How the plot of Star Wars frighteningly resembles modern day America

Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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This is a long but very important and insightful analysis of our world, I believe. It's an op-ed by Dan Sanchez as Anyone who is afraid that Trump will lead us closer to a dictatorship will get reinforcement from this analysis too. Reality may be just as true--and equally scary--as some fiction.

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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 3 months ago
    Excellent article:
    Congress has allowed Obama to create a path to totalitarianism that will, no doubt, be followed by his successor no matter who he or she may be. As such they are facilitators of the destruction of the republic. Ben Franklin's answer when asked "What have you given us?", "A republic, if you can keep it". Rings as true today as it did over 200 years ago. Franklin was being optimistic when he predicted that the republic might last 100 years. It is now over 235 years but the end is in sight. Do we have the insight and courage to protect what we have or will we join the long history of civilizations that rose and fell. The decay is from within. It is as if the immune system of our civilization has turned against its host. When we die it will be from a cancer not an assault.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      I'm with you Professor. Excellent points. Now is the time when those of us who understand the reality of what is happening must prepare and act to prevent that cancer from killing us.
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 3 months ago
        Remember, a cancerous cell was once a healthy one that has been corrupted. It retains enough of its original identity to fool the immune system so it can do its destructive work without detection or interference. The simile to those in our culture that would seek to destroy us is too accurate to be coincidental.
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
      You keep thinking that something's happening TO you!! Man up and admit that we CHOSE these bastards!! They didn't fall out of the sky. They said and did what we asked. That's how they keep getting re-elected. You (all of us) knew what we were getting, and we went for it anyway. It's too late now to pretend that we had nothing to do with it.
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  • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 3 months ago
    Radical Islam is radicalizing the United States. Radical conservatism (i.e. Trump) and radical liberalism (i.e. Sanders) are both developing and growing together in the America's political sphere.

    Luke Skywalker was radicalized after his family was killed in a raid. He joined an ancient sect and participated in an attack that killed countless people... Which begs the question: was he right?

    I will answer the question with another question: What constitutes self-defense and what constitutes an initial attack? Objective law should define this distinction. But it is clear that the error made by terrorists is that killing innocent people does not comprise proper retribution. Further, killing an innocent person on accident is not equivalent to killing an innocent person on purpose. One is called manslaughter, the other, murder.

    The US is, no doubt, responsible for the deaths of some innocent people. At the same time, it is not self defense to kill innocent civilians, even in response to the deaths of innocent people. It is not self defense to encourage martyrdom (and I distinguish this from service) among young people. It is not self defense to use women and children as suicide bombers in order to "end American arrogance" as has been claimed. These acts are initiations of the use of physical force against individuals who are innocent.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
      Uh, Trump isn't a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Trump is in it for himself and the attention.

      "Luke Skywalker was radicalized..."

      The question is really whether or not the principles he was fighting for were principles of freedom. How he arrived there is secondary.

      " it is not self defense to kill innocent civilians, even in response..."

      Correct. Self-defense is necessarily a spur-of-the-moment action. Anything premeditated fails this criterion.
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    • Posted by zagros 9 years, 3 months ago
      Killing an innocent person on accident is not called manslaughter. It depends on a host of factors such as the nature of the accident, whether it was reasonably foreseeable at the time, etc. Similarly, killing an innocent person on purpose is not called murder for the same reasons. Self-defense, for example, is killing someone deliberately but is not murder. A doctor who prescribes a drug that ends up killing an individual due to an adverse reaction that could not have been foreseen at the time has killed someone accidentally but it is not manslaughter. Similarly, if one shows reckless disregard for human life, such as shooting a gun into the air in a crowded area (such as is done in some countries to celebrate the New Year) and having the bullet come down and kill someone was certainly not intentional murder but it can be considered murder nonetheless (in the second or third degree).

      In addition, the law does objectively define self-defense and what the US does when it attacks other countries is not considered self-defense. It is considered to be retaliatory in nature and only the state has the legal right to conduct retaliatory attacks and only under the guise of war.

