Check out the new law that Obama quietly signed over the weekend
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 3 months ago to Legislation
?? What are they predicting? I'm going to verify this by getting the PDF of HR 22 and read it for myself. This is insane.
I hear you. That is what I am doing, but it is very difficult to curb my natural inclination to be productive. Such a shame and a waste...
It does feel that way sometimes. Doesn't it?
They hate when somebody with money leaves.
Just ask Al Sharpton..
Subtitle A—Tax Provisions
(a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter D of chapter 75 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following
new section:
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—If the Secretary receives certification by
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that an individual has a
seriously delinquent tax debt, the Secretary shall transmit such
certification to the Secretary of State for action with respect to
denial, revocation, or limitation of a passport pursuant to section
32101 of the FAST Act...
pages 418-422 of 490 pages in "H.R.22 To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes"
found at
passed Senate 83-116, House 359-65
roll call Senate
roll call House
Sens. Paul, Cruz, Rubio all opposed.
Revoking passports is not the only controversial element in this massive "transportation" spending bill.
I like to see how senators and reps of other states vote. I NEVER have to check the roll calls to find out how my senators and reps vote. If it's socialist/facist or any type of Leviathan "ist" - they vote for it. All for the good and the safety of the people, of course.
I fell down the rabbit hole years ago and landed in Connecticut. I didn't think anything could beat the Detroit Metro area. I was wrong. It is far more quiet and insidious here...and always served up politely with a slight placating smile.
They want the power, they want the authority, but they don't want to be held accountable. That's what I call BS. It's as if there are teenagers in congress making laws.
Governments will always stretch any rule to it's fullest extent. That is one of the best reasons to have a smaller government and less rules. But to exempt themselves from prosecution if they wrongly accuse is simply tyrannical.
You may be giving them too much credit as teenagers. Sounds more like toddlers to me. :)
In my opinion, elected officials are not doing their job to vote on any bill that they have not read. I have no problem with them asking for others advise, in fact I think that is equally important but to not read every word of a bill is a huge disservice to the American people. That is their only job and we would be better served if they spent more time reading bills and less time in front of the camera.
I think "Time's Up" for the looters
No way I'm voting for those fascist thugs.
I find it quite telling that the government can't use the Visa or passport program as designed and adequately screen out terrorists, while I have the distinct feeling that they will be more effective at using it to keep us locked up here... all while they absolve themselves of any liability for abuse too...
I'm sure I'll fill moved to do it again~
when the masses storm the bastille even then they in the government will not learn.or understand why it is happening. maybe we should redirect the muslim activity to the washington area.
the law itself says that it can't be challenged, it
still could on Constitutional grounds. As,for ins-
tance "private property...taken for public use with-
out just compensation." Also due process, and
other grounds.--But it's not too surprising. With
only about a year left in office, Obama will prob-
ably try to pull all the s--- he can.
allowed the usaf to discharge an officer for simply being
in the neighborhood of a sexual assault, without proof
that he had any part in it. . he was a co-worker in the
reserves with me, and they solicited me for collusion,
but I did not help them. . and I could not stop them.
I was able to continue on to Lieutenant Colonel,
but he was kicked out at Major. -- j
And if every country is just like the others (tyrannical, oppressive, etc) where then, does one go? Yep, the self-proclaimed elites have already planned for this, decades ago I'm afraid. This is the "global village" that Hellary was referring to...where everybody is a slave, no matter where they go.