Socialists are Lazy: Meet the new German Progressive Alliance

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Economics
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So why do any of the people function under Socialist International, or the Progressive Alliance have an equal seat at the table with America if they are not equally productive? The answer is that they shouldn’t, because they are essentially lazy next to the productive and are not equal by any measure. And that is a hard truth that the socialists of the world do not wish to consider because it forces a hard truth about themselves which they are not willing to consider. And the truth hurts. There are some of these progressive groups in America, groups like Progress Ohio and the Texas Progressive Alliance, (CLICK THE LINK BELOW), who seek to destroy capitalism to fulfill the intentions of global socialists. They are the cause of the current ideological civil war currently underway in America as they have captured the sympathies of the media and are in virtually every public school and labor union. It is the lazy against the productive and the productive are in the minority—extremely. And they still carry the economies of the world on their back in spite of the ingratitude of the socialist and progressive groups—which is testimony which confirms the truth in all its glory.

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  • Posted by Lucky 11 years ago
    OMW, while your general theme is ok, you and your sources are out-of-date wrt Australia.

    The party of 'Julia the Red' and 'Kevin 07' was defeated in last year's election. The new prime minister is Tony Abbott.

    Julia the Red: exactly as you describe.
    Kevin 07: tho' a member of the same party believes in nothing except what will get himself elected.
    Tony Abbott: member of the Liberal party (=conservative) is by no means a free marketer, but O, Hillary, etc. would be easily to the left of Abbott. The Lib party favors a lot of government control along the lines of the US Demo/Republicans. such control is not by the unions and socialist/progressivists but by big business. That is, yes maybe a sort of socialism but run by pragmatic people so it will not collapse in the short term. A critic could say therefore worse as it prolongs the agony.
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