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Through a totalitarian government the people living in misery are kept there because if they produce (which would end the misery) they will, likely at first, make less money than if they live through theft.
We are there today, we are just in the early stages, much as we were to the point that a business could no longer operate within the law with any degree of confidence when the Sherman act of 1890 was passed. It took 50 years for businesses to really feel the pain of the anti-trust law that stemmed from the Sherman act, but the country took a grand step towards totalitarianism when that bill was passed.
In the last 8 years that step has been completed. We are now seeing early signs of the totalitarian government creating a dystopian society.
Unlike the author I am not so certain that we will not run the full course of the roman empire. Unless we the people get up and go vote, get up and run for public office if you have the skills to change things, get up and go to our local political meetings... unless we do it, and in large numbers I think we will see the full development of a novel like dystopian society in the US.