What happens after race-based admissions policies lose in the Supreme Court? Scheduled for Ground Hog Day 2016.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago to Government
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What happens after race-based admissions policies lose in the Supreme Court?

Cara Gallagher a contributor to another site wrote the following. I brought it over here to the Gulch.

This year, Groundhog Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 9th. That’s the day Fisher v. The University of Texas at Austin – a case that tests the use of race in admissions processes – returns to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case heads back to the SCOTUS Wednesday only two years since Fisher I. The University received a warning shot last time when a 7-1 majority remanded the case back to the lower court ordering the UT prove the only way to achieve a “critical mass” of diverse students was to do so using race as a factor in their admissions process.

That was in June of 2013. Since then UT hasn’t changed its admissions processes and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled again last summer that the school’s use of race passed constitutional muster.

So what does this mean? It means the SCOTUS was being conciliatory last time and likely won’t be so understanding this time.

UT is going to lose this case, sending affirmative-action policies on college campuses across America into a tailspin. But not a death spiral.
SOURCE URL: http://jonathanturley.org/2015/12/06/what-happens-after-race-based-admissions-policies-lose-in-the-supreme-court/#more-95326

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