The Ukraine: Live Free or Die

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Nobody's going to read this, probably, but what the hell.

The Ukraine has the means to defend itself from this Soviet aggression... if it has the willpower.

So long as the Russians are nibbling away, like Hitler did, the Ukraine probably won't be willing to even threaten the action necessary to defend themselves.

According to Bob Beckel and others, 35% of Europe's energy supply flows through the Ukraine. 7 out of 10 pipelines from Russia also go through the Ukraine.

To Russia: "Get out of our country, or we destroy every pipline from Russia, every refinery, every storage facility."

To the European Union: "Get them out of our country or we destroy every pipeline from Russia, every refinery, every storage facility in the country."

To the U.S. "Please provide us with the means to defend ourselves and, if necessary, destroy the oil facilities. Please back us politically in our defense of our sovereignty with a promise of helping us rebuild our infrastructure once the Russians are gone."

Will the European Union risk the cost of fuel skyrocketing? Will the Russians risk the permanent loss of revenue? Or at the very least, the extreme cost of rebuilding the infrastructure, during which years of revenue will be lost, while their former clients find other vendors?

"Scorched Earth" worked for the Russians. It can work for their victims.

But they have to do it quickly, before the Russians have too much military power in the Ukraine. While there are miles of pipeline which can be destroyed, to destroy enough to permanently cripple it will take some time and lots of attacks. They can't do that while running from the Soviet juggernaut.

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