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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 9 months ago
    Mark Steyn in his book "America Alone" spells out just how Europe will cease to be as we know it, and the key to it's defeat will be in the sheer numbers.

    European nations are not replacing their own populations, while Muslim immigrants are breeding like rabbits. At some point the Muslims 'win', out of majority voting power.

    No revolution needed here...just patience and the misguided humanitarianism of the host nations.

    Good luck to you, mate!
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    • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
      Might have to buy that. Thanks. What disturbs me is the fact that the majority of 'working class' Brits will naturally vote Labour because of their 'entitlement' mentality, whereas the so called intelligent middle class are the ones who are brainwashed into thinking that humanitarianism & embracing diversity is the way forward. It's a lose lose situation. But of course, saying this automatically makes me a 'racist bigot'.
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      • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 9 months ago
        We may be 'sister' nations, but we certainly have different demographics attacking a common problem. Our 'salt of the earth' working class has no stomach for the liberal b.s., but once they get unionized, they cease to think for themselves. This trend is on the downside, thank heavens, as unions are losing ground outside of the three major entrenched mob run organizations.

        Your nation has such a long history, that we don't have. It could very well be that we are right 'in step' to end up where you are, even though some elements of your 'history' were the catalyst for our Rebellion against the King. It seems that there could be some truth to the warning that "history repeats itself"...?

        The one adage that I will always believe in is that "we get the government that we deserve."

        The second adage that I will take to my grave is: "when your leaders cease to fear in God, it is time to fear your leaders..." This one I coined.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
          Well I can't really call England a Christian country any more. We've embraced so many other cultures now (permitted them to rule our lives). Within a decade or so, there'll be very little left of 'British culture'. I don't consider that racist (although it 'seems' like the majority do), I consider it a great loss. It's throwing away our identity. Of course the older generations are pretty pissed off with the way things are but they won't be around forever so I guess we'll die out, unless of course enough Brits give enough of a damn & have enough balls to stand up & take our nation back. Sorry to say, I can't see that happening. Diversity has dug it's claws in deep & has assumed the right to slam anyone who disagrees with it. That's totally invasive. I've got nothing against anyone from another culture moving here, as long as they contribute & accept that this is England &, to coin a phrase, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'.
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          • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 9 months ago
            "Within a decade or so, there'll be very little left of 'British culture'. I don't consider that racist (although it 'seems' like the majority do), I consider it a great loss."

            The greatest loss of my lifetime.

            We are your partner, regardless of what our governments claim.

            I think of Churchill during the London attacks, when there was little hope of victory. The Battle of Britain had no really positive points, but the British found their mettle and turned the tide. Just as now, you had to do this for yourself...we were way too late, physically and philosophically.

            Never say 'never'...Winston will come back to haunt you!

            You have the legacy to do this
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            • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
              Well, the last time all hell broke loose, Thatcher came to save the day. Who will be next prime minister to kick the left into touch & the leeches out I wonder? The only possibility I see is Nigel Farage but I'll be VERY surprised if he gets anywhere near parliament. All of a sudden everyone hates the Tories & seeing as UKIP is mostly made up of Tory defectors, I doubt they stand a chance. It feels like Britain is 5 percent sane & 95 percent Leftist mob: at least that's the impression I get. I'll hang on to the fact that Thatcher appealed to the 'silent majority' - those who don't rant & spit venom & launch petitions & go on marches & kiss the arses of everything that will result in Britain's undoing. I live in hope.
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 9 months ago
        Yeah, I'm so offended I might fall onto my dago bum!

        Seriously, though, PC-ness is the most pervasive form of bigotry and racism going. And it has a stranglehold on the voices of those who would speak out, for fear of being painted with that vile brush.
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