      Thus, part of the problem for "terrorists" (and the American revolutionaries were considered terrorists from the British perspective) is that we have never explicitly recognized their right to attack military targets. I proposed that they be allowed to do so without fear of judicial punishment (but they still would be subject to military response) in a paper I authored three months before 9/11 occurred. I classified attacks on government and military installations carried out while attempting to limit damage to other targets as best as one could to be an act of war, not terrorism, and considered it legitimate. As such, I considered the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon and the sinking of USS Cole to be "legitimate" actions of war that should not have criminal repercussions but actions undertaken on 9/11 would definitely not fit this definition since two of the attacks were against civilian targets and the third (the attack on the Pentagon), while ordinarily a legitimate target, was carried out with a civilian airliner.

      Part of the problem is that the US wants to punish everyone who carries out attacks on it regardless of intent as being a crime, which basically means that we should not look at the American Revolutionaries as patriots but rather as traitors. I do not support that view. There are legitimate mechanisms that can be objectively defined for waging war against the state and we need to stop thinking that automatically an attack on America interests, whatever they might be (including military targets), is, by definition, an attack on innocents, such as is currently the theory that is being used by the American government.
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      • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 3 months ago
        Is there a comparison to be drawn between the US killing innocents and a "doctor who prescribes a drug [...]"? Perhaps in some instances.

        Also, I appreciate the detailed explanations on what constitutes manslaughter versus murder, etc. as well as the point regarding attacks on US military versus US civilians. I should let you know my comments assumed said attacks were on civilians (I was writing with San Bernardino in mind). I suppose the difference between insurgent vs. innocent and that between soldier vs. civilian is a notable one. The first is more vague while the second is objective.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
        "right to attack military targets."

        The problem here is that they don't play by the same rules. They want to portray themselves as civilians with a cause rather than a nation-state with a definite military. While your idea is interesting, I feel constrained to point out that you are proposing a principles and reasoned solution to an unprincipled and unreasonable aggressor.
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        • Posted by zagros 9 years, 3 months ago
          American troops didn't play by the "same rules" during the initial stages of the Revolutionary War either. What we need is a set of rules for insurgents and revolutionaries that correspond, though not directly, but approximately to those of defined militaries. In that way, we can clearly differentiate between "legitimate" revolutionary methods and those which are not. Furthermore, your argument that our aggressors are "unprincipled and unreasonable" is a bit off, I think because we have made them that way by refusing to define the legitimate parameters for their rebellions. When you state that ALL uprisings and actions undertaken by force are automatically illegitimate when undertaken by a non-state actor but turn around and allow similar actions by state actors, you run the risk of making Osama bin Laden and the American Revolutionaries (at least at the start of the US Revolutionary War) moral equivalents, which they objectively are not.

          Indeed, in the paper I wrote, I proposed a clear and obvious distinction that basically forces revolutionary forces to "declare war" on a country before they can engage in actual war against it. Then it forces them to abide by the same exact rules of war that standing armies must adhere to with the single exception that they are not required to wear clearly defined uniforms (this exception being created since such forces need to have some equalization mechanism to take on the state and the only way that they can do so is through subterfuge and disguise rather than painting a bright red X on their backs). In other words, they must abide by (almost all of) the same rules of war, though they are permitted to do so stealthily (not that the US and other nations do not also engage in such behavior although typically such soldiers are not). After all, you cannot blame the wild animal for lashing out at you if you make no attempt to train it.

          Finally, the irony is that under the proposed solution that I detailed (and published in the Journal of Diplomatic Language), all of those detained at Guantanamo Bay who held allegiance to the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS could be held indefinitely and without formal charges until the end of hostilities as they would be considered "prisoners of war" and thus would never be able to avail themselves of rights to habeas corpus or legal counsel. Since the terrorist organizations of which they are a part never unconditionally surrender, we never have to release them :)

          We still could, by the way, prosecute the mastermind of 9/11 as a war criminal since attacks on civilians are an act of war and we would not have to try to arrest enemy combatants from terrorist groups (unless they wave the white flag of surrender) since any attack on a military installation would be considered an "act of war" rather than a criminal act.

