butched 8 years, 11 months ago
    Does anyone really care what happens to them. Not taking prisoners is a good thing. No pics = no problems. Should cover battle zones with pigs blood from tankers. Would doom them all.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 11 months ago
      Not that they will actually go to paradise when they die. Where exactly IS paradise? I say when you die, its like unplugging a computer- everything stops and you disappear.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    Saves a lot of long drawn out controversy. no one seems to complain too much if the other side commits atrocities so maybe it's just business as usual and to offer a mid nineties quote it's 'nobodies business' but their own.

    Secondly was it Virgins or Virginians?
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  • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    ...had to take this wave: "Same to You, My Padawan". Hahaha, sorry...hahaha
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      prove it.........Tania? Ernesto? El Burro?
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      • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
        oh boy !!! Paranoid Much ?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          You were doing fine until you quacked like a duck. That's what did Che and Carlos in they quacked to much. So...we've established what? You can crib lines from someone else's writings but can't remember who? No? Prove it. We're still back on "I'm Sure......" Same frame. Same Form. Same BS.

          Hasta la later Comrade.
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          • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
            No offense but you crack me up dude. I mean, is this all about winning an argument here? As far as I concerned, you won man. Have it your way. You´re what I call a Winja, meaning a web ninja. You google this and google that and think you know everything, and are trying to make this be duel of witts when, Miguel; you crearly have none. You need references to feel reassured. You seem to have no common knowledge whatsoever, and all you can repeat like an empowering fool is "prove it". You´ve been proving my point from your first comment; being my point that you have no tollerance for anything that isn´t your fancy. I swear, it´s like talking to McCarthy here ! Good thing you have no power over anyone whatsoever !
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
              Sucked you in with no problem. Subjectivism is it's own bait. It makes a good demonstration. Come back again?
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              • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
                Morning morning, I can keep going you know. You sucked me in ? Hahaha, think again. As for you being Objectivist.....nice try Miguelito. Bon Voyage, Arrivederci, Saionara, (whatever)
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
                  Hooked again.
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                  • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
                    Hey Mike, how goes ? I know your a hardcore kind of posting maniac, recently saw your activity so I´d like to appollogize for reeling you in to my little trap. Yes, I´m sorry I threw that "Tale" thing around to see who´d show their hate. I know this should be private but, I really do hope you´re safe and that whatever made you angry about me doesn´t stick to you. My name is Lucio Plorutti Dormal, and my misspelling is due to the fact that I´m not a native born, saxon type persona. I come from no real background actually, though if you reviewed me (as I sense you have due to some of your comments); I was born in Argentina, South America. I hope to hear from you again, it´s actually constructive to get answers (even if they´re not the best of all).

                    I´m the son of a diplomat, so I´ve been many places due to this fact. Professionally, I´m an Architect with a Post Graduate in Urban Planning, Urban Law and Landscaping as well (as well as History in Art and a bit of Physics also). Mind you, this doesn´t make me feel better than anyone though, I really value any person´s opinion and I find that average normal people have alot of insight and, primarily and most importantly; honesty. Anyway, I sincerely hope you´re alright and don´t worry, I´m not voting so you don´t have to convince me. I was just trying to see how orientated this cyber place was. Sorry for the delay too, it´s just that we all have our own fish to fry and well; mine are a complicated ex wife and a very small town, inferno like ordeal that has me very compromised since, as in all towns; envy goes a long way. Best of luck Mike !
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                    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
                      Damn My trap caught your trap?

                      Posting Maniac I'll accept....it's like boxing. After the final bell everyone goes out for lasagna together.

                      I'm testing a system used by a group called Secular Progressives I was actually going to put prove it one more time.

                      Most of them, by training cut and run earlier.I am also glad that you continued the verbal duel.

                      I liked Argentina. Along with Uruguay and Chile and Bolivia but I lived and worked in Central America and from their many places. Not in diplomacy. My major area is Political Science and the second level was International Political Science with a thesis on Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Governments of Latin America. One of the 'bibles' as a reference is the writings of Marighella.and there was some involvement in the 60's.

                      I have one good friend still in Guatemala a chicken farmer. who gave me a practical lesson on why the revolutions were all.... Cuban based called the only other game in town. ...My own government was actively supporting dictatorships leaving the Castro agents provocateur an open field when we should have been doing the opposite job. He showed me a well thumbed copy of our own Constitution and asked why we weren't exporting those ideals and leaving people only one other practical choice. he had a son in the Guatemalan Army and another son with the rebels. Serendipity - I had helped train both of them in Panama.

                      A valuable lesson ....

                      Feliz Navidad belated and Feliz Ano Nuevo.

                      Back to dueling? On a different subject perhaps?
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                      • Posted by illucio 8 years, 11 months ago
                        I´m sure we´ll cross paths in the Gulch. I mean, I know that conversation (though written) is the noblest way of enlightenment for us humans.

                        I lived in Winnetka, Illinois as a kid. And in the DC Area as a teen. That´s how the language sticks to me. The spelling well, I´m bilingual but definitely rusty and out of practice. I had to also take French and, well; Italian is quite similar to the Rio Platense form of speaking (in acentuation, not much more. We have a very important Italic Peninsula inmigration and culture near Buenos Aires, not the rest of the country though). As for languages well, I don´t consider myself to be a great polilinguist. It´s more what was pitched at me than anything else.

                        As for the Middle East, I happenned to venture some regions after 2002. Syria, Jordan, Lebannon and well, Egypt as the African proximity. Nice people, but truly a very present regime to command their way of life. Yet every country, even every town really; is different in it´s own way. The obvious is that the English occupation of Jordan makes it a much more organized country, where the French influence of Syria is what gives it it´s characterisctic urban chaos (no offense to the French, but that´s just the way it is). Actually, Bashaar Al Assad never was meant to rule (a one party nation is even more ridiculous than the bipolar US trend). His brother died in a car accident and well, this odontologist or whatever his English Studies were meant to be had him become "president" by force.

                        The rest well, is a bit of everything. Perspective and a more realistic version of history can only be attained in time. And today well, tenfold really. Anyhow, I hope to read more of you and debate the righteous way more often. We´ll see what time has install for me. I´m only about to turn 38 so, I´m still in the trenches myself. Good to keep it up though, and make your acquaintance. (sorry for the spelling, I even have to reconfigure my keyboard and well; I am a lazy southerner, hehe).

                        All the best to You and yours !
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
                          Good idea. We are, however bipolar on the surface and single party underneath. The hypocrisy of politics. I noticed that about Buenos Aires the Italian language influence. We stayed on the north side near the river.

                          I credit the primarily British division of the mid east after WWI with many if not most of the problems and their Mem Sahib attitude. Jordan is not a natural country but splitting Kurdistan and failing to realize the inherent culture and the shia/sunni/kurdish sunni split was a disaster. Recently compounded by it's continuance and failure to split Iraq which is not a natural country like Jordan. For some reason I admire the Kurds as a nation. When Bush failed to support that policy along with the usual French/British/German influence...it was a huge mistake but..nothing to be done now - possibly.

                          As for the USA? The word former comes to mind more often than not. What culture we did have has been shoved aside or forgotten.

                          The rule of history is 200-300 years per government system. It's a good observation.
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