Just a thought.
Posted by deleted 10 years, 11 months ago to Culture
I tend to believe that "Black History Month" is a tool in which the injustices of the past are used against African-Americans, to keep them thinking to the negative past and to keep division alive and well. What if "Black History Month" were changed to "Black Future Month" or something similar to move on and celebrate achievements and look forward to the greatness that is possible?
My kids are in pre-school. They think skin color is just another feature like being short or tall. They don't know the past injustices. I don't want to hide it from them at all, but I don't want to carry on too much about it. I tell them people's rights used to be based on arbitrary things like whether you're a boy or a girl, short or tall, have light or dark skin, eyes, or hair features. Obviously that was not fair. Like you, I want them to focus on all the amazing things we can do now that everyone accepts MLK's dream, not focus on the days when it was still controversial.