Natural Rights v. Human Rights
Posted by jetgraphics 9 years, 2 months ago to Going Galt
IF You Believe There Are No Natural Rights
★ IF you do not have a right to life, to support that life by harmless activities, and the right to defend that life, except as a government granted privilege, then how did people live before government?
★ IF you do not have an absolute right to own your self, your labor, the fruits of your labor, the land you acquired, and the children you produced, who does, and how did they get that right from you?
★ IF you do not have a right to travel upon public roads and waterways, but only as a government granted privilege, then how did people travel before government?
★ IF you do not have the right and power to defend your person and property, except as a government privilege, how did government get that power to deny your right?
★ IF you do not have a right to life, to support that life by harmless activities, and the right to defend that life, except as a government granted privilege, then how did people live before government?
★ IF you do not have an absolute right to own your self, your labor, the fruits of your labor, the land you acquired, and the children you produced, who does, and how did they get that right from you?
★ IF you do not have a right to travel upon public roads and waterways, but only as a government granted privilege, then how did people travel before government?
★ IF you do not have the right and power to defend your person and property, except as a government privilege, how did government get that power to deny your right?