How America was founded

Posted by Rozar 10 years, 11 months ago to History
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Hey I was wondering if any one has heard of something like this before.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 11 months ago
    The frightening thing is that most of the younger generation uses these sources as what they think is real history, sort of like Jon Stewart's show passing for news (funny, but lacking in objectivity).

    The worst part about this is that the storyteller is telling his audience not to believe anything they read about the Revolution, so any challenge for them to research for themselves is off the table, because they're being told everything is a lie (including the claims of Monarchial abuse cited in the Declaration of Independence). This is kind of the Progressive version of "conspiracy theory", making anything positive about the beginning of the country suspect.
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 11 months ago
      Right on Stewart, but network new is also NOT objective. Having worked in the profession, I am not sure there is an objective news source. The minute a reporters writes the story, it is contaminated by their view, which is then further altered by the paginator, who drops sentences for space. This is all after the controls on the editors by the owners, who are likely in the Bilderberg camp. All these people likely went to public school, which has not taught accurate nor complete history for year. Yet, look at the Hollywood types who weigh in our our government. I heard Streisand hired someone to tell her what her foreign policy views should be - what, she can't read with all her spare time? TV news is even worse, since it deals in short soundbites, with writers of the news and then readers of the news.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 11 months ago
        Agree about the news. I usually scan Le Figaro, Der Spiegel, and the UK online news to get a different perspective, and find some stories that never make it to U.S. news media, about things happening in the U.S.!

        My point is that we have a majority of young who listen only to their source of choice, and have closed minds with respect to world view.
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 11 months ago
    Nothing is ever as simple as that, or as complicated either. "Revolution" was just the natural thing to do at the time, simply saying "we wanna work for our own, and not for their gain". And when "they" is as abstract as a ruler that has six months delay on his orders well, revolution is easy. Just the natural thing to do really...
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  • Posted by jsw225 10 years, 11 months ago
    Not a bad commentary, but it skipped over an important fact. The colonists didn't just go to war with England. All of the real fighting began when England attempted to seize the Colonists' arms, ammunition and gun powder. The whole thing might have blown over had they not done that 1 thing.
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  • Posted by exindigo 10 years, 11 months ago
    Total BS. There is a program called "Drunk History" that is factually more informative than this BS. Does history gloss over or distort known "facts" about a situation? It depends on the direction the historian takes when describing the event. Many myths we have about the founders were based on folk tales, songs, paintings and other anecdotal descriptions of an actual event. Paul Rever's ride is one such element as is Washington's Delaware crossing.

    Sometimes for younger ages, history is made accessible and a lot of back story is whitewashed because younger minds simply cannot grasp ramifications of nuanced explanations. Basically they have no history to be able to evaluate history. That doesn't make the stories wrong in essence but wrong in specifics.
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  • Posted by brs02 10 years, 11 months ago
    Ok, wow... where to start? The Declaration of course, but off hand we could also talk about the housing of British soldiers in US households against the will of the owners... resulting in the 2nd and 3rd Amendments to the Constitution, the rolling over into the 4th.
    On Ben Franklin, that's just strategy, "Oh yeah sorry we're actually quite upset, planning a revolution, and I am part of it... good day, see you tomorrow."
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 11 months ago
    It is the delight of the progressives to make the USA the villain in every aspect of history. It's pretty easy to do because history is taught minimally in public schools. When my kids were going to school many years ago, Lincoln was given one paragraph in their history book in "social studies" class. I'll bet it hasn't gotten better since. They are particularly joyful to denigrate the founding fathers, by saying this one had slaves, that one was a roué, etc. Who is out there telling the truth about the miraculous country they founded with a Constitution that was and still is the foundation of the first minimally flawed free society in the history of the world? Funny? It doesn't make me laugh, it makes me angry, but then, I'm a cranky old guy.
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    • Posted by exindigo 10 years, 11 months ago
      People, in general, forget that most "progressives" are really socialists who have a self-interest in the system adopting their views. In that way, they subscribe to Ayn Rand as much as any Libertarian. However, they don't admit to self-interest and instead hide behind an altruistic mask of "fairness" that really doesn't exist. In that sense, Progressivism is delusion.
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  • Posted by g4lt 10 years, 11 months ago
    ITT More anti-progressivism from people who clearly aren't the target audience of _Cracked_. Does nobody actually remember _Cracked_ magazine? It was a juvenile humor magazine that was basically an alternative to _Mad_, so they now grew up, and still do juvenile humor. The stated nothing contrafactual, they just glossed over the facts they couldn't hammer into dick jokes and whoopie cushions. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and not a progressive conspiracy to make you think Cuba doesn't suck so badly.
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