AP president calls on Obama to 'rein in' DOJ
I was shocked, but not surprised when I heard about this originally.
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- 1Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 10 months agoobama is po'ed because he couldn't get another "I DID" it moment because AP released the story prior to the WH. In addition it was a great excuse for 'chilling' the 1st Amendment from the most transparent administration in history. This administration should have kept reading AS as they had the press in their pocket as the looters in the book did, but now they've irritated some of the compliant press. Not a smart move on their part. There might be some stories come out now from some of those irritated reporters that they would have sat on before. It's possible not much else will come out because it'll take a pair to talk to a reporter now.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|