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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 10 months ago
    I will admit being put off by the opening slam on creationists. It's a common cheap shot. I'm an agnostic so certainly not a creationist but I have to think that if there were a God who was capable of creating the entire universe and everything in it he would also be able to create a genetic record and fossil record that would reflect whatever he, in his infinite wisdom, wanted.

    Nothing you can find can prove that the Earth wasn't created 6,000 years ago by an omnipotent God. The key word is omnipotent.
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    • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 10 months ago
      My neighbor is an employee of the Mormon Church and is involved in their genealogy project of attempting to record the entire history of mankind ( Public records get a little hazy after a few generations unless you find a connection to royal blood. In playing with their computer program, I found branches of ancestors that went all the way back to Adam and he was documented to having born in 4000 BC. His father was listed as God, so there you are. Mankind is 6015 years old and I am directly related to God.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
      the intrigue of our little pup having a long previous history
      was what I enjoyed about this -- after I got over the early
      slam, as you rightly call it. . if our little Fuzzybutt is carrying genes
      modified 33 thousand years ago, it's a cause for a tad more respect! -- j
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