          In addition, by establishing this clear delineation, all Americans who pledge allegiance to ISIS are, by their own admission via an overt act, committing treason, as defined in the US Constitution. As such, we can prosecute them for treason (and thus imprison them for life or even execute them), even if they do not succeed in their criminal aspirations. So long as we fail to declare war against them and consider their actions as "acts of war" rather than merely criminal actions, we end up potentially defanging the biggest single threat we can use against such Americans: expatriation (committing treason is one of the few remaining expatriating acts, which is the only way that a natural-born US citizen can lose citizenship).
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          • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
            "we can clearly differentiate between "legitimate" revolutionary methods and those which are not."

            Legitimacy frequently comes from recognition by others, which makes it a subjective criteria rather than an objective one. The UN condones (legitimizes) the attacks against Israel by Palestinians even though by any objective measure it should be the other way 'round. The Geneva Convention is only as good as the nations of the world legitimizing it by adhering to it...

            "Furthermore, your argument that our aggressors are "unprincipled and unreasonable" is a bit off, I think because we have made them that way by refusing to define the legitimate parameters for their rebellions."

            In my thinking, legitimacy comes from the principles on which one conducts their actions - not the arbitrary support of third parties. I appreciate what you are saying, I just see the notion of "legitimacy" as being highly problematic due it's nature in politics. I can see how you would view my comments interpreting the actions of current terrorists as being "unprincipled and unreasonable" as being off, so I will present it in this manner: if a principle is destructive or anti-liberty, does that not in fact make it definitionally unreasonable/illogical and of questionable value? That was my approach in the words I selected. If others are more to your liking, feel free to substitute.

            "When you state that ALL uprisings and actions undertaken by force are automatically illegitimate when undertaken by a non-state actor but turn around and allow similar actions by state actors, you run the risk of making Osama bin Laden and the American Revolutionaries (at least at the start of the US Revolutionary War) moral equivalents, which they objectively are not."

            I don't believe I ever stated such. If I said any such thing, I would retract it. The initiation of force against another is only justified if in self-defense IMO. That includes, however, actions taken to reclaim infringed liberties. That does not apply to bin Laden's groups, etc. Their goal is subjugation of others - not merely the right to self-rule. The separation is not state vs non-state actors, but rather pursuit of individual liberty. If this is what you were pointing out, I agree.

            "in the paper I wrote"

            In my opinion (and if you are able), you should post this to look at. Though you may have already done so, I'd appreciate a link.

            "you cannot blame the wild animal for lashing out at you if you make no attempt to train it."

            If it is a sentient being - a human being - I do not consider it a wild animal. These radical groups are comprised of humans who have been trained, but who also in most part actively chose to pursue their desires for power and control. And while a rational discussion would absolutely be a preferred method of re-education, I somehow doubt many are overly interested.

            "I proposed a clear and obvious distinction that basically forces revolutionary forces to "declare war" on a country before they can engage in actual war against it."

            It's a great idea. The question is how formal this needs to be. The Qu'ran has many passages which specifically call for war on the infidel and non-believer and justify actions against such under the term jihad or "holy war". I think that the declaration has already been made by that side, some just refuse to see it on this side.

            'In other words, they must abide by (almost all of) the same rules of war"

            I think here you're going to get pinned up against the notion of dealing conventionally with an unconventional warrior. The notion of "convention" again falls back on the notion of "legitimacy" by recognition. I think we might be better served to recognize (no pun intended) that instead of trying to re-write our rules of engagement, we simply look at the ones they have already written and sworn to, starting with the Qu'ran. Instead of trying to get them to use Western terms and methods, why don't we reverse-engineer how they approach things and use that to understand them. The conversation about military conflict always starts with knowing the enemy, yet we keep trying to define them in our terms. I'd say we need to start looking at how they see things. The battle with the female Kurdish freedom fighters comes to mind as a very unconventional way to deal with unconventional methods.

