My Letter to my Gun-Free Gym - Rachel Mills
I find the "Gun-Free" signs to be ridiculous. To me, it's similar to yelling "Don't look!"
The author of this letter, found at the site, writes rather honestly. I believe this adds even more impact to her letter.
The author of this letter, found at the site, writes rather honestly. I believe this adds even more impact to her letter.
I have freindly chats with the armed credit union guard too, since I have been a bank guard and other kind of security guards off and on during my semi-retired period (2002 - 2013).
That credit union guard does not need to know what is in my pocket.
I'm only going to use that gun if I'm forced to.
Sometimes the movie theater manager would have me ride with him as he took his ticket and concession stand income to the bank.
I felt quite foolish at this time. At least I had a hand radio to say, "Guys, call the cops!" if I did not get shot for doing as much.
I would have been fired if I had let on that I kept a pistol in my glove compartment of my personal vehicle.
Most of the time I drove a Guardsmark SUV about the property unarmed with these blinking green lights.
I avoid those places - I do my banking at the drive through - and just do not frequent businesses with the signs. If I was ever caught needing to defend myself in one of the signed places I would, but would also expect to be in more trouble then the actual criminal. So it's best to stay out of them.
Good Luck.
The real reason for this prohibition is that business owners (and many employers) are more concerned over the possibility of an "accidental discharge" than they are with a mass shooting. This was the reason I received when I posed the question (of allowing concealed carry) to our employees user group AND from the National Rifle Association when questioned about their policy of not allowing loaded firearms in sponsored classes.
So...not only do businesses not care about our personal defense...they also cannot trust us to not shoot ourselves in the foot, while on their property.
1. I am an experienced gun owner and
2. The class I was attending was for Range Safety Officer, in which, I assumed we already had experienced gun owners.
Of course, it would make sense to have a single policy to cover all of your classes. I was just being bull-headed, I suppose.
"Being the owner of this establishment and requiring all paying customers to be unarmed, I hereby declare that I will take full and complete responsibility for any loss, including loss of life, suffered by any and all customers while in my establishment due to criminal acts committed within my establishment."
"Because this establishment does not allow customers to provide self protection devices upon the premises, the owners assume full responsibility and liability for your safety and security"
I once wrote a letter to the owner of a gun-free zone. It was more succinct: 1) It's your business, so you can do with it what you please; 2) I promise not to bring my firearm into your establishment. However, since I exercise my right to carry this also means that I won't bring my person or my money in either.
should definitely quit taking her kids there, should
she elect to continue going there herself. She should not put them at risk so that she can get fit
Remember always the quote from Boiete.
"Tyrants have no rights which were not given them by an uncaring public."
translation The couch potato vote choosing the lesser of evils...
The progressive mindless political class(less) creatures are cowards. They do not seek to take guns from criminals, but the do seek to take them away from law abiding that's gona work.
We suspect there are other motives involved here; but besides that we see they do not value life and the only value they have is the value they've stolen from you.
I have freindly chats with the armed credit union guard too, since I have been a bank guard and other kind of security guards off and on during my semi-retired period (2002 - 2013).
That credit union guard does not need to know what is in my pocket.
I'm only going to use that gun if I'm forced to.
I've been a happy camper for a customer there for a quarter of a century after escaping a bank that had a fee for everything.
Oh, well, I know where another credit union is.
Better than getting killed.
but in this case it's "Made ya shoot." -- j
Your letter is one of the many reasons I love the Gulch.