Bill Ingram

Posted by wgingram1 11 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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It is difficult to be civil when the majority of the government is doing their best to bring us down to the lowest common denominator so that they can better control us. (eg - Agenda 21). I found out a long time ago to negotiate with people by being (first) reasonable and patient. When that fails (90% of the time) I go from Mr Nice Guy and a loud, angry, bordering on violence to let them know that the next step they don't want to see, Consequently they have ALWAYS backed down and become more reasonable and flexible in their thinking.

I do not like having to escalate to that second level but when I do deploy my "Mr Hyde" personality I walk away knowing that next time they might be more reasonable in the first place.

I do not negotiate on the Constitution and Liberty. We have lost the first and are just about ready to lose the little liberty we had left.

I will go down fighting and the trouble is that 99% or today's citizens haven't the backbone to stand and fight so I will go down alone if need be.

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  • Posted by Chortovka 11 years, 7 months ago
    You won't go down alone. I'm constantly amazed at the number of folks out there who (1) believe it will never happen, (2) if it does, they believe neighbors will be civilized when they run out of food, (3) the government will always take care of us, (4) the moochers will stay in their own neighborhoods, (5) Obama has our best interests at heart. I used to want to grab them and shake them until their teeth rattle. Now, I don't care. They'll have to survive on their own. I'm prepared and I don't share with moochers.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 7 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch Bill. You won't be going down alone Bill. I think you'll find that we here will stand.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      I sointly op so Olly.
      I can't seem to get anyone to take things seriously. Everyone seems to think it will happen but a few years in the future and then they will worry about it.

      I have established my defensive positions, escape routes, supply stashes. emergency supplies and insured that each back up has 2 - 3 (Minimum) alternatives.that I can rely on.

      I don't have to worry about living in the wild. I know how to hunt, prepare drinkable water, set bones and so some surgery. Have even some on myself after a bullet wound did not heal properly and I had to open it with my handy Swiss army knife and suture it back up.
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