            I don't say this to downplay your suggestions at all. It's very clear you've spent a great deal of time and thought on the matter. I just look at all the efforts made by the "West" to deal with the cultures of the Middle East and what strikes me as a recurring theme is how we treat every problem over there from a Western perspective. IMHO, it's the reason why the elections in Baghdad were only partially successful and why our democracy exports haven't necessarily met with much success. We're trying to apply Western thinking to a literally foreign atmosphere.

            The rest of your post was insightful and well-written and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. Well done.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 3 months ago
    My fear as well, It has often been referred to and written that upon an immense and continued crisis the people will cry out for someone to fix it. That someone will become a tyrant in the process.
    In trumps case, the tyrant in him, his very narcissism will be endeared by those that support him but later they will be betrayed by him.
    History 101
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      Certainly - Exactly why the Cycle of Repression works. Especially when operated by a government. It's had 50 years of practice and finally found it's niche since Carlos Marighella and others formulated that strategy. Come to think of it the cycle some times circle of repression is mostly used by governments these days. That should get old Carlos rolling over in his grave.
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
        You think they've only been at this for 50 years. That's why they've gotten this far. They've been able to let you sleep for at least 50 years before you even noticed that anything was going on.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 3 months ago
        100 years...since teddy and woodie...our first progressives.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
          My how time flys and how little people are willing to spend 125 years counting TR to today and no demonstrated willingness other than talk from anyone in government and damn little outside of government to spend eight much less 16 reversing....Sad. Soon we'll be the ITYSSSS Ityssssies means I told you so secular socialism sucks- assuming we are allowed to say such things.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 9 years, 3 months ago
    Trump?? Really?? With all his faults, he never impressed me as a war monger. There are others running that are brought to mind, though.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
      War Mongers rarely ever announce their intentions until they are either in power or are assured of power. Although, I could easily see certain dictator tendencies in his demeanor and speeches.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        Exactly. One of his trump cards is the ability to jump in either direction and thus leave the impression that he supports those directions. He's astute and is making sure he doesn't repeat the mistakes of others. Doesn't mean he isn't capable or using either direction. Or that he won't. Power unused is impotent There must always be an enemy and always be a demonstration.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      Trump has said some dangerous things. He wants to make our military bigger and stronger. As if it isn't already TOO big and strong?!
      Second, he has often said. "I had no choice. I had to do it." That shows a man that is not open to reason, debate, and alternative approaches.
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
        Too big and strong, compared to what? Where do you get the idea that the US military needs to be somehow equivalent to other militaries? Is this more of that "war needs to be fair" nonsense? War needs to be WON. Period. And as quickly and painlessly as possible. That requires an overwhelming level of force against anyone stupid enough to entertain fantasies about attacking us.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
          It's too big and too strong to perform its rightful, constitutional duties. It has become something far beyond that, and it's surplus equipment has turned our communities into military occupied territories. Do you not see this?
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
            Do you know what rightful constitutional duty is? It is not plural it's singular.

            From the Oath, you can see that you will be defending the Constitution - not a person.

            "I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

            The Oath of Office (for officers):

            (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of ___ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

            Sorry. The Constitution was thought worth the effort. I guess you are on your own. Uncle Sam has us slated for other parts of the world.

            "Those who treat their military despicably train their military to despise them." A true statement which is why the Oath doesn't include anyone in or out of government.

            US Army cutting to 450,000 in the next few years. No More Cannon Fodder.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
        Everyone seems to forget that the word Trump uses the most in his less -than-memorable oratory is "negotiate." While, like every one of the other candidates except Rand Paul, Trump does make warlike noises, he emphasizes the importance of "making the deal" with other countries, and not being "stupid," entering conflicts that make no sense. If anything, his calls for a more powerful military reflects Thomas Jefferson's admonition that those who want peace should be well prepared for war. Trump has said on more than one occasion that he wants a military so powerful that no one would want to enter into a fight with us.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
        Our military does indeed need some boosting; it has not been up to the jobs it's been asked to do lately, and the next world war is due any time now.

