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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
    You are welcomed to consent to giving away your rights, but no one, majority or not, can give away my rights.
    I suggest that the first right you should give away is the "right" to vote, since it's obvious you have no understanding of the responsibilities that accompany it.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      From the not to distant past. "I have the right without explanation to take all of your rights without exception." That had to do with buying votes and the outcome was "Money Is Speech.": Courts said so and backed that up. Doesn't matter if it violates your rights or supposed rights to free, open, and honest elections.

      The only step left to make that statement completely true is a court case with a friendly bought and paid for judge and a friendlier supreme court.

      That last step is direct contributions to candidates or measures without regard to boundaries national or international.

      It's already possible through PACs, SuperPACs, LLC non profits, and laundering tax dollars into campaign funds through Davis-Bacon pork deals with unions.

      If you would like the cite go to politics category look for the frame reframe series I think it's 104 Interlude or go the final one and read the ending.

      When the discussion came up half a year so ago I finally got the upper hand because the claim was not yet 'quite' true.

      I also presented a solution to ensure it would not come true.

      Sadly, nothing happened but your well meaning statement is not true. Not any more. but thanks for bringing it up and a thumbs up.

      Go read it again. Using their argument against them is how I controlled the frame and that led me to investigating that whole system.
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 9 months ago
        Money is speech. You use money to get your words out. If you are going to vote for someone because they had the money to run a lot of ads, then shame on you -- it's your fault for not looking at the issues and relying on the television commercials.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 9 months ago
    As a recovering college professor I am, unfortunately, not surprised at this latest outrage. Our "institutions of higher learning" have become nothing more than brainwashing facilities and "re-education centers". The level of ignorance of our graduates is both appalling and dangerous. When someone graduating from an "Ivy League" college does not recognize the Bill of rights and its significance the republic is in grave danger.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 9 months ago
      Would you please get back into the classroom. You are needed.
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 9 months ago
        There is no room for my kind in academia any more. I taught physics and astronomy at both the undergrad and graduate level and I tried to make it clear that critical thinking was an essential part of science. I was informed that insisting on independent thought opened the door to criticism where I could be labeled a bigot and a homophobe. I never tried to understand that kind of reasoning.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
          However I believe there are more of you than their are available openings in education thinking of the Hillsdale and that one in Florida. How are jobs in your field in the civilian market where things are actually accomplished. They might be tired of people thinking in PC and unable to do simple math in their head.
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          • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 9 months ago
            You are correct. I am currently working on two different consulting gigs, one for a ground penetrating radar system and the other on the use of antimatter for spacecraft propulsion. I enjoyed teaching but these are fun too. Zero PC in the free market world unlike academia.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
      When I was in college, the stupid arguments had mostly revolved around the philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre. The novel "The Catcher In The Rye" had everyone talking. I was involved in satirizing everything I encountered including drawing a picture of "The Thinker" sitting on a toilet which was published in the student newspaper and caused an uproar when the editor and myself were put to task for it. How things have changed. The picture wouldn't cause a blink today. Sartre would cause a fit of boredom. To be and activist would be to rail against segregation and march about fighting for that cause. Looking back, I'd say we were sweet innocents compared to today's college activists.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    In 18th century England, it was popular to call Oxford students "Ninnies," and to call the institute, the "Ninnyversity." Funny how history repeats itself.
    However, even though such a petition is the height of stupidity, it is attacking the very foundations of the country and freedom itself. Therefore, it must be taken seriously. Do any of the morons asking for signatures have a motive other than a lack of understanding? Or, are they merely among Lenin's "useful idiots?"
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 9 months ago
    Step right up, petition signing lovers!
    Sign this anti-petition petition.
    The one about no more voting will be coming up next.
    Now sing along!
    We do need our education.
    We do need our thought control~
    -~and our indoctrination in the classroom.
    Teacher, teacher, never leave those kids alone.
    All and all, we need lots of bricks for the wall.
    Ta dee da da!
    All and all, we need lots of bricks for the wall.

    HEY! How can you have pudding if you don't vegan your meat?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      When you look at the original words of that song it's double negatives and is 'in literate fact' a cry for help and for education.

      We don't need no education
      We do not need no education
      means we need some education.

      I always wondered if that was intentional and a slam against the British or other school systems?

