Captain America: Winter Soldier

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago to Movies
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I have mixed feelings about the title of this sequel.
My initial, gut-reaction was that it was more propaganda by the perverts* (known to most as, "the left"). The phrase "Winter Soldier" leaves a foul taste in my mouth, the kind of taste you get when you discover that the hot chick you're kissing is really Adolph Hitler. Only worse.

But, before leaping to conclusions, I watched another youtube video:

This one explains the history of the "Winter Soldier"; a brainwashed American 5th-columnist (only this one brainwashed by the Soviets rather than by domestic perverts). Apparently, he's been a super agent fighting against us in every campaign we've had.

Hm... wait a minute... kind of like the historic "Winter Soldiers" who slandered their own country in a most treasonous way. (Hello John effing Kerry).

David Horowitz was involved with the leftist anti-American (aka, "anti-war") movement, until, I guess, he grew up. Find and read his article, "Another Low, Dishonest Decade on the Left" (I found it in Volume VII of "There Will Be War", subtitle "Call to Battle!", but I'd bet it's somewhere online).
In it, he describes the traitorous behavior of the anti-war movement and just how wrong the pieces of garbage were. (no, I will not even attempt to disguise my utter hatred for these perverts).

Here is a website explaining the real life "Winter Soldier" campaign:

And here's a 2004 article by David Horowitz on FrontPage's website:
(Warning, khalling; his article may make you cry).

Now, here's the part I haven't mentioned, yet. So prepare to be offended.

I freaking HATE "Captain America". I hate him with a passion. I despise him. Multiple reasons.

First, he is an insult to the memory of the REAL Captain America: Audie Murphy. Audie Murphy was the same skinny kid that none of the forces wanted during WWII. He got stuck in the infantry, who didn't want him either.

But he didn't have any weirdo psychedelic drugs turn him into a bodybuilider freak. All he had was courage and a paternal instinct that wouldn't quit. He became America's most decorated solider, and he didn't get his awards decades after the fact to help the political agenda of perverts. HE WAS THE SUPERHERO.

Sorry, I got incensed...
So, this sequel has nothing to do with that winter soldier campaign... but...

it appears the villain works for... Evil Corporation, Inc.
Robert Redford, in the trailer, warns that trying to bring about a new order makes enemies.

A real Captain America would give his life to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. The whole idea of SHIELD is that we need some paternal organization to protect us; we can't fight our own battles.

So, overall, this will no doubt be a pervert propaganda piece. But it'll have lots of action and explosions, and a hawt redhead doing all kinds of gymnastic stuff. So I'm sure it'll be a hit w/o my ticket purchase.

I'd place a small wager that someday the actor playing Captain America will come out of the closet. It's the kind of thing the perverts would delight in.

Off-topic but related, an irony which galls me no end, since I had a 2nd cousin at Pearl and two uncles who fought in the Pacific... did you know that the rights to "G.I. Joe" belong to a Japanese company? That's why it's become a pack of weirdos fighting made-up villains, instead of American fighting men combating America's enemies around the globe.

*RE: Pervert... When I'm particularly incensed at the left, I call them "perverts". This is not ad-hominem. Leftists, for some reason, have a compulsion to pervert things. An obsessive-compulsive sees a crooked picture on the wall, he has to straighten it. A leftist see a straight picture on the wall, he has to tilt it.


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