        I believe Cruz and Rubio want to give it more money, too. But not Paul. Not sure about Christie, Bush, and the rest.
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        • Posted by zagros 9 years, 3 months ago
          I think that there is a difference between giving the military what it needs to do the job and giving it more money. The military does not need more money. It needs to have a more clearly defined, less broad mission and cut those ancillary programs that are unnecessary for the achievement of those aims, while redirecting resources to those areas that need strengthening. As for World War III, it will happen only if we are too stupid to let it happen. The terrorists cannot cause the downfall of the US -- only the US can do that to itself (one way to do that is to try to make war on ALL Muslims, for example, rather than just treat the cancer that is the terrorists). In fact, there are only two countries in the world who could engineer World War III against the US: China and Russia. China is not going to do it. They like trade with the US way too much and are smart enough not to go too far with saber-rattling. Russia, on the other hand, might overplay its hand and we could end up with a World War that no one really wants but everyone marches towards nonetheless, not unlike how the First World War actually started.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      He's a RIno. Rino's are leftists, Leftists use war in their cycle of economic and political repression why does Trump get a pass? If anything he's a looter and the industries will have to pony up a little mordida here a little dash there. Media will go along and so will the Ivy Leaguers. When people's reactions are best described in books by Pavlov, why wouldn't he take advantage. It's a sweet and well oiled set up. Edit I forgot the three B's Bush Bubba and Bush. Hillary and he rest of the still following the script candidates will do the same. Most of them are best explained by the same books.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    Was there ever any doubt where a Trump armed with Obama's powers will take us?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      Apparently for many, there is at least far too much ignorance on the question!
      Who was it who said the story of civilization is the battle of the individual against the state? Doesn't matter what 'side' or cause the State may be on at any particular time.
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
      I wonder what you said in 2008 about Obama? Were you as circumspect about him (in which case you'd have known that he was a non-starter) as you're being about Trump and the others, or were you snookered into the lemming herd?
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        It was not complimentary nor were my comments on his opponent. Neither were acceptable. What we did was vote for none of the above and then spread the idea that a no confidence vote by not voting destroys credibility. That is slowly working. The goal is raise the 30-35 percent non participation in presidential elections to 50% plus and the off year from 50% to 70%. Which; means the winner has to be a plurality and not a majority even with winner take all. So assume best conditions for a candidate is less than 50% minus the independent voters assume at best a 40 percent turnout of the party faithful Rino and Dino or a 21 percent needed to win.

        After that it's self explanatory. No landslides, no mandates. The goal is to destroy the present system and return to open elections with real choice. If it destroys the nation? That's happening anyway. Best part is our little group has no contact with each other once the guidelines were agreed to but judging from the articles, comments, and headlines and the percentage movements it's working.

        One prime area is military people. One question then open discussion. "What would it take for you to uphold your oath of office?"

        A second target area is called - enablers or toilet flushers.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
          Your question (about upholding one's oath of office) may hold the key to the highest point of leverage. Are you familiar with the Oath Keepers organization? I've been watching them for a while. They deserve serious attention and respect, IMO.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
          The flaw in the thinking of the non-voting crowd is that the electoral process doesn't account for missing votes. If only three voters showed up at a state poll, and two voted for one of the opposing candidates, that "winner" takes all of the electoral votes. The media might decry the lack of voter enthusiasm, but the political class would still enter office, whether the non-voters wanted it or not.

          The best way to better insure realistic representation is to change the electoral college system by requiring a candidate win a congressional district in order to garner that district's electoral vote. Setting a minimum number of votes cast as a ratio of the district's population in order for an electoral vote to be permitted at all would enable a "none of the above" strategy to work, as a failure to gain enough electoral votes to constitute a majority would invalidate an election.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
            Agreed BUT the sequence is...