      I doubt those in our system of education teaches at the head of the list would notice.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 9 months ago
        Brits must had some dysfunctional teachers who would engage in "dark sarcasm in the classroom."
        I graduated from college without encountering hardly any of those, though I do recall a sadistic mental case who taught biology in the tenth grade.
        On the college level, I recall enduring more of the dysfunctional "educated beyond their means" types for teachers. .
        My college years were late 60s--early 70s before my generation created teachers of socialism and political correctness.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 9 months ago
    I saw the video when Fox aired it. . this is the result of the
    incessant progressive drumbeat from the last hundred
    years. . if the "good guys" don't wake up and counter it,
    the nation is doomed. . may be too late. -- j
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 9 months ago
    Well, I haven't seen the video. The librarian said
    they didn't have any more headphones. (The ones
    I have used previously have not always worked). I'd
    like it better if words to articles were simply put on the screen so I could read them. But then, I am getting older (I have always been cantan-
    kerous). Anyway, I thought that the Supreme
    Court had already ruled that "money is speech"
    before. Just how many Yale students did sign
    that petition?
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 8 years, 9 months ago
    There is a reason the "1%" are where they are....they have not become a society of "Soccer Moms'" hell bent on protecting their "Lil Johnnys" from harm
    Security and protection are the overwhelming paradigm of anyone born after 1980. Fiorina talking about a Warrior Class (military leaders allowed to perform as such) breaks this mold. The Ivy League has been for decades the central ground zero for enlightenment. I believe Rubio made the statement that "welders make more money than philosophers", although statistically incorrect, was genuinely correct as they MAKE money. The "philosopher class" coming from our universities do not MAKE money, they provide opinion in conjunction with their class guilt. Yale? Princeton? Harvard? well many liberal arts schools... use this propaganda because their Professors MAKE very little money. Their product: convoluted thinking based on Marxist fog. Roll the ball to Johnny and "Johnny don't use your head".
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
      Interesting, FelixO. So what you are proposing is an ultimately futile process in which some small % of the people who reject the nihilistic culture become successful. These people are despised and outvoted by the remaining 90+%.

      This does not explain the Bill Gates of the world, who become successful but obviously subscribe to the major cultural philosophy.

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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
        With people like Gates, I believe it is a matter of image spurred by guilt. He became rich beyond his wildest dreams and as a result, doesn't want to fit the image of the rich guy who is the power behind many of the evils in the world. To make himself more angelic, he espouses the liberal causes and claims to be just one of the guys -- only richer. (Much richer.)
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      • Posted by FelixORiley 8 years, 9 months ago
        Jan, I am not "proposing" anything as if providing a process. I am stating that modern university students are coddled into thinking that what others think should be their personal guide. The bruises of others should be shared by all.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
          'Proposing' as in 'Proposing a theory'. The image I got from your comment was of a world where, say, 10% are non-nihilistic (and 90% are some flavor of nihilist). Some fraction of that 10% produce innovations that allow the other 90+% to exist in comfort, but the fact of their success does not make a dent in the philosophy of the 90% and, since voting cuts across the philosophical spectrum, the 10% can not get their philosophy represented successfully in the political arena.

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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
          Let me rephrase that. What prompted you to pick 10% and 90%. The 90% is close to the number of votes that will be cast in favor of one or the other socialist candidates with a probability of higher. the 10%
          is close to the probable number of other than the two leftist candidates in the selection held before the primaries where the party itself is not holding to the winner take all rules (besides they get it later gratis in the general election.) With a point
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 9 months ago
    db why are you amazed? All of the college students that exist in the country for the most part are products of government schools. As I have said before they do not know the concept of "thinking".
    The illustrious congress of the usa has approved the budget for the idiot that occupies the w.h. They too are products of government schools so they do not know the concept of thinking.
    So, yes we are doomed and will ultimately find ourselves deeper into socialism which we are in now and will see more and more of the country become Islamic. all because of a educational system that died a slow death starting about 1900. welcome to the new world order.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 9 months ago
    16 yr old daughter thought this was unbelievable. Thank goodness she asked to watch all the Atlas Shrugged movies, did a report on Ayn Rand and decided on atheism on her own.
    Not sure this is really an indictment against Yale, or just young people in general today. I bet you could do the same at any high school or Walmart.
    A lot of people bring petitions to the town dump on Saturday a.m. I wonder how this would go there?
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 9 months ago
    Congratulations America.....for turning out a bunch of under-educated, over-coddled, teenage mutant dimwits! In addition, here is a shout-out to our national educators for turning out such "low information" buffoons.....
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 9 months ago
    This should come as no surprise.
    Continuing the process of creating useful idiots started by your favorite progressive president woodie wilson, has created useless idiots.
    I think we all would agree that most liberal colleges are useless and do not even know what is true, valuable or not anymore let alone educate your children to be useful with the ability to critically think on their own.
    This whole process in only 100 years has undone what took evolution millions of years to create...The Mind.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 9 months ago
    No surprise. Today's newspaper reported 30% of Republicans favor bombing Agrabah (a fictional nation in Disney's Aladdin animation feature film) with 19% of Dems saying they would also do so, but 39% of Dems said they would spare the city.

    Modern education at its best.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    The Free Speech portion has been under attack for a good many years and it all started with King George.... too long to post here I'll do a separate thread but it IS fully cited and sourced. And not a very long read. I should add that attack is on it's last step and affects a lot more than free speech.


    Look for 'Free Speech For Sale!'

    It's real it's no joke and it's existence will pass any objective test.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 9 months ago
    And just how much are their parents paying for an Ivy League education!
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    • Posted by FelixORiley 8 years, 9 months ago
      Doesn't matter what they are paying. Its the reputation and document on the wall. Its the false pride spoken. If the parents cared, they would investigate the product purchased and the output.
      I was sitting in a hotel bar a long while ago and overhead a discussion: "We look for law students from further south. Ability is acceptable and the cost is much lower. Why should be hire someone from a New England school?"
      Its obvious, you have to fulfill the parent's dreams.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    I'm in support of making this a Hot Category listing and in the daily digest. Too many don't bother with the side bar and miss a lot that way nor do they look under Hot and New up at the top. Especially those that ask the same questions when the answers are already posted.

    this is not a throw away discussion group. And he archives are open to all.
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