Ruminations on the 90's kids
Posted by jeffdhurley1 9 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
Within social media you see many postings ,funny ones sad ones some that should never have seen the light of day . But one today made me pause . It was small posted by a friend that is the 20's age wise . The idea is that '90's kids are bitter about life now as adults . They are the bridge between their non tech parents and their techie kids. They remember the great times growing up before you had to stay inside , before virtual life overtook real life . They feel lied to by the old guard that said that if they went to college and worked hard they would be successful . They feel that the crash in 2008-2009 took that from them. A vast majority have ceased to believe in the "american dream" and no longer take it as a core belief that they will make it . You might think I am about to launch an old codger rant . I am not . It is harder to make it now . An ever more intrusive Government has , with the best of intentions, stifled much of the innovation and growth that used to generate traditional higher wages . Speculation in real estate has driven , and federal reserve rate juggling has kept pushing, housing prices to rise faster than wage growth . The high cost of college, driven again by easy Govt. guaranteed loans rather than actual market driven pricing , has caused many to graduate with a debt load unheard of by previous generations. Many of these graduates are answering the siren call of socialism to answer their problems . A leader says that you have been wronged , that greedy rich people have ripped you off and if we take their money and give it to you all will be OK .. But it will not be .Sooner more often than later the money runs out . The ultra rich are gone , the rich are gone , the well off are gone and those just getting by become the new rich . I mean why should YOU be able to buy food with your own money when some one else is going hungry . Why should you drive a newer car ( that you scrimped and saved and starved for so you could maybe get a better job ) when others have no transportation. Ok I am sounding a bit ranty . But here is the deal..... It is harder now .. but you can make it . We as a nation have, for the most part, become so used to the opportunity available that we no longer see it . Stories abound of people coming here from other countries cannot speak the language have no connections and little or no money , and become millionaires . If they can do it? what can't we ,why cant you ? They work hard sure , but working hard does not make you successful . If that was the case ditch diggers would be trillionairs. College is important but many non graduates are very successful. So what is the difference? why are some making it and many others with much better prospects do not.? Part of it is answered within an earlier statement .You no longer believe you can . You think you can ...if the right job or the right person or the right whatever .. You think you can... but do not BELIEVE it . You have to know what you want out of this life , set that goal, gain the knowledge to reach it and believe with every fiber of your being that you will make it no matter what .... you must desire that outcome with a white hot heat that setbacks cannot quench . So you failed today.... WRONG ..... you figured out on more way not to reach you goals . You do not have to try that way again . Your family says you are not good enough? ..shake them off ! YOU know that you are good enough ,you believe in your self and you believe that it will be alright in the end. You will sacrifice . You may not have the best car , or the latest smart phone , or be able to go out and eat every night . That is not a bad thing! You are heading to wards your life dream desire it with passion, tempered with reason . You know that you will have your desires someday and you will own them not be paying for them monthly .... you are willing to work harder than the next guy to make it . Be the first one in .. be the last to leave ... take on more responsibility . Make yourself worth more to those who hired you . It takes time . But the dream is alive... people reach it every day . If you have that desire that belief that work ethic You will live your dreams . It is up to you ....can you do it you have the intestinal fortitude to gird up your loins spit on your hands and grab this life to wring every bit of juice out that you can. Will you choose to live your dreams .
You've stated many things that have been taught out of kids since the 90's. It is no wonder they feel this way. A trophy for all, there are no losers, political correctness, etc. Do I need to say more?