            Cease Enabling
            Take Control
            Make Changes

            The point behind the under vote be it No Confidence or None of the Above is to force a change and the only way to do that is a real two party system and honest elections.

            That's not going to come from the extreme left democrats and such but might come from the right wing of the left IF some current Republicans form their own separate party affiliation and make a firm stand of being Constitutionalist not just in word but in deed.

            Which brings us back to destroying their credibility with the under vote... For the top two spots that's left. Coupled with never voting for one of those two leftist parties at any level in any election.etc etc. A lot more can be done within the local district and oh yes IF the legal vote buying scheme is stopped.

            Lots of if's but the rest of the methods get an F for failure. Failing yourself primarily
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            • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
              Michael, your concept is good in theory but that's it's main problem. The status quo will never allow a fundamental change to the election or electoral process (which includes vote buying). I think you are very naive to think this strategy will work. Even if someone is in power with a minority representation, they still are in power.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
                And if the status quo wakes up and find that power is gone?

                Power is elusive and the concept of 'having power' is often an illusion, a self defeating cloud of judgement. To maintain power means maintaining control so let's talk about power. To have power requires either a protective echelon or a standard security force. Both may have civilian (LEA) and military components. In our case the first example hasn't developed enough and the second example even cut in half is fully developed. The rule is take care of your security forces and they will take care of you. Treat them despicably and they will despise you in return.

                Who has more divisions? The military or status quo? Who would the bulk of Law Enforcement support? Who has the legal right, duty and responsibility to take action and under what circumstances?

                Who has the right, the duty, the responsibility and all they have to do is declare a counter revolution. Is it any more difficult to imagine than a socialist takeover. That's almost an accomplished fact.The only power status quo has is what is given to them. Take it away it 's yesterdays news. It will make no difference to the public. To make it easier status quo has given away that protection. And replaced it with what?

                The controlling factor for the military the protection for the government has always been the Constitution. The oath is taken to that document and nothing else. It serves as check until it is gone. Then it's open season. Every day every violation tears down the shield wall and makes status quo an open target.

                To think other wise is not only naive it's arrogant. Taking over the government was an open topic of discussion in the barracks back when Carter was President. We always managed to guide the conversation back to the oath of office. These days? If Status Quo is counting on protection from that which this administration has openly disrespected and despised both Constitution and soldiers

                To think only one side has all the power and ignore the one entity that can legally act if they so choose is worse than naive it's foolish. There is not too much except for that oath of office to stop them.

                So I'm Naive because I try to introduce other options. Remember that when a speech from the oval office features someone with lot of stars on their collar sitting behind that big desk saying "My fellow Americans...

                I'm going to run my flag to the top of the mast and then salute it. I refer to those suggestions as lack of confidence or none of the above. In the military we referred to it as the no more cannon fodder creed.

