Die Already, by Robert Gore
If she’s elected, Hillary Clinton will be 69 years old when she takes office. The policies she espouses—government control of everything, spending other people’s money, going further into debt, and making war—are more tired than her lifeless eyes and sagging flesh. Her political party, once epitomized by the youthful vigor of John F. Kennedy, has become a flock of cynical vultures, feasting on rotting government and the dying American economy while cackling their saprophytic political philosophy: “More corpses.” It is symbolic that the current administration’s crowning “achievement” has been government hijacking for Democrats’ political advantage the system that administers to the sick and the dying.
This is an excerpt. For the rest of the article please click the link above.
This is an excerpt. For the rest of the article please click the link above.
The following find was most enlightening~
By the way, "Die Already" was one of the best articles this 68-year-old can recall reading.
Now we must ask: how can Objectivism be the cleansing agent for the philosophical rot covering the globe? Or has the "virtuous selfishness" meme encouraged indifference to the inflicting of generational damage and led to our present-day collectivist cannibalism?
Typos have been corrected. As for what Objectivism can do, it is my long held conviction that when the herd wants to run off the cliff, a Texas Stadium-sized crowd of Objectivists singing the Ayn Rand chorus is not going to stop them. You have to let the herd go where they're going to go; if you don't you'll get run over. That's not to say we should stop singing. When it's time to rebuild, Objectivists will be the only ones with the knowledge necessary to erect a new structure and the credibility that will come from having consistently espoused the philosophy that will serve as the structure's foundation.
burden; I never wanted to be on Social Security; but they cut people at the plant, and the employ-
ment (which I started taking at the former employ-
er's insistence) ran out; and I thought, let those
people who keep voting in those welfate-statist
politicians pay for it, until I get a job. It would
have been depressing enough to have read that
article yesterday, when I turned 64. I am still
trying to get a job. I have no confidence in edu-
cation, considering all the tech courses I have
taken in my time, which have done me no good.
I consider education a big swindle.
So don't feel badly....like unemployment insurance and disability insurance it's something owed to you not the other way around.
The burden is on those who receive it and paid nothing of whom the primary recipient is Government..
The post baby boomers are just as bad, if not worse.
long gone; as I understand it, it went to other peop-
le while I was paying it in. It didn't sit there, wait-
ing for me in a box. So I still don't feel good about
it. But I am still physically very strong; in fact, I
lift weights (in my home, I have no gym mem-
bership,nor do I need one). There is no reason I
could not do a job. But I hear that employers
don't want to pay some kind of insurance on
older people. If the government would just leave
everybody alone, jobs would be considerably
more plentiful.
Not a bad idea to have KEY cabinet position candidates debate as well. Could have kept us out of this current position.
I also don'[t agree with Spieaker of the House preceding the Senate for the same reason.
In fact I would put the order as Pres. Vice Pres. Senators, Governors, Representatives. What's the average amount of voters in a Coingressional District? Are they representative of the entire State never mind the nation. Consider Pelosillynni Two potheads and a toker. she';s re-elected. At least with their Senators it takes some illegals to balance out the state.
Analogy or an actual connection?
Works for me.
Seems that slavery is too mild of a word for it since I consider the current tax rates slavery.
Another fine article SL!