Bursting Your Bush Bubble
Posted by WesleyMooch 12 years, 4 months ago to History
I'm voting for Gary Johnson because he represents real change and a real chance for a third party run in 2016. He needs our vote for the 5% in 2012 necessary to receive matching funds for 2016 that will, for one, ensure Johnson is in the 2016 debates.
Bush helped run this country far deeper into debt than all his predecessors combined, and Obama merely carried forward a mathematical trend. Things are only going to get worse under Romney.
You refused the good sense and leadership of Ron Paul, you got Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, opposed only by Ron Paul Lite (Gary Johnson -- who, unfortunately, is too damned accomodating to the eternal child, the American voter).
Bush helped run this country far deeper into debt than all his predecessors combined, and Obama merely carried forward a mathematical trend. Things are only going to get worse under Romney.
You refused the good sense and leadership of Ron Paul, you got Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, opposed only by Ron Paul Lite (Gary Johnson -- who, unfortunately, is too damned accomodating to the eternal child, the American voter).
I believe you are correct. We didn’t get this behemoth overnight and we aren’t likely to dismantle it swiftly either. I wish we were at the point where I could vote third party again. There was a point early in the primary season when I entertained the notion (flight of fancy) that perhaps the people and media were ready… In addition to small government candidates we need to support media outlets that support small government third party candidates. Otherwise the incurably ignorant masses will continue to follow the talking heads on their default TV channel straight into the voting booths without critical consideration or reservation…
I WILL NOT cast my vote for someone I consider EVIL... no matter how much more evil his opponent might be.
If you believe Romney really reflects your values, vote for him. If he does NOT reflect your values - voting for him is a refutation of your beliefs.
I consider the initiation of the use of force evil.
I believe when a government leader endorses the initiation of the use of force by government against its people that person is evil.
I consider a government "mandate" that forces citizens to purchase something against their will the initiation of the use of force.
You can dress up RomneyCare all you want... you can try to point out its benefits... you can attampt to show me how much worse the alternative might have been... in the final analysis, Mr. Romney endorsed the use of government mandate to force those who lived within his dominion to purchase something against their will.
You may not consider that evil... I do.
While I applaud your goal to get Obama "the hell out" I don't agree with the way you are going about it.
You misunderstand MY goal. In the post you are referencing, I did not state it was my GOAL to cast a vote that counted more than yours... I stated it as a fact... not a goal... and I stand by that statement.
I believe you are sincere in asking me this question. We simply have a different set of values. If you can show me where I am wrong in my thinking I will reevaluate my conclusion.
If he refuted his previous position and provided convincing explanations for his turnaround (the pivotpoint) I might reevaluate my opinion of him, but from what I have seen, he has only tried to paint his position with justifications.
As for there being another way to go about getting Obama out, I see that as a short-term goal that will ultimately not solve our long-term problem.
We are suffering from a cancer in this country... a widespread acceptance in collectivism, statism and altruism. Obama is merely one large lump of the cancer pervading our body-politic. Cutting out that lump will not save the patient.
Instead of using your considerable time and talents in a short-term goal, I would urge you to focus on the long-range goal of helping our friends and neighbors learn the truth.
I do not agree with EVERY facet of the current Libertarian Party's Platform... but NOTHING in that platform is what I could deem evil. I want my friends and neighbors to look... of their own accord... at the beliefs of the libertarian MOVEMENT. In doing so, many will discover for the first time in their lives that there is an alternative they could endorse.
1) Johnson draws votes from Romney. Wrong. Republicans and Democrats supply roughly equal numbers of votes to Johnson. Myth busted.
2) A vote for Johnson is a wasted vote. Untrue. If he can secure 5% of the popular vote, the Libertarian Party wins matching funds for 2016. This doesn't guarantee great success in 2016, but it's a helluva lot better than letting the two-party tyranny go unchallenged time after time after time.