21 Ayn Rand Christmas Cards

Posted by Timelord 9 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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Sometimes, perhaps when I'm either feeling way too happy, or maybe when I'm way too sad, or maybe just when I experience a moment of pure insanity, a temporary break with reality that allows me to do self-destructive things ... I'm talking about reading the Daily Kos, something that nobody should ever do for any reason. Now go read it!


A contributor has written what he believes to be a supremely clever, satirical and enlightening feature about Christmas cards sent by Ayn Rand. Naturally, as I read them I was thinking, "Yeah, right on!" But at the same time I realized that to "these people" the fictional cards were the pinnacle of everything that is wrong with the world. It's terrible when you show someone a beautiful diamond and they scowl and call it a ball of used bubble gum.

Don't worry, the feature itself won't upset you. That part comes when you start reading the comments. I wanted to post some of the worst offenses against logic and reason here as examples; then I realized that I'd have to copy/paste all of them. Go read it!

I had a lot of trouble deciding on a category while I was creating this new topic. At first I thought humor, but it's only funny to people to think kicking puppies and kittens is funny. Then I considered entertainment, but it would only be entertaining to someone who enjoyed watching the U.S. Congress and the President destroy the country. Then I thought, "Hmm, maybe philosophy?" But the willing participants and supporters of the Daily Kos don't understand philosophy. I had to settle for politics because whether we like it or not we're in a steel cage death match with those people. These are the ones who can't be educated or reasoned with. These are the ones who must be utterly crushed if human civilization is to have even a slim chance of surviving.
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/22/1353470/-21-Ayn-Rand-Christmas-Cards

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years, 2 months ago
    Some of them are very nicely done. Thanks! I captured several of them as offered. Moreover, the idea is excellent and open to improvement with other images and other quotes. Usually I send out Newtonmas greetings. You can find them on my blog. Some are posted here in the Gulch. See also Google Groups for physics and numismatics. (Newton was warden and master of the Royal Mint for 30 years. He saved England's currency.)

    And the Kos presentation gave me something to think about: Whom should the innkeeper have evicted to the manger in order to give the woman having a baby a room? And what happens to her when someone needier comes along- older, sicker, more kids, difficult labor not a miracle birth... ? It is an interesting question never asked.
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