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The radical leaders of the Muslim faith are again twisting it into a device to conquer and enslave. That is a very dangerous thing to have happening as those people at the top demand blind faith, not in there own study and reasoning of what god is or would have to be, but in there interpretation of what god is and what he wants. That kind of logic gave us the dark ages, that same kind of blind commitment to parties in the US gave us the last few presidents.
We must live by principles and when studies and applied with reason and common sense the principles of most faith work very well to help develop that sense.
America was founded on a religion. Benjamin Franklin referred to it most often but it can be found in nearly all the founders correspondence at some point refereed to as the religion of America. I have seen a few different versions of it and I may be paraphrasing it to some extend but here it is.
* there is a god
* That god wants us to do no harm to one and other.
* that god wants us to be honest with one and other.
* That god wants us to have freedom from tyranny.
I think we all agree on all but the first point. About 8% don't believe there is a god and you can replace "god" with some other word on the other points.
I think the place I saw the quote, and if memory serves, it was Benjamin Franklin, was in Making of America by Cleon Skousen.
I must admit it has been a while since I read it so my memory could be off. It is a monster of a book and took me a couple of years to get through it. I look at it in my library now and think, I really should read that again. I will at some point as a second reading and study would cement more of it into my mind. I believe it to be the most complete book on the constitution and its creation I have ever read, but be warned it is a monster of a book.
Faith is antithetical to reason. It is accepting unproven assertions as true.
* that god wants us to have the freedom to choose for ourselves how and what we do and face the consequences of those choices.