                and for the women it's no more baby factories. You are not excluded.
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                • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
                  Thanks Michael. I think I understand you better now. Did you see the recent news article from Seymore Hersh about the rebellion in the military--sending our intelligence about our "moderate" Arab allies to Russia, so they could be attacked in defense of Syria's Assad?
                  A military coup seems within the realm of possible, which is incredible paradoxically. But then I happen to belleve that we already had that happen in 1963.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
                    Not a coup. That's illegal. A legal method would be a counter-revolution according to it's oath of office. Recall the military swears loyalty only to the Constitution - nothing else. The country may find itself dragged kicking and screaming back to Constitutional Republic status like it or not. The only part missing is how many real soldiers were cut and how many careerists were retained. That portion will be their problem to deal with. Real Soldiers refer to anyone in any service who are 'warriors' not 'servant class.' Except the Coast Guard as they are part of the Protective Echelon not the military forces of the country. Just floating LEA's
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
    Interesting analysis.
    Perhaps I missed it, but I think the author should have gone one step further to expose that the political forces of American government (Dems, Neocons, RINOs, etc) are not the forces behind the path to the dark side. They are puppets, and the real danger to individual liberty and to free markets is allowing America to commit suicide on orders from Palpatine's new world order.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      It was intentional I assure you. If ET were selected as the next member of the Supreme Court (and it would be legal) we'd see movies about extra-terrestrial ham'n'eggers.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
    "We ourselves are mired in war, crisis, and insecurity."
    I agree with almost everything in the article. We respond as if were facing terrifying perils even though we are not Actually, as American history and human history go, we're in a time of peace, amazing prosperity, falling crime, and increased security. In my lifetime, the average citizen's chance of being a victim of violence of any kind has dramatically decreased. It concerns me that people act so terrified. If something truly terrifying happened, I wonder if we would just self-distruct. We're ought to be braver.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
      In my longer lifetime the average citizen's chance of violence of any kind has increased, not decreased, along with the decrease of individual liberty and personal responsibility.
      Technology has reduced the chances of dying due to disease and accident, but death as a (possibly unintended) consequence of politically based irrational legislation is greater. I suspect that the much higher incidence of violence in media has also had a negative effect.
      OTOH, I could be wrong. It could be that the death statistics are down, but the media ahs been successful at creating greater fear than is warranted.
      Property crimes are down, imo, because the worst offenders have manipulated the law to legalize their crimes.
      (Looking for links to data on this issue and will post when I find them. Please post any pertinent valid statistics links you find on this here.)
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      • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
        It's been 4 years since I saw it, but SUICIDE is the tragic leading or dominant cause of death for many demography in the US. More dramatically with our military vets and enlisted people. If terrorists were killing 20+ people/day, wouldn't we hear more about it?
        If I can find an active link again to the stats I'll post gem here. They were very sobering and depressing. The point is that most of our suffering is self-imposed. That goes for individuals as well as our nation.
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        • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
          It's likely that suicide is the result of over medicating our population. While you're looking into it, check out the increase in psych drugs with the increase in violence and suicide. Let's know what you find.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
            Yes, I can't prove it (and probably can't find clear evidence or proof of cause and effect) but I believe that's a key driver. You realize that there are huge interests and forces at work which want to actively evade, deny, or hide any relation between drugs and negative consequences, right? Take an honest look at all of the mass shootings and how many of those people were on mind-altering drugs. But we don't see any efforts or attention in the media to restrict those, do we?
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      • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
        The statistics (according to Steven Pinker) show a general decline in violent deaths from 100 people/year per 100,000 in the Middle Ages to 1 person per year (Europe - same geographic sample is the MA one) per 100K now. The graph is not smooth, however, and wars increase the average for the span of their existence.

        What is different is the media distribution of information and the cultural change: The earlier you go in human history, the more likely that the 'other guy' was not considered 'really human' and hence it was OK to kill them without let or hindrance. We now consider all humans to be...well...human.

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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
          Except for the evil enemy flavor of the year, courtesy of major media propaganda. For example, anthropomorphic climate change deniers are inhuman and deserve to die to save the chosen.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
            I had not thought of that. Huh- you are frighteningly right. It is a new flavor of religious war.

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            • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
              Defending liberty isn't easy and its a lifetime calling. Elites, monarchs, religious icons, dictators, "gods", and god's "chosen ones" hate competition from mere mortals, serfs, slaves.
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              • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
                The denigration of the opponent into 'not human' and hence 'not covered by human rights' is something that had not occurred to me. Thank you for that terrifying insight. I think.

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          • Posted by zagros 9 years, 3 months ago
            Gee, and I thought it was the anthropomorphic climate change believers (and other neo-Malthusians) who were inhuman because the inescapable logic of following their proposals will lead to only one inextricable conclusion: mass genocide. I have actually had conversations with such people who tell me that the global carrying capacity is 500 million people and we need to reach that level of population within 30 years or we all will die. When I ask them where they plan to have all the concentration camps for carrying out their Hitleresque final solution and how they are going to decide which people will live and die, they look at me as though I'm the insane person in the room....
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